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Showing posts with label Economic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Economic. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Revaluation Recap

Last night five of Lisbon Councilors sponsored an informational meeting to give the public an update on the ongoing property revaluation Lisbon has been undergoing for the last four years.  The following is a brief summary of the nights events.

The meeting opened with a five minute talk given by a representative from Maine Revenue Services.  This was followed by a rather lengthy talk by Mr. Van Tuinen.  He basically Went over the methods used to determine our new valuations.

The Information in a nut shell:
  • Notices of the new valuations will go out in May.
  • Informal appeal hearings will be scheduled in May and June.
  • The new valuations will be reflected in this years tax bills.        
  • It is unlikely we will lose any educational funding or revenue sharing due to the new revaluations.
  • If you are unhappy with your new valuation you will have several chances to appeal the new valuation.
 After the talks the public was offered a chance to ask questions. 
 Several people asked questions about the revaluation but the most interesting one's came from Dot Fitzgerald. She asked how Lisbon's new "Slum and Blight" District, that Lisbon councilors recently approved,  would affected the revaluation process.  

Mr Van Tuinen was clearly uncomfortable with Lisbon's  new "Slum and Blight" designation but he did his best to dance around directly condemning the new designation.   He did manage to say that it could cause problems with the proposed TIFF area as well as problems if the power generating plant next to Worumbo  was included in the district.
Joe Hill

Monday, February 23, 2015

The Police Budget-----Home Foreclosure---Connection

As budget season rolls around again this year Lisbon Councilors have a life altering decision they must make. They must decide how many more of Lisbon's less fortunate they are willing to kick to the curb in order to continue financing our 31 plus member Police force. (click for PD employee list)

Many may feel that my last statement was overly dramatic but I assure you those people that lost their homes to foreclosure don't think it is sensational. Their lives have been turned upside down. and for what, so Lisbon can boast a large Police force. (click for latest foreclosure list)

Whether we want to believe it or not there is a direct relationship between the money our Councilors allocate to Lisbon PD and the number of foreclosures in Lisbon. All of those Police toys come with a price tag attached and that price is the homes of our elderly, single mothers and  economically less fortunate. 

When new tax bills come out this August we will feel the full effect of last June's "School Bond"` vote. I have heard, from some of those in the know, that we are looking at at least a $1 mil rate increase before we even start this years budget. We can't afford the taxes we have let alone more increases. 

Lisbon is in financial crisis. It is time for our Councilors to look at eliminating the Lisbon Police and hiring a few Deputy Sheriffs to give out the occasional summons every other day. We are in such bad shape that we could cut $1,000,000 dollars from this coming budget and still have one of the highest taxes in Androscoggin County. Don't take my word for it , do the math. 

Some Councilors argue that in a past "online" survey Lisbon Residents wanted to keep the PD and cut other Departments. This quoted survey was not a "controlled study". Do you think any Police Officers took that survey more than once to keep their jobs? If the Councilors want to govern by survey how about giving us the Department by Department vote overwhelmingly requested by another survey.

Our Council has made many improvements over the past year or so, but more changes are still needed. Our Councilors need to be made aware of the full impact their decisions have on Lisbon's taxpayers on the edge. We don't want to become the Foreclosure capitol of Androscoggin County.

Call your Councilors and let them know what you think.

Joe Hill

Sunday, February 22, 2015

CAFR1: When there is a will there is a way [ our legacy ]‏



[Re-sent being that 90% of subscribers were Blocked from getting on 1st send of 02/17/15 ]

When there is a will there is a way
by Walter Burien -

  The CAFR1 - CAFR Download listing page was substantially updated this week.

  It now has about 3300 CAFR reports available to be viewed or downloaded. All are 2013's reports.

  As you scroll down the page you will be amazed.

  Share with others and bookmark for your use.

  Please realize the listing is an EXAMPLE listing and the 3300 CAFR reports shown is but a small fraction, a few of the total that are prepared each year.
The "Scope" and "Size" of it all needs to sink in to the public consciousness.
  When the scope and size does sink in, the effect it will have in analogy to the individual taxpayer who was intentionally kept in a vacuum and void by government administrations and every syndicated media talking head over the last 75-year per the intentional selective presentation of "Budget Reports" and never a mention of the CAFR "local Government's Statement of Net Worth" over that same 75-years, would be like someone who was a devout Christian all of their life, and the Catholic Church never mentioned or discussed the Bible with them. Their first reaction when learning about the Bible would be: "What does this have to do with my religion?" "Who are these people mentioned, Peter, Paul, Simon, Jesus, who are they, why should I care about them and what do they have to do with my religion?" Bottom line: Everything!

  You see, the population being kept in a void and maintained vacuum has its effect if it be the CAFR or if the Bible was never mentioned from the sources you go to or are presented with for information.

