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Thursday, June 4, 2015

NaturalNews: Head fake: The NSA really hasn't stopped spying on us all‏

Is the NSA really going to stop illegally spying on all Americans?
If you believe the politicians, they've just taken away the "legal authority" for the NSA to do that.
But the NSA has never recognized any legal authority to begin with. Here's the truth no one wants to admit:
Abbott, makers of the popular baby formula, has bowed to consumer demand. They are now offering GMO-free Similac Advanced:
Don't let the name fool you; vegetable oil can be a toxic source of chemicals, pesticides, and trans fats:
A garden could make the difference between life and death if the worst happens. Here's how to camouflage it so others don't come and steal your crops:

Have you ever looked at the long list of toxic and morally objectionable ingredients in the MMR vaccine?
Let's help fund this film, Cancer: The Integrative Perspective, a project that exposes cancer causes and reveals alternative treatments:

Horseradish isn't just another condiment. Learn the health benefits of this root that has been used for healing for thousands of years:

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