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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

TOWNHALL PM: Former CIA Operative: Yes, ISIS is in The U.S.

Katie Pavlich | Sep 03, 2014
Former CIA operative Bob Baer told CNN's Jake Tapper last night that ISIS is in the United States and capable of carrying out an attack. 
"What are your sources telling you about ISIS and any cells in the United States?" Tapper asked.
"The people who collect tactical intelligence on the ground, day-to-day, and this isn't Washington, but people collecting this stuff say they're here, ISIS is here, they're capable of striking. They don't know what their plans and intentions are. But it's a definite concern," Baer said. "The people who do this for a living are very alarmed." 
Baer also said ISIS terrorists may have entered through the U.S. southern border with Mexico or through airports on American passports.
 (Much more here)

Great job of not securing our Southern Border let alone the Northern one. But understandable, hard to take so many vacations and play with your balls (golf) on those outings, and really care about America and her people.  You have done nothing but lied. If you would shut your mouth people might believe you.  In history powerful people have been flogged in public for less, must mean you are just a mere pawn in the game of the New World  Order. Day by Day you continue to destroy this once great and powerful country.

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