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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Krauthammer Gets It Wrong This Time – Obama Believes His Own Pathetic Rhetoric?

Posted on by Rick Wells    
055 charles krauthammer 940

Bret Baier points out the never before seen “terror threat matrix” that currently exists and asks why Hussein Obama is downplaying it and accusing the media of over-hyping the issue?

Charles Krauthammer says it is because that is what Obama believes. By crediting him with naïve ignorance, Krauthammer is likely being too generous in discounting Obama’s nefarious objectives and his intent to destroy our nation. Nobody in his position does what they are doing out of ignorance. He is fully aware of the situation and the consequences of his actions.

Krauthammer replied to Baier’s question, saying, “Because he believes it and that’s [what’s] the scariest of all. If he was just being cynical as a way to dismiss this because of the failure of his own policies, that would be one thing. I think he believes this and at the end of his presidency he’s now liberated to actually say what he believes.”


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