  Now the Catholic Church has never had a reason to hold back the Bible, in fact they have promoted it for centuries. In doing so it increases membership and through membership substantial wealth. (Yes, Vatican prepares an AFR also. In 1980 it listed assets of about four-trillion dollars in value held globally)

  On the other hand, the CAFR (Local Government's Bible of accounting), here the "massive wealth" aspect comes from never a mention to the population over the last 75-years. The "never a mention" aspect to be effective requires / required the full cooperation of Government administration, the syndicated media, organized education, and the primary political parties. It should be obvious to all that the before-mentioned, great effort was exerted on them to get them to cooperate fully with maintaining that vacuum and void with never a mention due to the massive collective wealth ever growing and involved. The effort exerted by and money available to the controllers created eager participants in the same or in the alternative out of dire concern of retaliation from the controlling players, never a mention was made. Those old expressions came to play here of: "Never bite the hand that feeds you!" "Never pull the tail of a Lion!" and last but not least "Silence is Golden".

  Fiduciary trust funds can be set up on every level of local government to meet "their" budgetary needs without taxation. This is not a maybe, it is a definite. You see government has done it 100,000 times over already except they did it for themselves not the population. An example is the collective multitrillion dollar Government Pension Systems (GPS). A GPS is a fiduciary fund established to generate revenue to meet a specific purpose. In a GPS the purpose is generating billions and collectively trillions to meet paying government employee's substantial retirement benefits. What I call a Tax Retirement Fund (TRF), a TRF is a fiduciary fund  established to generate revenue to meet a specific purpose, that of meeting local governments operating budgets annually, thus established to directly benefit "We the People" retiring taxation.

  We must all sincerely thank our government administrations in there own zeal for providing all of the confirmation required within their own CAFR accounting to establish; prove; show this can be done for We the People. The one thing missing from the equation is based on that old saying: "When there is a will there is a way!" The will is there from the people but is a tad lacking from our government administrations. So, it appears We the People need to motivate our local government officials in a few creative ways to generate; maintain; and prod our local government officials into triggering that will within themselves to make this happen. About time I say to all of you Jedi Knights; sharp business folk; and overburdened taxpayers out there.

  Please share this communication with many. Post and publish if you wish. The legacy we leave to our children and the children of the world may just depend on creating the overpowering and assertive will to make this happen.

  A challenge was put out last month for one and all to get their syndicated media talking heads to make simple mention of local government CAFRs (City, County, State, Enterprise, Pension)  for their listeners / viewers to Google, download, and take a look and get back to them with comment. Well, was anyone successful in getting them to do so? Would love to know if anyone was successful in breaching the "Silence is Golden" rule.. Who will be the 1st to report back with a "Yes, *** from the syndicated media station of *** did on *** date! Independents will and have, syndicated regional or national network  News anchors (ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX) are the targets of this challenge. 

Please share this communication with your US contacts and international contacts.

Sent FYI from,

Walter Burien -
P. O. Box 2112
Saint Johns, AZ 85936

Tel. (928) 458-5854


SHTF: Dollar Dump Begins: Russia Unloads 20% Of Its Total U.S. Holdings In ONE Month

Mac Slavo

Earlier this week John Williams warned that hyperinflation will begin to appear in America sometime in 2015. He noted that, though the dollar is currently strong compared to other fiat money, signs that a currency collapse is coming will begin with the sell-off of the U.S. dollar.
It’s a known fact that the Russians and Chinese have already begun divesting themselves of dollar dependency by implementing trade agreements that completely sidestep the world’s reserve currency, but there has been no overt sign of a sell-off that might be indicative of a coming attack on our currency.
Until now, that is.
According to a report from Zero Hedge the Russians have already started unloading their dollar reserves. In the month of December alone they sold a record $22 billion in U.S. Treasurys. While this may not seem like a big number, it is over 20% of their total US dollar holdings.
But here’s the kicker: They’re not the only ones getting rid of their dollars in what appears to be a fairly uncommon sell-off over the course of the last 60 days.

Back in December, Socgen spread a rumor that Russia has begun selling its gold. Subsequent IMF data showed that not only was this not correct, Russia in fact added to its gold holdings. But there was one thing it was selling: some $22 billion in US Treasurys, a record 20% of its total holdings, bringing its US paper inventory to just $86 billion in December - the lowest since June 2008.

It wasn’t just Russia: the country that has ever more frequently been said to be in the same camp as Russia – and against the US – namely China, also sold another $6 billion in Treasurys in the last month of 2014, which would have made its US treasury holdings equal with those of Japan, if only Tokyo hadn’t also sold over $10 billion in the same month.

And while we know that Russia used at least some of the proceeds to buy gold, the bigger question is: just what is China buying with all these stealthy USD-denominated liquidations, and how much gold does the PBOC really have as of this moment.
Is Russia, after being under economic attack for the better part of a year, now starting to make its own moves? And are they working in unison with the Chinese in an effort to debase the dollar?
World affairs analyst Joel Skousen recently made a compelling case against an imminent economic collapse, while others argue that the end is nigh for the U.S. economic, financial and monetary systems.
Whatever the case, remain vigilant and prepare for the worst, because the hammer is going to drop sooner or later.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

What Is PAYT? Well Read This And Learn!

