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Sunday, April 19, 2015

Communication/Dispatch Center - Part 2 (The Solution)

In Communication/Dispatch Center – Part 1 (The Problem), I outlined what I believe to be the problem.  Chief Brooks’ over stepped his authority by sending a very insulting letter to Sheriff Samson.  Chief Brooks’ action has jeopardized the consolidation of Lisbon’s Communication/Dispatch Center with the Androscoggin County Dispatch.   I believe Chief Brooks sent this letter without the approval of the Town Manager, Mrs. Barnes or the Town Council.

A review of the fees schedule, Chairman Pesce estimated a cost saving of $191,000.00 which Chief Brooks has now put into jeopardy.  So how do we correct this problem?

1.      Chief Brooks should be disciplined.

2.     Chief Brooks and either Mrs. Barnes or the Town Council should send a letter of apology to Sheriff Samson.

3.     The Town Council has to decide if they want to go ahead with the consolidation with Androscoggin County Dispatch.

4.     If the answer is yes, then direct Mrs. Barnes to work with Sheriff Samson to repair any damage done and seek a timeline.

5.      Move the Communication Center under Mrs. Barnes and not allow Chief Brooks any participation on this project to prevent any further damage being done.

6.     Before the town commits to Androscoggin County Dispatch, there should be a written contract detailing the fees and responsibilities of both parties.

The cost savings of $191,000.00 tax dollars is a sufficient amount to warrant pursuing the consolidation of dispatching.  Once completed, I believe that the cost savings will be even more.

Consolidating Communication/Dispatch Center with the Androscoggin County Dispatch which receives 911 calls DIRECTLY will enable a faster response time and possibly save more lives.  Having the County do dispatching, eliminates having to relay all information to a middleman causing a delay.  I believe our Communication/Dispatch center has done an outstanding job but it is a redundant service.  The consolidation in dispatching will improve the efficiency when it comes to response time.

This is a good move for the town and will result in a significant savings for our taxpayers.  

Larry Fillmore


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