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Thursday, June 30, 2016

TOWNHALL: Uh Oh: U.S. Sailors Gave Up Sensitive Passwords For Military Laptops, Cell Phones to Iranians

Katie Pavlich 

Posted: Jun 30, 2016 1:45 PM
Uh Oh: U.S. Sailors Gave Up Sensitive Passwords For Military Laptops, Cell Phones to Iranians
Six-months ago, ten U.S. Navy Sailors were taken captive by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in the Persian Gulf. At the time of the capture Iranian soldiers boarded U.S. boats, one of which reportedly had engine trouble, forced U.S. sailors to their knees at gunpoint and required they put their hands on their heads. Once sailors were taken into custody, they were forced to take off their boots and a female sailor was required to cover her head. The Iranians then recorded sailors issuing an apology for their actions and for illegally entering Iranian controlled waters. The Iranians used the apology and photos of the sailors on their knees, as propaganda for state television (a violation of the Geneva Convention). 

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