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Wednesday, June 22, 2016


This is the summary of last night’s Town Council meeting; starting with recognition of the High School Boys and Girls track accomplishment.  The Council honored both girls and boys track team members.

 Also, State Representative Dale Crafts honored Chief of Police David T. Brooks and Lieutenant Daniel Michele upon their retirement from the Lisbon Police force effective June 30, 2016.  The Town Council did the same and awarded both their badges and weapons to each.  The staff of the Lisbon Reporter would also like to take this opportunity to recognize both officers of their years of service to the town of Lisbon and wish them the best of luck in the future. 

 Scott Stewart has been named as the Interim Chief of Police for Lisbon until the town selects the next Chief of Police.  Congratulations!!!

 Under Council Orders, Resolutions & Ordinances –

 1.    Time Warner Contract Renewal – The Council approved the renewal by a vote of 7-0.

2.   Abatement – Personal Property Tax – The Council approved the adjustment by a vote of 7-0.

3.   Audit Engagement Letter – The Council authorized the Town Manager to sign the Audit Engagement Letter.

4.   Zoning Amendment – Route 196 & Villages (2nd Reading) – The Council approved this by a vote of 7-0.

5.   Resolution – 2016-2017 Municipal Budget was approved by the Council.

6.   Resolution – 2016-2017 Capital Improvement Plan – The Council approved the Capital Improvement Plan.

7.   ORDER – MAP Contract – The contract was approved by the Council

 Under Other Business – Ryan Leighton provided a small presentation on the update of the MS4 situation.  Both Chief Brooks and Chief Galipeau provided the Council with the monthly departmental reports.

Under Appointments –
Shawn Carr was reappointed to the Zoning Appeals Board.
Jo-Jean Keller was appointed to the Library Governing Board.

Larry Fillmore  

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