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Thursday, March 19, 2015

You’ll Never Believe This Disgusting Reason Why Obama Is Threatening US Soldiers

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U.S. soldiers are speaking out against the Obama administration for “intimidating” them into keeping silent on recent scandals.

Most recently, the U.S. Army, specifically soldiers who served with Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, have been threatened by the president. Officials have even suggested that Bergdahl’s platoon is full of liars, instead of facing the facts that Bergdahl deserted his post.

The Huffington Post and Fox News has been working together to uncover information soldiers have been threatened to keep secret. Together the media outlets discovered that “the White House, in concert with the State Department and Defense Department was orchestrating a campaign of threats and intimidation not only against infantrymen and the military men in Afghanistan at the time in 2009, but also against military officers and Pentagon officers to keep silent about what really happened, there.”

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