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Monday, June 13, 2016


Several years ago, I attended a workshop put on by the Planning Board that pertained to changing the zoning on Route 9.  Amanda Bucker facilitated the workshop and at that time it was the majority of the people, in attendance, desire that no change be made to the zoning on Route 9.

Recently, Gina and Rick Mason asked the Council to reopen this discussion on changing the zoning on Route 9 to allow them to sell vehicles on their property.  Our present, our Land Use Ordinance strictly forbids this action.  So Chairman Bickford ordered the Planning Board to look into change the zoning just to accommodate Gina and Rick Mason. First, the Planning Board created a survey.  The majority of the people whom filled out the survey did not want the zoning on Route 9 changed.  Next, the Planning Board held a Public Workshop to discuss the results of the survey.  Again, Amanda Bunker was in charge and after a couple of sessions the majority of the people in attendance overwhelming did not want to change the zoning on Route 9.  Now a normal person would think that would be the end to changing the zoning on Route 9.

 But no, the “Good Old Boys” network did not get the results they wanted so now the town is going to waste more time and money and hold a “Public Hearing”.  You would think after three strikes this would be over.  However, Don Fellows, Roger Bickford and Amanda Bunker are not going to let this go until Route 9 looks identical to Route 196 with all the used car lots.  There are two ways you can tell if someone is a member of the “Good Old Boys” network.  The first is they screw their pants on in the morning and second whatever they are trying to do is illegal.  All of this wasted time and money is to make one person, Gina Mason happy. 

This town will be so much better off if we could get rid of the “Good Old Boys” network.  If our leadership would concentrated on doing what is best for the community; the town could move forward.

 Larry Fillmore


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