Sent: ‎Friday‎, ‎October‎ ‎17‎, ‎2014 ‎2‎:‎40‎ ‎PM


After reaching out to the students who are performing this research, the survey is for everyone, not just PAYT municipalities. They have asked if we could please share the article and ask folks to complete the survey.  They are more than willing to share the results of their research after completion.  I would appreciate it if you could share this letter and link in the Lisbon Reporter.


My name is Travis Blackmer. I am graduate student and researcher at the University of Maine. For the past four years I have been investigating the world of Municipal Solid Waste. I began as a Maine Waste Composition Study project leader in 2011. Hand sorting waste was not a dream of mine as a child, but it was an eye opening experience that led to a great dialogue with waste and recycling directors at the Maine Resource Recovery Association 2012 annual conference and the  2012 ecomaine annual Board Meeting. We presented a common theme: the effectiveness of Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) at limiting the waste stream.

The towns utilizing PAYT confirmed our views. Towns that did not have PAYT had a consistent question: where does the waste go? Looking at a handful of towns we saw that waste tonnages were cut in half on average, but only 1/4 of that waste reduction ended up in the recycling stream. For larger Maine municipalities, that is over 100 tons of waste that had (or would be expected to) evaporate.

That would be a major concern. If the idea behind PAYT is to reduce the waste stream, the public mistrust of the actual effectiveness would reduce town and citizens’ willingness to introduce PAYT. The negative behavior most associated with PAYT is illegal dumping. No widespread occurrences of illegal dumping were prevalent among PAYT communities. In multiple cases the offenders were identified by the waste contents and fined accordingly.  There are other behaviors possibly accounting for the waste stream lost tonnage. Finding commercial dumpsters, composting, purchasing products with less packaging, more reuse, and burning trash are among some of the behaviors households could take that may explain this phenomenon.

Our web survey looks to capture how households interact and perceive the waste stream, what behaviors households are making in response to PAYT, and their general attitudes towards how their waste stream impacts the outside world. I am looking to survey towns that both have PAYT as well as towns that do not have PAYT. The distribution of this link to places where people can notice it with a abstract explaining its purpose is vital. Your willingness to assist in my research would be greatly appreciated. I thank you for your time.


Travis Blackmer
Graduate Assistant
School of Economics
University of Maine

Two additional articles in the bangor daily news on the same subject (cited and linked in the above article)
Gregg Garrison
Lisbon Town Council
Councilor at Large

Thursday, July 24, 2014

"Local Sales Taxes as a Means of Increasing Revenues and Reducing Property Tax Burdens: An Analysis Using Propensity Score Matching‏

Only the abstract is available without charge.

Yet, a local sales tax is one possible good way to reduce property taxes, at least according to the research.


WHITNEY AFONSOUniversity of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill - School of Government, University of Georgia - Department of Public Administration and Policy

In keeping with previous literature, local option sales taxes (LOSTs) are shown to reduce property tax burdens as well as increase own source revenue, although the magnitude is larger than previously estimated. This article advances the literature by using more sophisticated econometric techniques to minimize self‐selection bias concerns. It also addresses some of the lingering questions from previous studies. Using county data from 35 states over the time period of 1983–2004, counties with LOSTs are matched to counties that have the same estimated propensity to adopt a LOST but are precluded by their states from doing so.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Recap Town Council Workshop Special Town Council meeting July 22nd, 2014

JULY 22, 2014

At last night’s Town Council Workshop there was little discussion about the budget.  There was a lecture by Chairwoman Ward about how much work the Finance Committee and others had put into the proposed budget.  The Town Manager cut $6,035.00 out of the Professional Development budget of the General Government.  Other than that, the Municipal Budget was penny for penny the same as the previously failed budget.

Councilor Bickford said that he felt it was an injustice to have any bonds on the June ballot and wanted an Ordinance prepared to limit bond issues to the November ballot.  The Workshop was adjourned without the people having an opportunity to speak which is normally done at the end of the Workshop.

Next, the Special Town Council meeting began with Council Orders, Resolutions & Ordinances.  The Municipal Budget passed by a vote of 5-1 with Councilor Pesce voting NO.  The Economic Development Budget passed by a vote of 6-0.  The Catering permit for Hi Style Catering was passed by a vote of 6-0.   And finally, the Community Planning Agreement for Professional Services was passed by a vote of 6-0.

Councilor Metivier was not present and excused.

There was no one to speak during Other Business or Audience Participation & Response.

The meeting was adjourned.

Larry Fillmore

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Fostering Innovation, Creating Jobs, Driving Better Decisions: The Value of Government Data‏

Studies from the EU, the U.S. and the World Bank show the value of open data in stimulating economic development.

