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Monday, February 4, 2019


Town of Lisbon Comprehensive Plan - Final Draft

Aside from the Town Charter, the Comprehensive Plan is the most important municipal
document for Lisbon because it serves so many functions.
The Comprehensive Plan is a…
     Statement about what is important to the people of Lisbon.
The plan not only identifies important places and programs, but also documents core values and
a shared vision for the future of the community. This shared vision is a statement about the kind
of community people want to be a part of in the future.
     Blueprint for how to achieve important things.
The Plan contains a large laundry list of goals and policies to meet the state requirements for
all Comprehensive Plans in the state. However, ours is focused on a smaller, prioritized subset
these goals and policies in order to better guide activities and ensure that the Town Council, the
Planning Board, town staff and others are productive over the next few years.
     Land use plan.
The core of a Comprehensive Plan is a blueprint for designating where and in what manner
future development should occur within the community. It specifically identifies areas in Lisbon
where most new growth should be located and points out areas where new growth should be
discouraged. These Growth and Rural areas are the basis for zoning updates and changes within
the forecast time period of the Plan.
     Snapshot of the community in time.
The Plan is a useful benchmark for future town staff, elected officials, and other interested parties
because it provides much detailed information about municipal services, buildings, properties
and financial data.
Please click here to read the full document.  Thank you

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