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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Recap Town Council Workshop Special Town Council meeting July 22nd, 2014

JULY 22, 2014

At last night’s Town Council Workshop there was little discussion about the budget.  There was a lecture by Chairwoman Ward about how much work the Finance Committee and others had put into the proposed budget.  The Town Manager cut $6,035.00 out of the Professional Development budget of the General Government.  Other than that, the Municipal Budget was penny for penny the same as the previously failed budget.

Councilor Bickford said that he felt it was an injustice to have any bonds on the June ballot and wanted an Ordinance prepared to limit bond issues to the November ballot.  The Workshop was adjourned without the people having an opportunity to speak which is normally done at the end of the Workshop.

Next, the Special Town Council meeting began with Council Orders, Resolutions & Ordinances.  The Municipal Budget passed by a vote of 5-1 with Councilor Pesce voting NO.  The Economic Development Budget passed by a vote of 6-0.  The Catering permit for Hi Style Catering was passed by a vote of 6-0.   And finally, the Community Planning Agreement for Professional Services was passed by a vote of 6-0.

Councilor Metivier was not present and excused.

There was no one to speak during Other Business or Audience Participation & Response.

The meeting was adjourned.

Larry Fillmore


Dean Willey, Lisbon Falls said...

I wonder if Mr. Bickford would have made the same divisive comments if the public works garage would have passed. Who am I kidding. The answer is blatantly obvious. Mr. Bickford's, seeming, despise for anything Lisbon Schools related is painfully obvious. From comments made at combined school/town workshops, to his snide comments made in reference to the school bonds, to his most recent salvo saying it is an "injustice" to have bonds on the June ballot. If that is the case, why was the public works garage put there? I know the reasons behind the choice. No need to explain. I also know the in-depth reasoning for choosing to put the school bonds on the June ballot (and that is why I supported them.) Mr. Bickford would too if he had made his way to even one of the many information nights. The other reason Mr. Bickford and his ilk mentioned at the public hearing that the school should not be put on the June ballot is poor voter turnout. But, in nearly the same breath he gushed about putting the garage on the same ballot. But as one speaker at the public hearing mentioned, if a lot of money is involved, voters will turn out. This came to fruition. The average turnout for June elections is just over ~10%. This most recent elections turnout was ~30%. Yes, less than November. But, in the most recent November election (2013) The number of ballots cast was 1709 out of 6519 registered. This is 4% less than those that voted in this past June election. So, that theory is blown.

councilor Cote said...

Keep spending for the school this is the only way to cut the police budget soon there will have no choice the money will all go to the school more than one way to skin a cat.