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Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Last night the Town Council started off with a meeting followed by a budget workshop.  The purpose of the meeting was too approved the minutes of the last meeting so it could be included with the CDBG Application which has to be submitted by Friday.  Also, the Town Manager updated the budget schedule which moved the Public Hearing from April 21st to May 5th.  This was also approved by the Council.

Next they moved into a budget workshop.  During this session, the Council reviewed the following department’s budgets:  Finance, Tax/Town Clerk, Town Manager, Codes, Assessing, Economic Development, Town Building, Technology, Sewer Department and all other Miscellaneous Departments.  The Council made several adjustments during these discussions.

After the Council had finish going through all the departments they returned to the Police Department and Public Works Department.  The Council directed the Town Manager to cut both of these budgets by $100,000.00. 

The Council reviewed the letters they had received from L/A 911 and Androscoggin County Dispatch pertaining to taking over the Lisbon Communication Center.  L/A 911 had to check with their upper management and Androscoggin County Dispatch said they could take over our Communication Center.  However, Chief Brooks stated that this is not possible.  Chairman Pesce and the Council questions Chief Brooks for a short time because Chairman Pesce said that the potential saving for the town would be approximately $191,000.00 which is a significant savings.  Chairman Pesce said the Town Manager to get clarification on the miscommunications between the two PSAP’s (L/A 911 and Androscoggin County Dispatch).

The workshop was then adjourned.

Larry Fillmore  

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