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Friday, November 25, 2016

GOPDD: Obama’s Homosexual Bundler, Friend of the Clintons, Arrested for Child Rape


Dr Eowyn | Fellowship Of The Minds
A “bundler” is someone who not just donates money to a politician or political campaign, but solicits and “bundles” donations from other donors into a substantial sum. As such, bundlers perform an important service for politicians.
If a “bundler” for Trump is arrested for pedophilia, it would be all over the MSM, aka the Fake Media.
Well, there is a bundler for Obama who has been arrested for just that. But instead of reporting this, the New York Times devoted its resources to publishing a long article to debunk rumors and claims in the Alternative Media that a D.C. pizzeria named Comet Ping Pong is a hub for pedophiles. (More on the pizzeria in a post to come.)


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