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Showing posts with label NaturalNews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NaturalNews. Show all posts

Friday, February 20, 2015

NaturalNews: Vaccine side effect photos the media never wants you to see

Vaccine horrors: Shocking side effects shown in photos the mainstream media never wants you to see
The Health Ranger
Dear NaturalNews readers,
By now I hope you know that vaccines really do cause autism, developmental delays, neurological damage, seizures, and autoimmune disease. But have you ever seen the physical damage vaccines can do?
The media will never show these photos. They are too horrifying, as they reveal the unfathomable pain and suffering so many innocent children endure under today's delusional vaccine fanatics who deny that any of these side effects occur at all:
Full Story
You know that cute little guy who just wants everyone to get vaccinated, so he doesn't catch the measles while on chemotherapy? His family has ties to a vaccine company:
This pediatrician supports parents' choices and says that measles poses no risk to healthy children:
If you're pinching pennies at a dollar store, be aware that many of their products are loaded with toxic chemicals:
Do you get enough quality sleep? Find out here:
A recent study says eating almonds can reduce heart disease risks and belly fat:
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Makes raw almond milk, cooked soy milk, oat milk, hemp milk and much more. Incredibly easy to use.

Robert Scott Bell
Friday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 7-9PM EST: RSB and Dr. Frank King talk about how to reverse adrenal burnout and discuss the recent renaming of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome to Systemic Exertion Intolerance Disorder.
Call with your questions at 1-866-939-2355.

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Swiss currency shockwave a picnic compared to what's in store for the U.S. dollar - Peter Schiff
(NaturalNews) Worried about its national currency, the franc, losing too much of its value as both it and the euro fall against the U.S. dollar, the Swiss government has recently removed a 2011 cap placed on the franc against the euro to protect it from...

Pharma-connected vaccine pushers chemically abuse children in push for medical tyranny
(NaturalNews) He's a cute little guy who just wants everyone to get vaccinated so he doesn't have to worry about contracting measles while undergoing chemotherapy treatments for leukemia -- or at least that's what his opportunistic parents told him to...

Dollar store products found to be loaded with toxic chemicals
(NaturalNews) Everyone wants to get more than they paid for. Who doesn't like a bargain? Unfortunately, recent testing of 164 dollar store products found that the little extras they're offering are toxic chemicals like toxic metals, pthlates, BPAs, and...

Measles poses no risk to healthy children, says doctor
(NaturalNews) The scripted media is being used to scare and divide the public over new measles outbreaks. It's always the same unintelligent narrative being pushed: The unvaccinated are putting everyone in danger. Obviously, the push to sell more vaccines...

'Peak food' production now a reality as corporate chemical agriculture continues to fall apart
(NaturalNews) The failures of agricultural monocropping are on full display following the release of a new report suggesting that humanity may have reached or even exceeded "peak food" production -- that is, a crest in the overall growth rate of foods...

Drinking soda could cause early menstruation in young girls
(NaturalNews) Young girls who frequently consume sugary drinks such as soda and other drinks with added sugar tend to start their menstrual cycles earlier than those who don't, according to ...

Nine signs of sleep deprivation - Do you get enough sleep?
(NaturalNews) No one can squeeze more hours into a day, but we certainty try. Unfortunately, too many of us extend the hours of our day by cutting back on sleep. Here are the warning signs that you are overdoing it and probably have been for some time...

Eating almonds can reduce heart disease risks, belly fat
(NaturalNews) Hold that muffin or danish and grab a handful of almonds if you need a snack between meals. Maybe you won't feel as satisfied afterward, but if you care about your heart health, get used to it. A recent study published in the Journal...

Jews petition EU for gun rights as antisemitism and violence escalate
(NaturalNews) A prominent European Jewish organization has sent a letter to the European Union petitioning for new legislation aimed at allowing members of the Jewish community to carry firearms "for the essential protection of their communities." As...

Survival of the Fittest means non-GMO: Learn about food-conscious consumers and sustainable farms in America
(NaturalNews) On a Page County farm in southwest Iowa, farmers have adjusted their crop methods to meet the demand of food-conscious consumers,...

Police arrest man's lawyer for "resisting arrest" in order to interrogate him without an attorney
(NaturalNews) America continues its steady downhill descent towards totalitarian police state status, as evidenced by the recent arrest of San Francisco Public Defender Jami Tillotson as she stood outside a courtroom trying to defend the right of one...

