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Monday, May 2, 2016

EAGLE RISING: Whoa! West Virginia Town Tells Clintons They’re “Not Welcome”

 Bill and Hillary Clinton

Written by Onan Coca
“Bill and Hillary Clinton are simply not welcome in our town.“ – City of Logan, W.VA
There are few people as polarizing as Hillary Clinton. She is one of the most disliked politicians in American history, and while she may be loved by a majority of liberals, she is loathed by almost everyone else (even a large number of Democrats). After losing the Democrat presidential nomination to Senator Barack Obama in 2008, many thought she might actually be able to build her image and become a stronger candidate for 2016. However, the opposite has been true. Instead of becoming more popular and less polarizing, she has careened headlong into a cesspool of negative media coverage based largely on her own criminal behavior, bad decisions, and imprudent political ideas.

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