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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

TMB:Obama Administration Indictment of Army Hackers Seeks to Deter Cyber Attacks Plus More

( Reminder Click on Titles to read the complete Stories )

Obama Administration Indictment of Army Hackers Seeks to Deter Cyber Attacks
By Bill Gertz

The Obama administration’s indictment of five Chinese military hackers for cyber attacks against U.S. companies and a labor union has revealed new details of China’s large-scale cyber warfare and cyber espionage operations.
Sen. Udall Urges for Billions More in Wind Subsidies
By Elizabeth Harrington
Sen. Mark Udall is pleading for an extension for billions in subsidies to prop up the wind industry, a fight to protect tax credits utilized by Warren Buffett and one of the Colorado Democrat’s top donors.
Beating of American Pastor in Iran Linked to Nuke Talks
By Alana Goodman
The recent beating and re-incarceration of a hospitalized American pastor in Iran was motivated by the Iranian nuclear talks, Iranian authorities reportedly told the pastor’s family members.
Wolf ‘Deeply Concerned’ with ‘Nixonian’ Obama DOJ
By CJ Ciaramella
Rep. Frank Wolf (R., Va.) said Tuesday he is “deeply concerned” that DEA Administrator Michele Leonhart is being pressured to fall in line with the Obama administration’s political positions, despite conflicts with federal law.
Dems Kill Key Pro-Israel bill to Appease White House on Iran
By Adam Kredo
The fallout from a rushed, late night decision by a leading Democrat to scuttle key pro-Israel legislation in a bid to appease the Obama administration threatens to complicate efforts by Democrats to hold on to the Senate, according to sources on Capitol Hill and in the pro-Israel community.

EXCLUSIVE BREAKING ANALYSIS: Obama Still Can’t Throw a Baseball Correctly
By Andrew Stiles
After more than five years in office, President Obama still can’t throw a baseball like a normal adult male, a Free Beacon analysis has found.

Bill Moyers, Radical Anti-Speech Activist
By Sonny Bunch
On his PBS program, Bill Moyers voiced some cautious approval for the idea of arresting people who disagree with him about climate change. The only problem, he argued, is that we’d have to arrest so many people that the prison-industrial complex wouldn’t be able to keep up. Here’s Newsbusters:
 Frank Wolf: Chinese Cyber Espionage ‘Like A Mafia Operation’
Rep. Frank Wolf (R., Va.) says the Department of Justice needs to start moving “up the food chain” and issue indictments to the head of the Peoples’ Liberation Army and members of the Chinese government to better combat the ongoing problem of cyber espionage.
“This is like a mafia operation coming out of China,” Wolf said in an interview with me on WMAL in Washington, D.C.
I asked the congressman if the problem is so widespread and so damaging to America’s interests, is it really enough to just issue indictments against individuals suspected of spying, or maybe should we rethink our relationship with China altogether?
Wolf said, “America made a mistake when we gave most favored nation’s status to China. You’ve got a lot of lawyers in this city who are working for the Chinese. No law firm in this city would work for the Russians during Ronald Reagan’s time.”
Wolf went on to say, “Fundamentally, the Chinese government is a corrupt government. Many of the high leaders have their kids over here going to school in Washington, Boston, Philadelphia; driving BMWs, Mercedes; and everything. It is fundamentally a mafia operation, this government is not as strong as they appear to be.”
“We don’t need more laws,” he said. “We need some guts and backbone.”

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