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Saturday, March 29, 2014

WND RADIO Sheriff: Feds Can't Make Me Enforce Gun Control

‘It’s not my job to turn law-abiding firearms owners into criminals’

 Most Colorado sheriffs are refusing to enforce new gun-control laws they consider unenforceable, saying they will not treat every citizen like a felon and won’t change their plans even if a federal judge rules against them.
Fifty-five of Colorado’s 62 sheriffs are in agreement on refusing to enforce the law. Weld County Sheriff John Cooke said the new rules on magazine capacity and other issues make it impossible for authorities to make arrests even if they wanted to.
“They’ve turned law-abiding citizens into criminals,” Cooke said. “They banned magazines that hold more than 15 rounds and what they’ve said is that any magazine that can be readily converted to hold more than 15 rounds is illegal. Well, that’s 99.999 percent of all magazines. They have a base plate and a spring that you can remove to repair or clean. If you can do that, then that magazine is illegal to possess after Jan. 1, and you can’t buy any. How do we enforce that?
“There’s a grandfather clause in the law that says if you own a magazine before July 1, 2013, that’s more than 15 rounds, you’re allowed to keep it. How are my deputies going to know who bought that magazine before or after July 1? So we’re not putting any resources into it or making it a priority,” he said.
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'It's not my job to turn law-abiding firearms owners into criminals'

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