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Saturday, April 16, 2016

GOPDD: President Obama Says: ‘White Folks’ Have Been The Problem All Along


When speaking to students at the University of Chicago Law School, Barack Obama said that America’s voting system is “rooted in racism” and that it discourages some Americans from voting. He suggested that we should reduce the polarization in politics to help improve things.
Then, he dropped a bombshell and pointed out how “white folks” are the problem:
“We really are the only advanced democracy on earth that systematically and purposefully makes it really hard for people to vote,” Obama said Thursday when speaking at the University of Chicago School of Law. “There is no other country on earth that does that. There is a legacy to that that grows directly out of a history in which first propertied men, then white men, then white folks didn’t want women, minorities, to participate in the political process and be able to empower themselves in that fashion. That’s the history. We should be a society in which at this point we should say, yeah, that history is not so good.”


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