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Thursday, February 9, 2017


 The following is a summary of the Town Council meeting held on February 8, 2017.

Under Council Orders, Resolutions, and Ordinances –

1.      Fee Schedule Amendment (First Reading) – The Council decided that there were too many changes identified; so they postponed any action until February 21, 2017.  This will give the Town Manager time to make the changes.

2.     2017 Speed Enforcement & Equipment Grant – The Council authorized the Police Chief to apply for grant by a vote of 6-0 with Councilor Albert excused.  Lisbon has been pre-approved for $2,239.65 already.

3.     Forfeited Assets – The Council approved $4,593.00 of forfeiture fund by a vote of 6-0 to be applied to the new cruiser.  Casco Bay Ford raised the price of outfitting the new cruiser.

4.     Authorization to Solicit Bids for Town Branding and Website Design – The Council voted 6-0 to authorize the Economic & Community Development Director to go out for bids on this project.

5.     Authorization to Solicit Bids for the CDBG Downtown Revitalization Streetscape Project – The Council authorized the Economic & Community Development Director to solicit bids for this project by a vote of 6-0.

6.     Lisbon Community Garden Ad-hoc Committee – The Council approved this committee by a vote of 6-0.

7.     Dispatch Consolidation Discussion – The Council postponed this until February 21, 2017.

Under Other Business –

1.      The Councilors provided a brief on department meetings attended.

2.     The Town Manager announced a Sewer meeting on February 14, 2017.

3.     Ryan Leighton briefed the Council on the first announcement by Siemen’s Energy Audit.

Under Appointments –

1.      Heather Duley was appointed to the Recreation Committee by a vote of 6-0.

2.     The following individuals were appointed to the Lisbon Development Committee by a vote of 6-0:

Tracey Steuber

Amanda Bunker

Karin Paradis

Don Fellows

Scott Hall                                                                      

Fern LaRochelle

Gina Mason

Cheryl Haggerty

Eric Metivier

The Council then went into Executive Session.

Larry Fillmore


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