So, why are the people of Lisbon and other places in Maine having to jump hoops to obtain information that will benefit everyone when it is made public?

Dwight Hines

Fostering Innovation, Creating Jobs, Driving Better Decisions: The Value of Government Data

by Sabrina I. Pacifici on Jul 19, 2014
This report finds: Government data potentially guides trillions of dollars of investments each year. Government data helps governments to better target scarce resources, businesses stay competitive, and individuals stay informed about the communities in which they live. As the real world examples in this report demonstrate, individuals, businesses, other organizations, and governments use Government data to help make better informed decisions that are better, faster, and more plentiful because of the ready availability and high quality of Government data. The cost of Government data is small relative to its potential benefits. Since 2004, the Federal Government’s principal statistical agencies have spent an average of $3.7 billion annually on data collection, processing, and dissemination. This expenditure amounts to about three cents, per person, per day, and is only 0.02 percent of our roughly $17 trillion dollar economy. Government data is uniquely comprehensive, consistent, confidential, credible, relevant, and accessible. Acting alone, the private sector would likely provide only some of the types of data produced by the Government. The Federal Government is uniquely positioned to provide comprehensive, consistent, credible, relevant and accessible data, all while protecting confidentiality. Government data is used directly to support decision making, indirectly through commercially available value-added products, and as a benchmark and standard for private data products. Thus, the Government and the private sector complement each other.”

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Recap Town Council Meeting July 15th, 2014


Last night’s Town Council meeting was lengthy so this recap will probably be lengthy.  I try to keep my opinion out of the recaps but in this case I have to say that I was impressed and moved by the Public Service Announcement shown during the meeting.  The Public Service Announcement was filmed using Lisbon students and parents and showed how one bad decision can ruin the lives of so many.  I encourage every one of all ages to review this moving and powerful Public Service Announcement.

Under Council Orders, Resolutions & Ordinances – The 2014-2015 Municipal Budget Resolution failed again by a vote of 3-2.  There was no vote on the Economic Development Budget Resolution because it is part of the Municipal Budget.  The 2014-2015 Sewer Department Budget passed by a vote of 5-0.  Mr. Dennis Douglass, Code Enforcement Officer, provided a detailed plan for repairing the Public Works Garage.  This plan included floor plans and cost analysis and the Council voted 5-0 to move forward.  The Town Office Holiday and Library Holiday schedules were approved by a vote of 5-0.  The Personnel Staffing Study was turned over to the Town Manager for action.  The FOAA Waiver Request was denied by the Council by a vote of 5-0.  The General Assistance Ordinance and Appendices (1st Reading) was approved by a vote of 5-0.  The Special Council Meeting and the Public Hearing for the Qualified Energy Conversation Bond was tabled.

Under Other Business – The ECD Director provided the Council with a presentation on the Career Center & Healthy Main Street Grants.  The Town Manager stated she was very much impressed with the Moxie Festival and all the hard work that when into the festival.

An additional Town Council Workshop is scheduled for July 22, 2014 at 07:30 PM to have more discussions pertaining to the budget.

Under Appointments – Fern LaRochelle was reappointed to the Finance Committee for a three year term.

Under Executive Session – Once the Council came out of Executive Session, they revealed that loans 4229 and 4522 were to be written off and loan 4467 was to go to collections.

Larry Fillmore

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Revised (2) Lisbon Council Agenda‏ July 15, 2014

TUESDAY, JULY 15, 2014
7:00 P.M.




___Councilor Bickford ___ Councilor Brunelle 
___ Councilor Garrison ___ Councilor Lunt___Councilor Metivier
 ___ Councilor Pesce ___ Councilor Ward

Town Clerk reading of meeting rules


A. Police Department and S.A.D.D. Public Service Announcement (PSA)


A. Victualer's License for Laura Pelkey d/b/a The Cabin




2014-126 ORDER − A. Victualer's License for Laura Pelkey d/b/a The Cabin

B. Minutes of July 1, 2014

C. Minutes of July 8, 2014

D. Off Premise Catering Permit - Slovak Catholic Assoc for Knights of Columbus Grounds


2014-127 RESOLUTION − 2014-2015 Municipal Budget Resolution

2014-128 RESOLUTION − 2014-2015 Economic Development Budget Resolution

2014-129 ORDER − 2014-2015 Sewer Department Budget

2014-130 ORDER − Authorize Contract with Hebert Construction for Public Works Building

2014-131 ORDER − Town Office Holidays

2014-132 ORDER − Library Holidays

2014-133 ORDER − Schedule Council Workshop

2014-134 ORDER − Personnel Staffing Study

2014-135 ORDER − FOAA Waiver Request

2014-136 ORDINANCE − General Assistance Ordinance (First Reading)

2014-137 ORDINANCE − General Assistance Appendices (First Reading)

