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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

It’s Time To Impeach Obama – We Don’t Have Two Years To Wait, Our Nation Won’t Survive

Posted on by Rick Wells    

056 impeach obama 940

It’s time to stop allowing the racists in America to frame the discussion and kowtow Republicans into accepting Obama’s dictatorial violations of our sovereignty. A traitor and a communist subversive, regardless of skin color, who has illegally manipulated his way into the White House and has committed high crimes and misdemeanors against our nation must be arrested, charged with his crimes and held accountable. Our Constitution demands it, as does our very survival.

Communists don’t play by the rules; they don’t care what our laws say. They will use any method to advance their agenda that they choose, unrestricted by morals or any other consideration other than whether the particular means is justified by the end, and the level of stealth that is needed to pull it off. In these days of blatant executive branch abuse of power, stealth is increasingly less of an issue and the march toward totalitarianism has quickened to a trot.

When Obama said he would fundamentally transform America, he was speaking as a product of his communist upbringing and based upon is communist goals. He’s having success, acting with dictatorial impunity, virtually unchallenged by the cowardly self-serving blowhards in Congress, many of whom also guilty of un-American activities.


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