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Thursday, January 21, 2016

GOPDD: To check jihad activity, Tajikistan cops shave 13,000 muslim men’s beards

By - J

This is not going to work: the Islamic State recently directed its operatives in non-Muslim countries to shave their beards and not appear to be ostentatiously Islamic, so as to evade detection. A man may be forced to shave his beard or a woman forced to take off her hijab, but that doesn’t change what they’re thnking. Tajik authorities are simultaneously being repressive and inept. They are not challenging the ideology that leads to jihad violence; no one in the world seems to have the vision or courage to do that.

“To check radical Islamism, Tajikistan cops shave 13,000 men’s beards,” Times of India, January 21, 2016:

NEW DELHI: Tajikistan police is reported to have shaved nearly 13,000 men’s beards and closed more than 160 shops selling traditional Muslim clothing to check “foreign” influences.


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