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Wednesday, January 4, 2017


This is a summary of the Town Council meeting held on January 3, 2017.

Under Council Orders, Resolutions & Ordinances –

1. Authorization to Solicit Bids for Natural Gas – The Council voted 7-0 to authorize the Town Manager to solicit bids and purchase Natural Gas.
2. Write-Off Real Estate Taxes – The Council voted 7-0 to write off $2,561.54 of taxes on three abandoned trailers.

Under Other Business – The Council discussed several options for the upcoming workshops on January 10th, 24th and 31st.  The topics ranged from Salaries, Dispatching, and several more.  To determine which ones will be discussed on what dates monitor the town web site.  Also, Chairman Ward started a new program by asking Councilors to brief the entire Council on developments in Committee Reports since the last meeting.

Under appointments – The Council has published a 2017 Council Committee Assignments so that residents will know which Councilors will be monitoring which Committee.  If you have questions or concerns, the Councilors listed on the assignment sheet will be the ones to contract for that committee.  Also, Lindsey Larochelle was appointed to the Recreation Committee.

Larry Fillmore

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