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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

NaturalNews: NASA warning: solar flare nearly wiped out human civilization‏ Plus More

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Planet Earth came within just a hair's width of being blasted with a civilization-crushing solar flare, NASA is now publicly warning. And there's a 12% chance of this happening every decade:

HuffPost declares GMOs have never been proven safe. Just like aspartame, DDT and Agent Orange, it seems:

20-year study proves that double mastectomies offer no survival benefit for breast cancer patients:

Check out these top 10 foods for diabetics:

Broccoli can treat cancer! So why don't cancer doctors recommend it more?

more breaking news continues below...

Tuesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: RSB interviews Ed Brown Producer/Director of "A New Resistance" the upcoming documentary that asks the question - Is Glyphosate killing more than weeds? Call with your questions at 1-866-939-2355. Listen in at

- Essential oils for healing
- Delicious gluten-free vegetarian lasagna recipe
- 5 natural antibiotics for your medicine cabinet

HuffPost: GMOs have never been proven safe
(NaturalNews) Proponents of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) often proclaim that the technology has been fully vetted in terms of human safety, and that anyone objecting to the continued unlabeled use of GMOs in the food supply is somehow dredging...

Double mastectomies offer almost no survival benefit for breast cancer patients, 20-year study proves
(NaturalNews) Western medicine is so aggressive and cut-throat that even the idea of prevention has been skewed to the point of chopping off and cutting out body parts for "preventing" cancer that isn't even there. Fear and self-mutilation are not...

Scientific fraud? DuPont study deliberately hid toxic effects of GMOs fed to rats
(NaturalNews) A pair of studies recently published in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology (FCT) reveals the double standard used in evaluating the safety of genetically modified (GM) foods, says Claire Robinson, in a July 11 editorial on the...

Suggested foods for diabetics: Top 10 list
(NaturalNews) If you've been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, your doctor has probably already advised you to limit simple sugars in your diet, avoid highly processed carbs and perhaps even increase your intake of whole grains, leafy greens and vegetables...

Studies show that broccoli can treat cancer, respiratory diseases and more
(NaturalNews) Along with spinach and kale, broccoli is one of the most nutritious "regular" vegetables in existence. Indeed, this cruciferous, cabbage-like vegetable, which was first grown in the Italian province of Campania, was seen as uniquely valuable...

Dentists in shock as Indian teen has 232 teeth removed in one appointment
(NaturalNews) What was going on in the mouth of 17-year-old Ashik Gavai of India? How were 232 teeth growing inside his jaw and what was causing such an abnormal flowering of teeth? According to International Business Times, when doctors...

Antibacterial clay and natural antibiotics offer hope for humanity to halt superbugs
(NaturalNews) Naturally occurring clay may turn out to be one of the most effective ways to kill antibiotic-resistant superbugs, according to a study conducted by researchers from Arizona State University and published in the journal Environmental...

Cannabis reverses late-stage Alzheimer's
(NaturalNews) Alzheimer's disease has become the third-leading disease cause of death, behind heart disease and cancer. Its rate has risen almost exponentially over the past few decades, and the numbers are expected to triple by 2050. [1] Meanwhile...

North India gangs enforce 'water tax' on defenseless villagers: is this the future of the American West?
(NaturalNews) Much of the western United States is currently mired in a devastating drought, one that could eventually see the relocation of tens of thousands of people out of Las Vegas, as well as massive food shortages caused by the lack of production...

Half the United States under increased threat of earthquakes, warns USGS
(NaturalNews) According to the most recent federal earthquake map from the U.S. Geologic Survey (USGS), roughly half of the United States is at a higher risk of quakes than previously thought. The actual risk is probably even higher, as the map does...

Detoxing from the outside in
(NaturalNews) Our bodies are subject to many harsh chemicals in the air we breathe, the food we eat and the body care products some of us lather on our skin. If the toxins remain in the body it is possible for our organs to become increasingly toxic leading...

BuzzFeed editor fired for repeat plagiarism: stole text from NYT, Yahoo Answers and more
(NaturalNews) Maybe you haven't heard of or seen hyper mixed media website BuzzFeed in its entirety, but if you use Twitter and/or Facebook, then you may have seen bits and pieces of it. According to New York Magazine, "BuzzFeed's articles only...

Latest study finds that interrupted sleep akin to getting virtually no sleep at all
(NaturalNews) A recent conducted by researchers from Tel Aviv University's (TAU) School of Psychological Sciences has concluded that interrupted sleep is as detrimental to health as getting virtually no sleep at all.(1) Specifically, the researchers...

Malaysia Flight 17: Another air incident in a long history of cover-ups, but what is the motive?
(NaturalNews) It has not been a good year for air travelers, Boeing or, especially, Malaysia Airlines. It's also not been a good year for peace and justice, or reasonable, believable explanations for some pretty bizarre incidents. The most recent ...

NYC paramedics stood by and did nothing while police choked man to death on the sidewalk
(NaturalNews) Four emergency medical workers who were called for a New York City man who died in policy custody after being placed in an apparent chokehold have been banned from responding to 911 calls for the time being, according to an announcement...

NASA sounds red alert over solar flare that nearly wiped out human civilization two summers ago
(NaturalNews) The news you are about to read should be front page news everywhere. There is arguably nothing more important to humanity's survival than the alarming facts presented in this report from NASA, yet most of the world pretends this event never...

How Monsanto and biotech companies violate the Nuremberg Code with inhumane experiments on humans
(NaturalNews) The basic human rights protections established by the Nuremberg Code, which was adopted immediately after the end of World War II, continue to serve as a global template for how human beings are to be treated by the scientific community...

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