2014-137A ORDER − Set Special Council Meeting for July 29, 2014

2014-137B ORDER − Public Hearing for the Qualified Energy Conservation Bond


A. ECD Director's Report on Career Center & Healthy Main Street Grants

B. Town Manager's Report




2014-138 ORDER − Finance Committee Renewal term expiring June 30, 2017



2014-139 ORDER − 1 MRSA § 405 (6)(C) Economic Development Revolving Loan Funds

1 MRSA § 405 (6)(F) Discussion of confidential records


2014-140 ORDER − To Adjourn

Thursday, May 8, 2014

At What Point Are the People Going to Wake Up‏

Back in October 6, 2011, Jennifer Norris, former Economic Community Development Director for the town wrote an excellent article explaining what was going on in the town and warning the people.  Everything that Mrs. Norris said was true and is coming to light again.  Please reread Mrs. Norris’s letter.

The following letter was  originally posted on October 6, 2011

After quietly reading the Lisbon Reporter for over four years now, I can no longer be quiet.

Dear Editor,

After quietly reading the Lisbon Reporter for over four years now, I can no longer be quiet.

It saddens me greatly to see the direction the Town of Lisbon government has taken.  When I worked as an Economic Developer, the most important and fun part of my job was interacting with the dedicated citizens of Lisbon.  It didn't matter if they were from Lisbon or Lisbon Falls, the people that I got to interact were truly inspiring because they love their town.  I had it made working for the Town of Lisbon because of the citizens.  I was looking forward to pulling together the human capital in Lisbon because it was so easy.  The citizens of Lisbon are talented, have multiple skills, and want what's best for their community.  To learn that Faye Brown, an amazing woman, who gave and gave and gave to the Lisbon community in the form of aesthetics and character, is not going to be volunteering her time any longer breaks my heart.  To learn that the Moxie Festival that was beautifully run by hardworking, dedicated volunteers is now the number one responsibility of the new Economic Developer is even sadder.  But what makes my blood boil is the fact that the Town of Lisbon's current and past "non-citizen involvement" way of doing business is blowing up in their face, just like I told them it would. 

The straw that broke the camel's back when I worked as the Economic Developer was when I was disciplined for having a discussion with another staff member about a future economic development transaction.  Not only did my boss at the time, Chief David Brooks have a chit chat with me but Mike Bowie also did.  I was told that I was not allowed to talk about any economic development transactions with anyone because they wanted to keep it all confidential.  I told them that it was not possible because in order to do my job effectively, I needed to work with the citizens and keep them as informed as I could while respecting the potential business' need for confidentiality.  In the case of keeping information from the other staff member, they were basically asking me to work a deal and pull the rug out from underneath this person.  I'm talking about the teen center.  I had a business come to me interested in the teen center building.  I started with the person who was running the place at the time, Mark Stevens.  I told him about the interest the business owner had in the building not only out of respect but I wasn't about to do a business deal behind someone's back.  I spoke with Mark and learned that the building was donated and may have strings attached from the person who gave it to the town.  Of course this was important because we had a obligation to ensure that however we used that building, it was considered acceptable use not only by law but by the citizens of Lisbon.  You owned that property and therefore it was my duty to keep you in the loop.  Instead, Bowie and Brookes wanted me to keep the information from the public under the guise of economic development.  In most cases I would have kept the potential business identification confidential.  But in this case, the business owner also wanted the public or anyone else that had a stake to know that he was interested in purchasing the building.  He wanted to be upfront with the public.  And I understood why.  It's called good business, especially since the business owner recognized that the building was owned by the citizens of Lisbon, not Mike Bowie, not David Brooks.  

In order to do my job effectively, I needed the citizens of Lisbon.  I was not about to go behind your back when it involved a public building and then stretch the executive session clause that protects economic development endeavor's confidentiality.  I was not about to steal a building out from underneath a co-worker.  I had the conversation with the business owner about getting the okay from the Lisbon citizens first.  The business owner had no problems with that.  Why would Brookes and Bowie then pull me aside to scold me for not keeping the teen center building proposal confidential?  I'll tell you why.  Like most loans made by the Town of Lisbon, they were given to those businesses who would guarantee a return.  It was a revolving loan fund all right.  It revolved a bunch of times because the loans were given to businesses who would be able to pay them back and they could make money off the interest.  It was a slush fund with no rules attached, no checks and balances, and no oversight.  If they gave a loan to the business who wanted to purchase the Teen Center, they were guaranteeing a return.  They sold a building to the business, the business used economic development funds to purchase the building, therefore the money went from one Lisbon Account to another.  This same account was where the $32,500 was stolen from. 

