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Thursday, July 3, 2014

Lisbon Town Council Meeting July 1, 2014

Part One

Part Two


Dean Willey, Lisbon Falls said...

I wondering what the reasoning was to Mr. Bickford's mentioning of the school bonds. The people voted on them. They were approved. The people did there due diligence in researching, distributing and informing the public in all aspects of the bonds--costs included. There were spreadsheets handed out at meetings showing true cost and payments. It was also mentioned that the track could be paid for in a few years by the school budget itself--we've heard that one for years. Do we have a track? No. Mr. Bickford would've complained about the money set aside for a track if the school board would've done that too. If Mr. Bickford would've attended those meetings, he would know this. The good people have voted. They shot down the public works building for the fourth time. They voted for the school projects. Why? In my opinion, it is because they had all there "ducks in a row." The town didn't even have an appraisal. I think Mr. Bickford is just upset that he didn't get his way, and trying to shift blame of the bloated town budget and blame it on the bonds. The bonds only add 0.365 MIL to the tax rate this year. What does the increase on the town side do? Anyone? Anyone? Mr. Bickford? 1.182 MIL. For those of you keeping score, that's 24% for the school bonds and 76% for the town side. The bulk of that increase comes because the town has been "robbing Peter to pay Paul." You wont hear that mentioned.

Dot Fitzgerald said...

If those funds were designated for a trail, Mr. Bickford would have been the first to approve it, no matter the amount!!

So he can go 4-wheeling and snowmobiling.