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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Imagine That!!! "Dirty" Harry Reid Shocked At People Becoming Up~Set With Him Calling 'Bundy Ranch' Supporters " Domestic Terrorists" !!!!!

 "Dirty" Harry Reid

Another Shocker, it is written by a CNN Reporter,,, OMG,,, OMG!

Washington (CNN) – Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid acknowledged Tuesday he is receiving what he called "ugly, vile, vulgar" threats after he labeled supporters of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy "domestic terrorists" last week.
"Each day that goes by, it's hard for me to comprehend how ugly, vile, vulgar, and threatening people are, sending letters to my home and making other threats," said the longtime Democratic senator from Nevada, speaking slowly to reporters, with long pensive pauses and even shaking his head.
"So I don't know who's mad at me, but it's a long list, I guess," Reid continued.

On Monday the U.S. Capitol police said it was looking into "threatening statements made toward Senator Reid."
Congressional sources say the threats began last week after Reid called Bundy's backers "domestic terrorists" for refusing to vacate federal land in Nevada that Bundy used to graze his cattle.
The Bureau of Land Management has been in a dispute with Bundy for 20 years over not paying fines and environmental issues. That came to a head three weeks ago when armed militia members came to Bundy's defense, joining in an old west style showdown with the authorities.
Reid's comments about Bundy riled conservatives, who had already hailed Bundy as a hero for fighting what they called government overreach. But most of those conservatives abandoned the rancher late last week after he made racist remarks about blacks, asking whether they were "better off as slaves."
As for the threats to Reid, he would not elaborate on their nature or the degree to which law enforcement is concerned.
Instead he said "what also bothers me is virtually every one of these horrible things they send has, they cite scripture," he said, holding up his hands. "They cite something out of the Bible. I mean, you try that one on. "
CNN Senior Congressional Producer Ted Barrett contributed to this report.

What about how Ugly, Vile, and Vulgar You "Politco Hacks" have become to the American People over the years?  Giving yourselves raises, unlimited perks, uncompromising spectacular Healthcare packages and lifetime salaries.  Good Grief, even 'Charlie Brown' would find this a bit unsettling.

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