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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

NNN: How the Elite Plan to Escape‏

 Ever wondered how the elite plan to scoot to safety while forcing us to deal with the consequences of their destructive decisions?

We'll I uncovered their strategy and I'll share it with you now. Keep reading.

It was hiding in plain sight, on the books as an Executive Order. But not an Executive Order that you may have seen in Aaron Russo's America Freedom to Fascism or my own Camp FEMA. This is a relatively new one called "Armageddon Protocol"

Our latest report from the Next News Network dives into the facts, locations and architects of the plan.

This 5 min revelation may shock you - but also remind you that we - as individuals - also need to be prepared for the future... because trust me "duck and cover" won't cut it.

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For Liberty,

Gary S. Franchi Jr.
Executive Producer
Next News Network


 WASHINGTON DC | As the buildup to world War 3 continues and the Police States of America further lock down the citizenry into an invisible control grid it is important to know how the political cockroaches plan to maintain their power when war begins.

It's called the Armageddon Protocol and it was conceived during the Reagan Administration by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld.

The top secret program bypassed the constitutional framework of succession to install 3 executive teams capable of assuming the Presidency in the event of nuclear Holocaust. Experts believe Armageddon Protocol was first officially enacted on 9/11. With the recent reopening of Cheyenne mountain, in anticipation of an EMP attack, many speculate that Armageddon Protocol may have already been reactivated.

Within the architecture of Armageddon Protocol is a new line of presidential succession. Cheney and Rumsfeld felt the Constitutional line of succession was inadequate and unilaterally facilitated the ability to complete an executive end run around Congress. Changing the succession order completely.

Armageddon Protocol effectively cut off the speaker of the House, the president pro tempore of the Senate, and Congress. Establishing a virtual dictatorship.

The primary motivation for creating Armageddon Protocol was to survive a nuclear war with Russia as American nuclear counter strikes would be knocking out key Russian military and political leaders and communication infrastructure.

The U.S. government currently has massive underground installations at Cheyenne Mountain and Mount Weather. The recently declassified bunker at White Sulphur Springs West Virginia under the famous Greenbrier Hotel could also be taken out of mothball status should the need arise. Keep in mind these are the only publicly disclosed locations. Experts have long held that a vast classified network of underground military bases with interconnected tunnels exist for this very program.

Under Armageddon Protocol Congress ceases to exist. The Reagan Administration felt it would only serve to confuse the public and world leaders if a new speaker of the House was elected, subverting the executive authority transferred to the presiding President. Naturally Congress wasn't consulted and Reagan established the Armageddon Protocol by Executive order.

During the Clinton years Armageddon Protocol was shelved as a cold war relic however when Cheney and Rumsfeld assumed power again during the 2nd Bush administration Armageddon Protocol was revived on 9/11.

It's safe to believe since 9/11 that just as Reagan hand picked the three executive successors for each team, each sitting President must follow the Armageddon Protocol and select his own.

As long as Cheney and Rumsfeld are alive and the executive order for Armageddon Protocol remains on the books, institutional memory will reside to bypass constitutional constructs establishing a wholesale dictatorship when the next great War threatens humanity.

Its said that the only thing that will survive a nuclear Holocaust are cockroaches. Yes that includes the political ones.

If you liked this report give us a thumbs up and help wake up your friends by hitting that share button and as always I welcome your thoughts in the comments section.

For the Next News Network, I'm Gary Franchi.


Creative Commons:
The Atom Strikes The First Nuclear Explosion in Human History

Cheney and Rumsfeld Images Credit Gage Skidmore
Congress Image: Wikimedia Commons

Fair Use:
FEMA Underground
Greenbriar Hotel Bunker: Credit: asmithproduction

Oval Office Footage:
Royalty free VideoBlocks

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