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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Recap Town Council Meeting - May 20th, 2014



At last night’s Town Council meeting, the following issues were discussed.  Vice-Chair Dillon Pesce was in charge and did his usual outstanding job.  The actual meeting lasted just about a hour.  There was no hemming or hawing, it was straight business.

Under Good News & Recognition – The Lisbon Emergency Recognition of Sergeant Stewart and Officer McGee was moved to another meeting.  This is the second time this has been rescheduled.

Under Public Hearings – No one spoke for the changes to the Finance Committee Ordinance.

Under Council Orders, Resolutions & Ordinances – The following items passed 6-0 because Chairman Ward was not present:  Dispatch Agreement with Lisbon Emergency; Garden Request – Faye Brown Letter and Amendment to Finance Committee Ordinance.  The Nomination to MMA’s Legislative Policy Committee was Councilor Mark Lunt and this nomination was approved by the council by a 6-0 vote.  The 2014 Spirit of America Tribute was awarded to the Moxie Festival Committee by a vote of 6-0.  Finally, The 2014-2015 School Budget Warrant Articles, all 18 articles, were approved by the council by a vote of 6-0.

Under Other Business – The Unitil Paving Proposal was tabled because of a lack of necessary information.

Under Audience Participation New Items – Mrs. Fitzgerald brought up the fact that the Swift Demolition (Knight-Celetex) area is a bad way to welcome people to our town.  The project, which was to take a year to complete, is now going on four years and is still not completed.  The cleanup of this area needs to be accelerated by the town and Swift Demolition needs to be provided yet another deadline and made to keep it or be fined.

Thanks to all the Councilors for moving the meeting along and not waste a lot of time.

 Larry Fillmore


Anonymous said...

Swift Demolition needs to fined. No more deadlines. Give them 2 months and then start hitting them.

Dean Willey, Lisbon Falls said...

Whoever is responsible for the site needs to be held responsible and to a deadline. I viewed the site for the first time from the Durham side of the river, and it looks like Lisbon was hit by a bomb. It is disgusting!

Anonymous said...

Too bad noone can take pictures of Lisbon and send them in to share with all the readers. Not everyone can see what is being talked about. It would do wonders for the intentions of those writing and mean more. People often write, but with pictures is tells a very compelling story with their articles. Perhaps the admins. might need to say this once again, but believe it is an avenue for all to participate with.
Mr. Fillmore has certainly done more than any other citizen to bring out the truths. I bet a photographer would be welcomed. How about some good promotions? There must be some. And this site is no cost to anyone. Kind of hard to beat the opportunity compared to the alternatives. Try It everyone might like it.