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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Got Pills? BrasscheckTV: The World's Most Dangerous Drug Dealers‏

They're not in Colombia,
Mexico or in America's
central cities. 
How a dangerous group
of criminals do a third
of a trillion dollars worth
of business every year in
broad daylight. 
- Brasscheck TV 
Drugging America into a stupor
“Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging” Full Movie (Documentary) 2010
 This video provides the facts about psychotropic drugs and the huge profits they create for the pharmaceutical industry. These drugs are not safe and have not been on the market long enough to provide sufficient long term studies regarding their effects. These drugs do cause addiction, however most "doctors" would call this dependence because you do not have to take an increasing dose over time. They are completely fine with you being addicted to the same amount of any given drug on a daily basis. Over half of the people that commit suicide in the United States are prescribed to psychotropic drugs. (Ex: Paxil (Paroxetine), Zoloft (Sertraline), Prozac, Wellbutrin (Bupropion), Effexor, Seroquil, Ultram (Tramadol), etc.)

Made up ailments, real poisons
One hundred million people are on psychiatric drugs.

40 years ago, the use of psychiatric drugs was extremely rare and there was a real debate as to whether it was ethical to use them even on severely disturbed psychiatric patients.

Now, idiot school teachers and school administrators intimidate parents into putting their kids on these drugs.

These drugs breed dependence, they are very difficult to get off of once on, and they are dangerous.

The pay day: One third of trillion dollars every year.

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