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Friday, June 5, 2015


At the last Town Council meeting, Agenda Item 2015-141 and 2015-142 dealt with prohibiting marijuana dispensary facilities in the town of Lisbon.  This was extremely strange because agenda item 2015-141 was for a Second Reading and then 2015-142 was to schedule a workshop to discuss this ordinance after it was approved.  It would make more sense to have the workshop to discuss this prior to approving it as an ordinance.

During the Audience Participation, the owners of Drapeau’s  Costumes Shop spoke on the differences between a marijuana dispensary and a marijuana care-givers unit.  It was extremely interesting.  The major difference is that under a dispensary, customers come to the dispensary and purchase marijuana over the counter.  In a care-givers system, the marijuana is delivered to the customers and no one comes into the unit.  I am in favor of a care-giver unit but cannot support a dispensary.

The building used to be a bank and has two vaults, bars on the windows and an alarm system already in place.  The owners of Drapeau’s Costume Shop (Kris and Jim Mc Cormick) explained the store has been on the real estate market for over two years without an offer and now they have been talking to an investor to convert the building to a care-giver unit.  There would have to be some renovations to the building which will increase the property value.

 Councilor Metivier spoke out against having a care-giver unit in town because he does not want any marijuana in Lisbon.    In the real world it is everywhere.  However, Chief Brooks admitted there is a drug problem in town.  A care-giver unit is strictly controlled and perfectly legal; the taxpayers would receive revenue from the increase to property value.  It would also increase the water consumption.  As long as there is marijuana already in town, why not take advantage of it?

Having a legal care-giver unit in town could cut into some of the drug dealers’ profit.  It possibly could encourage residents to get a legal script from a doctor and make them legal instead of sneaking around to get what they need.  A care-giver unit could very easily be an asset to the town.

The Town Council should give serious consideration to the idea of a care-giver unit in town.

 Larry Fillmore

Editor's note: There is a very good article in today's Bangor Daily News that explains how a lifelong barber has begun to "clip" marijuana plants instead of heads of hair.  One can only bet that his buds will be the best groomed one's around.  But it goes deeper than that. Read the article here.

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