Vaccine horrors: Medical mutilation of innocent children exposed in GRAPHIC photos of "safe" vaccines gone horribly wrong
(NaturalNews) Much like Brian Williams, vaccine promoters are serial liars. They know vaccines harm many children (and even kill some), yet they knowingly lie to the public by falsely claiming vaccines cause no harm whatsoever. (They do this willfully...

A revolutionary way to make your own almond milk, oat milk, hemp milk and soy milk for mere pennies
(NaturalNews) Nut milks are extremely popular among health-conscious consumers, but the mass-produced nut milks sold at the store all suffer from two critical problems in their ingredients: carrageenan and calcium carbonate. Carrageenan is a thickening...

Sign the petition to save your medical choice and protect your human rights
(NaturalNews) Who needs personal medical choice when the United States Congress has arbitrarily declared that vaccines are unequivocally safe? In complete denial of all the published data showing that vaccines can damage the brain, the gut, the blood...

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

NaturalNews: BACKFIRE: How vaccine coercion destroyed trust in the medical profession

BACKFIRE! How the vaccine industry lost the propaganda war, alienated the public, and stirred up suspicion of the entire medical profession
The Health Ranger Dear NaturalNews readers,
The vaccine industry's coercion tactics are not working. Vaccine fanatics are alienating the public and eroding public trust across the medical profession.
Here's why medical coercion angers Americans:

Full Story
Pro-vaccine advocates miss the point. Measles were eradicated before the measles vaccine was introduced:
Yeah, Brian Williams lied, but that's nothing compared to the flagrant lack of regard for truth at the CDC:
Conventional medicine completely ignores the importance of our symbiotic bacteria, but someday probiotics might even replace vaccinations:
Peer-reviewed studies and scientific journals reveal rampant publishing of plagiarized and entirely fraudulent content:
Depression can be caused by nutritional deficiencies. Here are 10 to watch out for:
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Sale includes organic Camu Camu powder, Broccoli & Kale sprout mix, organic Yacon Root powder and more!
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Robert Scott Bell Wednesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 7-9PM EST: Ty Bollinger and Super Don go Outside the Box to get the inside scoop from Jared (aka "Kid Against Chemo") and learn what he's been doing to defeat cancer naturally.
Call with your questions at 1-866-939-2355.
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From - Honey-Ginger Combination Treats Bacterial Infection
- 6 Best Alternatives to Honey
- 6 Lifestyle Choices that Lead to Kidney Damage
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The big measles lie: Eradication of measles happened BEFORE the vaccine, not after
(NaturalNews) The general consensus among pro-vaxxers is that vaccines save lives, and if it weren't for their existence, infectious disease would be running rampant. But a closer look at the data reveals that the death rates from conditions like measles...
Establishment academia's credibility destroyed by hundreds of cases of research fraud, plagiarism
(NaturalNews) What was once considered a rare exception to the norm appears to be evolving into a disturbingly common pattern of abuse. Peer-reviewed science, and the integrity of what makes it into even the most well-respected scientific journals today...
InfoWars nails the truth about vaccines in disclosure video: Dr. Wakefield interview
(NaturalNews) Several weeks' worth of vicious personal attacks and fear-mongering later, the powers that be have thankfully failed to convince the American public that everyone needs to be forcibly vaccinated to get rid of measles. Part of it is that...
Beijing's mayor declares city to be unlivable due to life-choking smog
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The deadly folly that is vaccinations
(NaturalNews) In an effort to keep the circus on the road, we have been told many things by modern day medicine that simply don't pass muster. From inaccurate claims of being responsible for reducing rates of infectious disease all the way to self-proclaimed...
"The Dark Side of the Strawberry": WWI enemy-killing gas now being used on America's fruit
(NaturalNews) Pesticides are the food industry's most lucrative tool, raising profits to amounts that would otherwise be impossible with monoculture. While the agriculture industry is producing more food than ever before, the increased yields also contain...
10 nutritional deficiencies that may cause depression
(NaturalNews) Do you ever wonder where you positive emotions went? If your optimistic outlook on life has soured, then you should know that - beyond psychological approaches...
Probiotics cure peanut allergies in 80% of children and can replace vaccines for immune system stimulation
(NaturalNews) Modern medicine has abandoned one of the most important systems of the human body -- the commensal bacteria colonies that live symbiotically within the human gut. These various bacteria species aid in digestion and protect the organs and...
Internet-connected pacemakers will provide a "kill switch" in patients' hearts
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Third banker mysteriously dies this year, joining 36 banker deaths from 2014
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DEA tracks movements of millions of Americans using license plate readers
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Have you failed this year?
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BACKFIRE: How the vaccine industry lost the propaganda war, alienated the public and stirred up suspicion of the entire medical profession
(NaturalNews) The vaccine establishment has a horrible conundrum. It desperately wants everyone to voluntarily buy its for-profit vaccine products, but it has failed to convince everyone that its products are safe and effective... or even necessary in...
The CDC is even more of a pathological liar than Brian Williams
(NaturalNews) I'm reprinting an article here by Jon Rappoport of, one of the few remaining news sites in the world that has the intelligence and journalistic integrity to question the pathological lying of the CDC. Once again, Rappoport...
Global economy continues to wither as West Coast ports remain shut down
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Sunday, January 11, 2015

