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Wednesday, February 22, 2017


This is a brief summary of Town Council meeting held on February 21, 2017.  I believe this Council meeting was critical for the future of Lisbon and I encourage each and every member of this community to review the meeting on Friday at 07:00 PM.  Also, it is available on the town web site.

Under Good News & Recognition:

1.      Lisbon Cheerleaders Proclamation – The Town Council recognized the Lisbon Cheerleading Squad for winning the Maine State Competition.

2.     Spirit of America Award – The Council awarded this to the Route 196 Master Plan Subcommittee.

3.     Presentation to Outgoing Councilor Metivier – Chairman Ward gave a present to Former Councilor Eric Metivier for his service to the community.

Under Public Hearing - ECD Director provided a slide presentation outlining the Amendment to the already approved Kelly Park TIF.

Under Council Orders, Resolutions & Ordinances –

1.      Healthy Androscoggin Grant Award – The Council approve by a vote of 7-0 to accept $600.00 grant.

2.     Kelly Park TIF District – The Council tabled this action under everything could be ironed out.

3.     USDA Rural Development Funding Application – The Council approve by a vote of 7-0 to apply for this funding.

4.     Dispatch Consolidation Discussion – The Council voted by a vote of 4-3 to retain the Lisbon Communication Center.  Please review the video for specifics.

5.     ATRC Project – The Council approved this project by a vote of 7-0.

Under Appointments – Mr. James Lemieux was appointed Water Commissioner to replace the late Mr. Bill Bauer.

Larry Fillmore 

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