One of the greatest examples
of the abuse of power by the Town Council is the Council Working Rules. The latest Council Working Rules were
designed to prevent citizens (legally referred to as shareholders) from providing
valuable input to the Town Council prior to the Council voting on agenda items. These rules were changed in 2011, to give
total control to the Town Council.
Under the “Good Old Boys”
network, these prominent citizens, who have placed their friends and neighbors
on the Town Council, to have complete control at all times. This ensures all decisions meet with their
approval. This procedures also prevents
RESIDENTS have providing relevant input to the agenda items. You
see, years ago the agenda item was briefed by the sponsor, Councilors discuss
their concerns and then the citizens were provided an opportunity to provide
their input prior to the Council voting on the item. This method is called a democracy and is best
described in Maine Revised Status Title 13-C, statute 708, Conducting of
Meeting, paragraph 3. Fairness of rules states “Rules adopted for the meeting
and the conduct of a meeting held pursuant to this chapter must be fair to
shareholders. The Town of Lisbon
is Incorporated and therefore the residents are the shareholders.
The current Council Working
Rules are not in compliance with this statute.
Now the ONLY time residents can address agenda items is during Audience
Participation. This means residents must
speak without the knowledge of why the sponsor is changing the item and before
hearing the discussion between Councilors.
In other word, citizens are required to speak without knowing what they
are talking about. These procedures are in direct violation of Maine Statute on
“Fairness of Rules”.
The residents should have a
direct input into agenda items that are before the Council for
consideration. Direct input is part of
the Mission Statement of the town. How
can citizens participate in the decision making process if they are NOT allowed
to speak during the discussion on the agenda item? This current Council Working
Rule says that the Chairman may allow someone to speak if he wants too. In other words, citizens have to beg the Chairman for the right to
speak on agenda items. We need to
restore democracy back into our local government.
The current system is how the “Good Old Boys” network
remains in control at all times.
Larry Fillmore
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