NaturalNews: "Hospital kidnaps child and holds him for profit" Plus Much More

Sadly, medical kidnapping is on the rise in America, where hospitals kidnap children and hold them for profit, billing the government for "treatments" that destroy lives.
Here's yet another victim of the criminal medical mafia sacrificing children for money:

Shock: The vaccine industry receives massive revenues for vaccines they never manufacture!

Here are five common habits you'll want to avoid that can weaken your immune system:

He gave a homeless man $100, then filmed the man to see how the money was spent. This social experiment may change your assumptions about the poor:

Find out how manmade wetlands can provide a 50% reduction in nitrate pollution due to agriculture fertilizer runoff, improve water quality, and reduce pathogens:

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Sunday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 1-3PM EST: RSB talks with Michelle Rider, the mother of her teenage son Isaiah, about his horrific medical kidnapping and claims of physical/sexual abuse while in Illinois foster care. Call with your questions at

Friday, November 14, 2014

NaturalNews: Government tells Missourians to stockpile survival supplies before mass riots‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
The government of a Missouri town is now urgently warning its citizens to stockpile survival supplies like food, water, medicine and fuel.
Mass riots are coming, citizens are being told, and city officials fear critical infrastructure may be taken offline:

Magnesium intake may significantly reduce the risk of diabetes, but only half of Americans get enough of this crucial mineral:

Thirty years ago about 50 media companies owned "the media" in the U.S. Now there are just a half-dozen controlling nearly all the information you see and hear:

Bleach and hand sanitizers may allow Ebola to penetrate skin:

To stop smoking, step one is to get the right nutrition to balance hormones and reduce cravings:

Check out the uncensored NaturalNews article feed at 

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Don't miss The Robert Scott Bell Show 7-9PM EDT at

10 Herbs for the Thyroid
5 Secrets to Winter Health and Energy

10 Hidden Ingredients in Meat You Didn't know about

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

NaturalNews: Scientists have identified a virus that makes people stupid.

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Seriously: Scientists have identified a virus that makes people stupid. And so far, almost half the people tested have it!

A new study shows Monsanto's Roundup causes sperm damage and other reproductive problems in men:

Check out these 3 powerful superfoods to help boost your mental clarity and ability to focus:

Scientists believe Ebola has mutated so that it is no longer detectable using the standard tests:

We all know the Mediterranean diet is good for the heart, but it may also reverse metabolic disorder, lower the risk of diabetes, and much more:

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Monday, November 3, 2014

NaturalNews: US hospitals to be quickly overwhelmed - investigation‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
The Associated Press deserves huge credit for conducting this investigation into the readiness of U.S. hospitals.
It turns out that even small clusters of Ebola would rapidly overwhelm our health care system:

Demographically speaking, Ebola is a far greater risk to Democrats than Republicans. Here's why:

Learn why vitamin D is crucial for brain function, heart health, healing from injuries, and more:

If you're on a tight budget, and even if you're not, here are 5 cheap and easy things you can do to improve your health:

See why so many agree that avocados are one of the healthiest foods in the world:

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Monday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 7-9PM EST: RSB and Dr. Buttar discuss the individuality of the human microbiome and its relationship to adaptive immune response. Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments. Listen in at

How to Control Dandruff Problem Through Home Remedies?
10 Ways to Use Essential Oils to Improve Your Life

5 Ways Mercury is Toxic to the Body

Friday, October 31, 2014

NaturalNews: CDC admits it was lying all along about Ebola‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
In a bizarre twist, the CDC now admits it has been lying all along about Ebola transmission.
Now they say Ebola can spread through sneezing and contaminated objects like doorknobs:

Thanks to Ebola, one million hazmat suits have been ordered from a U.S. manufacturer:

The Ebola infected doctor who traveled all around NYC via public transit lied to police, claiming he had gone nowhere:

Check out the Bill Henderson protocol, a "Stage IV" alternative cancer treatment:

The only proven cure for many common diseases is a strong immune system:

more breaking news continues below...

