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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

DESTROYING AMERICA: Obama Has Created Larger Deficit Than EVERY Other President Combined

By -              

A closer look at some of the numbers connected with the U.S. budget has found that in a mere six years Obama has created a deficit that adds up to more than the deficits of EVERY other president combined.

Joe Hoft took a look at the numbers and found this outrageous truth. This is part and parcel to Obama’s plan to destroy the USA, certainly.

A deficit occurs when annual government spending is greater than its revenues. When a government overspends resulting in a deficit, it must borrow money to stay afloat. Currently the US the government has over $18 Trillion in US Debt. This is the result of years of overspending. Of the $18 Trillion in US Debt, $13 Trillion is debt owed to the public but $5 Trillion is debt the government owes to other government agencies, like Social Security, where the government borrowed from these agencies when it needed money. The $13 Trillion in debt owed to the public is due to deficit spending and the accumulated interest payables related to the large amount of debt.


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