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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

GOPDD: ‘Stalk them and kill them,’ Farrakhan says, calling for 10,000 volunteers to KILL WHITES! Allah Akbar!

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Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan addresses the audience at the Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church in in Washington, D.C., June 24, 2015. Farrakhan met with local leaders to discuss the upcoming “Million Man March” on October 10, 2015. Farrakhan said it was time to “pull down the American flag” in June. Now, he is saying it is time for blacks to kill whites. Farrakhan has been traveling the U.S. for his “Justice, Or Else!” tour. 
MIAMI (Christian Examiner) – In a sermon reminiscent of the fiery rhetoric of an Islamic State preacher, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, now 82, said in Miami the time has come for 10,000 black volunteers to kill white Americans.


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