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Monday, May 12, 2014

NaturalNews: Health Ranger Publishes New Video From Heavy Metals Testing Lab‏ Plus Much More

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
By popular demand, I've just published a new video showing more details from the Natural News Forensic Food Lab and explaining my passion for the "Clean Food Movement."
Check out the details (and watch the video) here (it's kinda funny, too):

No green screen required! Expanded tour of the Natural News food lab

 Check out this expanded tour and explanation of the Natural News Forensic Food Lab, where the Health Ranger conducts world-leading scientific research on heavy metals contamination in popular foods, supplements and herbal products:

Speaking of heavy metals contamination, 60 percent of China's drinking water is too polluted to drink. This is where a lot of rice protein and herbal supplements are grown! No wonder we keep finding toxic heavy metals in products from China:

How does green tea inhibit cholesterol? Here's why it works:

Here's why garlic is one of the best disease fighters in the world:

Just added to the Natural News Store! Health Ranger branded, laboratory-validated new products: Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil | Clean Chlorella tablets in a convenient bottle | Hawaiian Spirulina tablets in a bottle | Organic yacon root powder
more news continues below...
Today on
- Evil GMA to file lawsuit to block GMO labeling in Vermont
- Vaccinations from an infant's perspective
- The new paradigm of full-spectrum consciousness

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