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Saturday, August 22, 2015

GOPDD: Donald Trump States: If Hillary Clinton Were Republican, ‘She’d Already Be in Jail’

By -              

Once again, I agree with Donald Trump here. Look at what the DOJ did to Petraeus. If Clinton had been a Republican, she would have already donned an orange pant suit and would be lounging behind bars somewhere. I fervently pray that if a Republican is elected in 2016, that they make not only Hillary Clinton, but Barack Obama and his cronies pay for their crimes. A true conservative would do just that. I still believe this email scandal will tank Clinton as the nominee. But I don’t think she will serve any time in prison if it is left to the corrupt Democrats. If you are going to go after a general for leaving his calendars in an unlocked desk drawer, don’t you think you should go after the Secretary of State who used a personal server that was unencrypted and where Top Secret emails were bandied about, putting our national security at risk and certainly handing government Intel over to enemy states? Let’s have justice for all here.

From NewsMax:  If Hillary Clinton were a Republican, she would “already be in jail” over the issues surrounding her use of a private email server, presidential candidate Donald Trump said Thursday, and it will probably take a Republican president to be elected to make her face charges.


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