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Monday, February 9, 2015

AG Nominee Lynch Linked To Multi-Billion Dollar Bank Cartel Drug Money-Laundering Scheme

Posted on by Rick Wells    

054 loretta lynch 940

Why did the Obama nominee for the top law enforcement position in the country choose to ignore the law and refuse to prosecute banksters at HSBC who were engaging in drug cartel money-laundering? Why did Homeland Security and bank management have no interest in the international criminal enterprise? Was there a financial benefit to the regime’s liberal activist organizations that the executive branch is currently work to prevent from being exposed?

The HSBC banking scandal, the world’s largest, resulted in fines of over $1 billion dollars to the international elitist financial operation. The U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York oversaw the 2012 investigation and decided to accept the payment of the fine in lieu of prosecution. Rather than simply seeking a fine in combination with prosecution, the attorney agreed to immunity for all conspirators and participants. That attorney is the same woman now nominated for Attorney General of the United States, Loretta Lynch.

A former vice president and relationships manager with the bank, John Cruz, informed WND of improprieties and provided them with 1,000 pages of customer account records to back up his claim that the bank was in fact a “criminal enterprise,” an active participant in the criminality with the drug cartels.


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