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Tuesday, April 5, 2016


It is truly disgusting to learn that, in my opinion, the Town of Lisbon has a child as a Department Head.  The proper procedure, according to Maine Law, to obtain copies of “Public Records” is to submit to the Town a request under the Freedom of Access Act (FOAA).  On December 21, 2015, I requested copies of all certifications the Dispatchers had that pertain to emergency services/dispatching.  I was trying to determine how qualified our Dispatchers are.

Since, this request pertained to the Dispatchers; it was referred to Chief Brooks to provide the requested information.  Prior to picking up the documents, I asked both the Town Clerk and Town Manager if the packet was acceptable to them and both answered “YES”.  When I picked up the documents on January 26, 2016 and paid $50.50; I reviewed the documents and noticed that eleven (11) pages were duplicates of certifications. I brought this to the attention of the Town Clerk and Town Manager.

On or about February 16, 2016, I received a check from the town for $5.50 which is $.50 per copy for reimbursement for the eleven (11) duplicates.  Stop and think about the man-hours wasted to generate this check.  The check cost the taxpayers more than the value on the check.  Could this have been eliminated had Chief Brooks not decided to play games; I think we can all agree the answer is “YES”.  One or two duplicates could be excusable but when you are talking about eleven that has to be a deliberate act.  A true professional does not play games when it comes to overcharging residents.  The Town Clerk and Town Manager have to share responsibility for this situation by not reviewing the packet to ensure it met the law prior to issuing it to a citizen.

This incident clearly demonstrates what I personally believe is true and that is Chief Brooks is the most corrupt law enforcement officer in the State of Maine.

Larry Fillmore 

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