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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Peter Garrett to Address L-A Rotary March 23

Lewiston - On Thursday, March 23, at the Ramada Inn, Lewiston, Peter Garrett, will be the featured guest speaker of the LA Rotary from noon to 1 p.m.  Garrett has lived in Maine half his life, though he doesn’t sound like it (he’s British). An earth scientist by training, and a hydrogeologist by profession, he is now very involved as the northern New England coordinator of Citizens Climate Lobby (CCL) volunteers. CCL volunteers (50,000 nationwide) meet with every Member of Congress regarding a revenue-neutral plan that can serve as a Reagan-like “insurance policy” against the perceived threats of the changing climate. It is called Carbon Fee & Dividend. It will level the playing field for energy sources to power our every need, speeding the new industrial revolution already underway towards renewables. It is fair to all, adds new jobs, builds the economy, improves health and does not increase the size of government. No kidding! Peter is a past president of the Waterville Rotary Club and past Assistant District Governor.  No reservation is required to attend.  Lunch is available for $10 in the Fusion Restaurant at the Ramada, 490 Pleasant Street, Lewiston.   FMI on future Rotary speakers, contact President-Elect and Program Chair, Monica Millhime, 753.9040 or email

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