What I find the most interesting is that Dan Feeney gave a loan to Davis Landscaping so that he could purchase a building next to his property.  Davis Landscaping also held the landscaping contract with the Town of Lisbon.  I learned that Mr. Davis purchased the property with economic development funds.  There was no business, no mention of business, no nothing just a request from Mr. Davis that I help him sell the lot.  In essence, he was asking me to be his real estate agent so that he would not have to pay a commission when he did sell the building.  He was never my priority.  Although, Mike Bowie went out of his way to express to me that he was impressed that I contacted Mr. Davis.  I only contacted him because the dude owed the town money and I wanted to make sure he paid since he never should have got the money to begin with.  I was very disappointed that he was tying up over $150,000 of funds that could have been utilized in other ways, ie a loan to a business (what a novel concept), an investment in our infrastructure, a matching fund, anything but in his hands.  It was another loan that turned my stomach because of its unfairness to the citizens of Lisbon and to me as the Economic Development Director.  I could have used that money in many, many wonderful ways that would have directly impacted the community, not just one man.  That is what those funds are there for.  These are federal funds for the community.  Stealing federal funds does not have a statute of limitation on them.  And that is exactly what has been going on in the Town of Lisbon.  

It is so disheartening to see the citizens of Lisbon work so hard to do what is right by their town but for all the wrong reasons.  If the Town of Lisbon would quit jerking the public around and put the effort into building alliances for the betterment of all in the community, you would see amazing results.  Instead you have a town council and others in positions of power ensuring that you don't know what is going on while they make all the decisions for you.  Having a town council who represents and one that thinks they know what is best for you is not what is going on.  The current town council is working hard to protect their freedom because if you knew what was really going on, people would be going to jail.  Unfortunately in the State of Maine, we have the Home Rule law which protects these "under the dome" towns via the Maine Constitution.  There is no oversight of a municipal government or checks and balances so unless the citizens step forward nothing will get done.  

Lisbon has the potential to be an amazing community.  I was planning on staying for years to see it all through.  I was looking forward to awarding contracts to bidders from Lisbon.  I was looking forward to helping our businesses.  I was looking forward to developing the business park at Longchamps.  And, I was looking forward to helping you make Lisbon beautiful.  It sucks to have to dump your energy into dealing with ignorance but its gotta be done.  
To those Lisbon citizens who don't know what to do but want it to stop so that you can make your town a home start with writing a letter to the Androscoggin DAs office and the Maine Attorney General's office.  Put the pressure on them and tell them that you mean business.  Tell them that you want something done about the stealing of federal funds.  I am your witness.  They do have a case.  You cannot get rid of the bank records or any financial transactions.  That is all recorded and will tell the story of dirty dealings in the past and present.  This is your money.  And I give you my word that I will stand behind all of my statements regardless of the venue.  I would not put myself out here if I did not know as a professional what is considered legal and illegal when it comes to federal funds.  
Its not unethical, its not unprofessional, its illegal!


Jennifer Norris

Councilor Roger Cote spent three years on the council preaching the same thing and he too was ignored.  A review of the voting records during Councilor Cote’s tenure will show that he was the only one who voted against all this excessive spending and corruption.  Councilor Cote predicted that the town will end up in the financial situation it is today.

For the past three years, I have been providing documented proof of the corruption, collusion and excessive spending by Stephen Eldridge, former Town Manager. I have provided proof of questionable accounting practices by Mrs. Jessica Maloy, Finance Director and finally excessive spending by Chief Brooks by the Police Department for useless items such as assault rifles and a GPS.  There are many many more incidents of Chief Brooks wasting taxpayers’ monies for “Toys for the Boys”.

The town has a $500,000.00 money pit.  The Communication Center/Dispatch is a service that could and should be provided by Androscoggin County Dispatch who is an authorized state Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP).  What does that mean to the citizens of Lisbon?  It means all 911 calls are first received by the Androscoggin County Dispatch and then relayed to the Lisbon Communication Center/Dispatch before any Police, Fire or Medical personnel are dispatched.  Common sense will tell you that this delay, regardless of how small, can make a difference between life and death.  The equipment was provided through a grant but it cost the taxpayers $275,000.00 to maintain operations when if we transfer the equipment and operations to the Androscoggin County Dispatch we can save all that money and will only have to pay for the services used.  If the Communication Center/Dispatch remains with the town, taxpayers are going to have to pay for the replacement or maintenance of this equipment, which is not cheap.

The people have allowed these individuals to squander over $2,000,000.00 (2 million tax dollars) of our Undesignated Fund and allowed them to raise our taxes for years.  Both Mrs. Norris and Councilor Cote tried to warn the people years ago.  At what point are the residents going to say enough is enough and put a stop to this insanity?

