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Friday, June 10, 2016

GOPDD: EXPOSED: Obama Gave Muslim Leaders HALF A BILLION To Build Border Wall


Donald Trump said he might try to withhold the payments illegal immigrants send back to Mexico to force that nation to pay for his border wall, sparking a vehement denunciation from Obama calling the Republican presidential front-runner’s plans “half-baked” and damaging to foreign relations.  However, Hussein Obama has no problem giving a half a billion dollars to the King of Jordan to build a border wall in Jordan
OBAMA TO BUILD A WALL IN MIDDLE EAST. MEANWHILE, WE HAVE OPEN…OBAMA IS GIVING HALF A BILLION DOLLARS TO THE KING OF JORDAN TO BUILD A BORDER WALL IN JORDAN — why — so they can keep out Syrian refugees, but he does nothing to build our wall to keep out illegals.
TO READ MORE AND WATCH VIDEO: EXPOSED: Obama Gave Muslim Leaders HALF A BILLION To Build Border Wall

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