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Monday, November 23, 2015

GOPDD: UNAFRAID AND STRONG: Donald Trump Says Bring Back Waterboarding of Terrorists (Video)

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And Americans cheered! Donald Trump was interviewed by Clinton hack George Stephanopoulos and asked if he would bring back waterboarding of terrorists… why, yes he would. Good for him. No backing down, no weakness, no waffling. He said what needed to be said. In my opinion, the practice should never have gone away. Liberals would hug and tickle our enemies to get info out of them. That’s just ridiculous. The terrorists hold no such qualms about how they deal with infidels. Beheading, drowning, burning alive, hanging, crucifying, raping, stoning, burying alive and a whole list of other atrocities are in use, but we cringe at waterboarding. No wonder our enemies laugh at us. Trump would bring that back and he challenged sycophant George on the makeup of the Syrian refugees being primarily men of fighting age. Of course, George slipped in a blatant lie that most were women and children. That’s laughable and he knows it. Look up the statistics… just look at the photos of them migrating. There’s your proof Georgie.


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