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Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Last night, the Town Council held a special meeting to discuss the current School Budget Referendum.  As everyone is well aware, there have been four previous ballots and none approved the School Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016.

Chairman Bickford and the Town Council had a proposal that involved the School Reserve Officers (SRO) Budget.  In attendance were Chair Traci Austin and members of the Lisbon School Board to work with the Town Council to resolve this ugly situation prior to the next referendum vote on January 12, 2016.

It was not pretty and was not in accordance with Robert’s Rules but both side worked extremely hard and came to a solution that both sides could live with.  However, the agreement is only good if the Referendum passes in January.  Both sides have agreed to live by the agreement.  I commend both sides for their effort to resolve this situation.

Some are probably going to say it is blackmail and some are going to say one side or the other won but as far as I am concerned both the Town Council and the School Committee did what was needed to be done for the best interest of this community.

I commend both sides for their hard work resolving a bad situation and I for one will be voting YES in January.

Thank you all for your efforts and I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.

 Larry Fillmore 

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