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Thursday, March 29, 2018


On Tuesday March 27 I attended the marathon town budget workshop.
I was the only member of the public that attended.
Prior to said meeting I printed the new budget so I could follow along.
I strongly suggest that each and every member of the community and taxpayer
obtain a copy of said budget and read it.
At the budget meeting I asked about the part time person in the Assessing
department, and the salary for the Waste Water Treatment Plant.
I was told that various towns in Maine, similar in population were called and that
some of those town had part time and some had full time assistants, and that was
the salary paid to heads of Waste Water Plants.
I always assumed that each and every town and city, not only in Maine but across
the country was different and unique.

It would seem that I am wrong.
It would seem, according to Town Manager Diane Barns, that that salaries of
department heads in the town of Lisbon need to compare to each and every
town of equal population in the Great State of Maine, no matter how many and
types of businesses or industry, income of residents and tax payers; if homes
and businesses compare in value.
As I said, each and every town and community is unique, we and not them.
                                "WE ARE LISBON" 
Note: read and pay attention to the articles Larry Fillmore has witten in the Lisbon Reporter
on the Town Budget. Be informed.
Note: We, the citizens of Lisbon, can vote on the school budget, but cannot vote on the town budget.
We have to rely on the common sense, or lack of, of members of our town Council.
                             CONCERNED CITIZEN

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