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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

EAGLE RISING: The Muslim Brotherhood’s Influence on President Obama & Its Connection to the Jihad

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“War is deceit.”  —Muhammad

CNN Abets the Jihad 
Reporters were “storming into the apartment of the San Bernardino terrorists, less than 48 hours after the [jihad] attack [there],” writes Joel Pollack of Breitbart.  The Federal Bureau of Investigation “handed the apartment back over to the landlord, who let the media in with a crowbar.”  To many Americans, this decision—on the part of our Executive—demonstrates a lack of competence.  It was not.
Pollack knows this.  “While the journalists’ behavior was disturbing,” he writes, “it fit a pattern: the Obama administration is careless about, or is reluctant to find, evidence of terrorism.”  (Please read Pollack’s insightful articles, starting here.)


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