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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

GOPDD: If You See a $100 Bill on Your Windshield, DON’T Touch It – Here’s What It Means

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This particular scam has been going on since at least last year. Someone leaves a $100 bill under your windshield wiper. It is typically fake. You walk to your car, open the door and start your car. If you are paying attention, you look up and see the money. Most people will get out and take the money from the windshield. They won’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth. However, this is what the criminals want. That split second when you get out of your car, leave the door open and the keys in the ignition is all they need to hop in and jack your wheels. ‘Tis the season to steal and thugs get more and more creative each year, so just be aware.


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