Larry Fillmore

Thursday, April 17, 2014

TUMAB:Bundy Ranch...Follow The Money‏

Published on Apr 16, 2014
Gary Franchi reporting for the Next News Network:
“Since the Bundy Ranch story broke last week and culminated in a tense standoff with Federal agents on Saturday resulting in the release of the Bundy Ranch cattle we have been following the money. On the 10th we reported the Militia arrived in the area and cited a former BLM volunteer and Nevada Land Broker who revealed to us the true value of the land and the parties interested in it. In our on-going investigation into the money behind the Bundy Ranch Land Grab we present former BLM Volunteer Rusty Hill’s Records Research detailing his first hand experience in the Bunkerville area, its value to the Military Industrial complex – and most notably the corporations that bear Harry Reid’s own name in Bunkerville,- bordering USA lands and the Bundy Ranch.
So why do they want this land? Water, access to land, privacy and mineral rights – notably Magnesium Dolomite with one of its military applications as solid rocket fuel found in Tomahawk cruise missiles – friends it is much more than Chinese solar power.
In this investigation we provide the historical context to the lands around the Bundy Ranch, the mineral value of the land and it’s application in weapons manufacturing.
But here is where it get’s interesting. Using the public records from Clark County we disclose irregularities and anomalies in the public record of the sale prices of land surrounding the Bundy Ranch owned by the BLM, Cedar Development Corp, Zion Bank Corp, Bunkerville Compound LLC, AND Reid Bunkerville LLC who you will discover “paid nothing for the land”
This research reveals the highly suspicious activity surrounding the Bureau of land management, Cedar Development Corp, Zion Bank Corp and Reid Bunkerville LLC.
Due to the use of government force to remove Bundy “trespass cattle” and the lands that Reid Bunkerville LLC received at ZERO cost we can draw a line to their desire to run him off his land for their own gain – an American whose family settled that land over 100 years ago.
It’s time for a congressional investigation.”
Bundy Ranch: The Land and its Masters Revealed, vie

Bundy Ranch: The Land and its Masters Revealed (sync fixed)

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Last night, the Town Council held a Public Hearing on the 2014-2015 Municipal and School Budgets and consideration on three bond issues – Public Works garage, Gym and the Track. \

I guesstimate that between 75 and 100 residents attended with the majority speaking on one or more of these issues.  These Public Hearings lasted a long time.  The input was received by the School Department and the Town Council very well.

Prior to the Public Hearings, Mr. Richard Green, Superintendent of Schools and Mr. Dale Olmstead, Interim Town Manager, briefed the Public on their portions of the budget.  Both of these gentlemen did an excellent job and were able to answer the questions asked by the audience.  They also gave presentations defending the bond issues that were before the people.  Again, a great job by both of these professionals!

Under Council Orders, Resolutions & Ordinances - The Council voted 7-0 for a Proclamation declaring May 4th through the 10th as Municipal Clerks Week.  

The Council also approved the 1st Reading of the Route 196 Design Standards and Guidelines by a vote of 7-0.  Next, the Council voted on the three bonds to be placed on the June ballot.  As far as the Public Works Garage the vote was 7-0.  As far as the Gym the vote was 5-2 with Councilors Bickford and Metivier voting NO.  The vote on the Track was the same as the Gym.  So all three bond issues will be place on the June ballot.

Next, the Council voted 7-0 to include two Charter changes.  The first to reduce the requirement of 15 to 10 percent of qualified vote voting in the last gubernatorial election to meet the requirement for a Special Town Meeting and second to adjust our Charter to match the states requirement for reference title 21-A for Election procedures.

The meeting adjourned at approximately 10:50 PM.

Larry Fillmore

Recap Town Council Workshop - April 14th‏


The Interim Town Manager, Mr. Dale Olmstead, updated the Council on what he has learned pertaining to the Public Works garage.  Right now the insurance company is offering $300,000.00 dollars as a settlement.  Along with this cash money, the insurance company is going to pay for a few months rental fees.

This leaves the Council with several options:
1.  Repair existing building.
2   Build a new building.
3.  Move into as existing building.

According to Mr. Olmstead it would not be cost effective to repair the building because it was not an adequate facility for Public Works in the first place.  

Second, it would cost the town too much to build a new facility for Public Works. 

 Third, there are two buildings available in town to take care of our immediate needs but would have additional costs if the town wanted to expand for one and the other is readily made and would provide for a lot of town consolidation.

The two buildings are:
ETTI:  (64,000 square feet)
Longchamps (10,000 square feet – expandable)

Both of these building would need an appraisal before they could discuss price.  The appraisals have been ordered.
The Councilors discussed each option for almost an hour.  Chairwoman Ward allowed the Public to provide input and then adjourned the meeting without any vote by the Council.

