6 February, 2015

The war on ISIS is having the effect of separating the leaders of the world into two or three categories, based upon their response to crises and their personal character. On one side are the mice, timid creatures who squeak and runaway at the slightest threat while claiming shoulder to shoulder solidarity with their fellow rodents, those who control other nations and who are equally lacking in fortitude. They assure the world that theirs are squeaks of resolve and determination, but we know better.
Nothing illustrates and accentuates the embarrassingly effeminate nature of the pseudo-men who hold leadership positions than the sickening display in Paris between President Hollande and John Kerry. The two phonies made sure the cameras were running as they attempted to console each other’s shattered psyche over the deaths of people they had never met and likely detested as being non-liberal, “free-speechers” who got exactly what they deserved for insulting Islam.
Instead of a president, America is saddled with a little boy pretending he’s a grownup, an illegal imposter whose list of anti-American, pro-Islamic terrorist, enemy aiding and America weakening crimes is almost limitless.
TO READ MORE: http://gopthedailydose.com/2015/02/06/jordan-leaders-america-weak-traitorous-rodents-occupying-leadership-positions/
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