Larry Fillmore

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

PLD: Ranchers And Empire In The American West


This column by Ryan W. McMaken originally appeared on the Ludwig von Mises Institute website on April 14, 2014.
The militarized siege of a cattle ranch near Bunkerville, Nev., drew national attention as dozens of federal agents, armed with machine guns, sniper rifles, helicopters and more descended on the ranch to seize cattle and people and generally to show everyone who’s boss.
The conservative press has framed the story in a variety of ways, casting the story both as matter of outright federal seizure of private land and as an absurd environmental crusade to save a tortoise from extinction.
The reality looks to be a little murkier, however, as is often the case when dealing with land ownership in the American West. Back in September, the Las Vegas Sun reported on the Bundy family and noted that troubles began 20 years ago when the family’s patriarch unilaterally determined that he would no longer pay the Bureau of Land Management use fees that have long been required to graze on federal lands. The exact legal and historical details of the Bundy family’s case will emerge slowly over time, but even if the family is completely in the wrong legally (which it probably is), it’s safe to say that taxpayer dollars might be better spent on things other than a shock and awe campaign waged against a tiny ranch in the middle of a Nevada desert. Nonetheless, this is just the latest dispute in a long history of ranchers jockeying with the Federal government over land use permits and land use regulations.

Continue reading more:

Lisbon School Department Informational Meeting on April 8, 2014.

Lisbon School Department Informational Meeting 2 


In this morning's Sun Journal, Tuesday April 15, the Auburn City Council is calling for $million$ in cuts to the city budget.

I challenge the town of Lisbon's Town Council and Finance Committee to do the same.

Ways to cut:

Town Engineer:

MDOT is asking for  a $5,500 Trail Match

plus a $20,000 Trail Match.

Those $$$$'s should have been built into the $1,200,000,

One Million Two Hundred Thousand, dollars,plus Lisbon's

matching funds of $320,000, for a grand total of $1,520,000.


                         Savings $$25,500.

Savings could be realized if we had a Town Engineer that was actually a licensed Engineer.

Savings $$$ ?????.

Town Attorney:

Hire an attorney from Lisbon, Lewiston or Auburn instead of one who travels from Bath, some twenty plus miles each way @$150.00 per hour.


Police/Public Safety:

The Police Department receives Forfeiture money that could be used to pay for assault rifles, document imaging, mobile radios.
The list goes on, But asks the taxpayers to pay for these items.
In a budget of $1.000,000, One Million $$$$$, the Town Council and Finance Committee should be able to find significant savings.

Redevelopment Department:

About 2 years ago former Town Manager hired a Town Planner to the tune of $20,000 per year, to develop a Route 196 Master Plan and Sign Standards, and to assist the Planning Board.

The Route 196 Master Plan and Sign Standards is almost

completed, just needs to be accepted by the Town Council.

Why continue to pay $20,000 for a Town Planner when we

have a highly qualified Codes Officer in Dennis Douglass?

The Planning Board has new direction, thanks to Town Planner, Amanda Bunker, and  we are paying over $55,000 a year for a Redevelopment Director, who also heads up the Moxie Festival.

This is a Duplication of Services. 

A savings of $20,000 or $55,000.

The town Council has asked the School Department to cut their budget.

The Library Department is already bare bones but is willing to cut hours of service, a savings of only pennies compared to the police department! ! ! !

Other savings ?? Readers, taxpayers?
          A Challenge ! ! ! ! ! !

Dot Fitzgerald

A Lisbon Concerned Citizen


And yes, my name is under unpaid taxes,

both real estate and personal property.

The real estate taxes have been paid.

I am struggling as are many others.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Common Cents Wasted On Not So Common Sense!

                                     SIMPLE ECONOMICS

   Lisbon Town Attorney Roger Therriault

The Town Attorney, Roger Therriault’s office is in Bath, Maine which is in Sagadahoc County.  Lisbon is located in Androscoggin County and the majority of our legal business is conducted in Lewiston/Auburn.  This means that Mr. Therriault has to travel from Bath to Lewiston /Auburn through Cumberland County to perform his duties for Lisbon.  This is approximately 26 miles which takes about 40 minutes one way.

I understand that Mr. Therriault is paid at least $150.00 per hour.  The clock starts ticking the minute Mr. Therriault gets into his car.  So before he conducts any legal work, he has cost the taxpayers of Lisbon approximately $150.00 each way which means $300.00 tax dollars are spent on travel alone for every action taken.

It is no wonder that the town is over in legal fees every year.  The majority of our legal fees are pure travel. 

Why is it that the town of Lisbon does not hire an attorney who has offices in Lewiston /Auburn and eliminate this travel time? 

Mr. Therriault has been the town for years; so when you do the math it tells us all how many tax dollars have been wasted on travel.  Is it so difficult to figure out how to save tax dollars?  I think this one is pretty obvious!

Come on Councilors and do what is right here and replace Mr. Therriault with someone local instead of two counties away.  This will save the taxpayers of Lisbon a great deal of tax dollars.  Currently, year to date the town has spent $39,841.50.  The town only approved $40,000.00 last year and that was an increase of $6,000.00 from the previous years.  These figures are off the current proposed budget as of March 14, 2014 and I am sure it does not include the legal fees for the Human Rights Complaint or the additional fees concerning the civil legal case on the $32,500.00 which the trial is scheduled for May 12, 2014.

Stop wasting our tax dollars on travel and hire a town attorney from Lewiston /Auburn.

Larry Fillmore