Joining the Juicers - How to "Juice" the Right Way and What to Avoid
Hemp Seeds for An Energized Life

5 Ways to Recognize Cancer Without Damaging Tests

Friday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 7-9PM EDT: RSB and Dr. Frank King answer listener questions on eye stress, including cataracts, glaucoma and allergic inflammation. Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments. Listen in at

Saturday, October 11, 2014

NaturalNews: Breakthrough robot kills Ebola in two minutes with beams of light‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
A breakthrough hospital robot invented in Texas kills Ebola in just two minutes using powerful beams of light.
Why isn't every hospital in America using this technology? It also kills superbugs like MRSA:

The U.S. Marines (hoo-rah!) have just completed a massive training drill that simulates an uncontrolled Ebola outbreak in America:

Liberia, meanwhile, is about to enact harsh police state measures and cancel democratic elections in an effort to halt the pandemic:

Check out this interesting article on making your own vitamin C supplements:

Don't miss the new "Quest for the Cures" summit on natural cancer treatments, beginning in just TWO days. Register now to hear all the interviews with top doctors, naturopaths and more:

10 House Plants That Improve Air Quality
7 Best Foods for Moms to Eat after Delivery

Carcinogens Added to National Toxicology Report

Friday, October 10, 2014

NaturalNews: Real Ebola risk to USA is from Central and South America‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Despite the current focus on air travel, the real Ebola risk to America comes from the possibility of persistent, uncontrolled outbreaks in Central and South America:

More than 200 airline cabin cleaners went on strike Wednesday in protest of having to clean up body fluids with no protective gear:

Ebola quarantine orders have just been signed into law in Connecticut:

Here are 4 facts about factory farmed meat that will have you avoiding the toxic food:

Check out these disturbing facts about flu shots that many people aren't aware of:

Do you know the difference between detoxifying and fasting? Which one is right for you?

Friday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 7-9PM EDT: RSB amd Dr. Frank King discuss the how to prevent the leading cause of anaphylaxic reactions in the U.S. Call with your questions at 1-866-939-2355. Listen in at

10 House Plants That Improve Air Quality
7 Best Foods for Moms to Eat after Delivery

Carcinogens Added to National Toxicology Report

Airline cleaning crews go on strike over exposure to blood, vomit and other Ebola risks
(NaturalNews) More than 200 cabin cleaners working at New York's LaGuardia Airport walked off the job on Wednesday in protest of what they say are poor working conditions. Citing the escalating Ebola scare as the straw that broke the camel's back,...

Friday, October 3, 2014

NaturalNews: Is the U.S. government actively encouraging the spread of Ebola?‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Piece by piece, a case is building that shows the U.S. government may be actively encouraging the spread of Ebola in America.
As microbiologist Dr. Gil Mobley recently said, "CDC is lying! ... [and] If they're not lying, they are grossly incompetent."
Here are ten pieces of evidence that raise all sorts of red flags:

Sales of pandemic preparedness supplies have skyrocketed 143,000% as Americans seek to get prepared:

Episode 11 has just been released on, with a special focus on Ebola spreading in North America:

A Texas family has been ordered into a 21-day lockdown and ordered to give blood on command to health authorities:

Omega-3 rich breast milk improves child intelligence:

Friday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 7-9PM EDT: RSB and Dr. Frank King discuss ways to test yourself for chronic dehydration, while Liam Scheff plans for the extreme water deficiency decline of Southern California. Call with your questions at 1-866-939-2355. Listen in at

5 Holistic Tips For Dealing With An Injury
80 is the New 50: A Unique Exercise for Staying Fit and Healthy at Any Age
5 Reasons You Should Eat More Goji Berries

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

NaturalNews: Kansas declares October to be "Zombie Preparedness Month" - for real‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
The Governor of Kansas has just declared October to be "Zombie Preparedness Month" and is now urging citizens of Kansas to prepare as if a zombie apocalypse were under way.
It's a smart plan, I say, to grab attention and help people get ready for any sort of disaster that may arrive:

The FTC is suing several major drug companies for blocking access to cheaper versions of drugs:

While Ebola now has a 70% mortality rate, alternative medicine is still being totally ignored by conventional medicine (surprised?)

The UK govt. has released confidential documents revealing the MMR vaccine link to autism:

If you don't want to fall victim to the next flu, you need to bulletproof your immune system:

more breaking news continues below...

7 Warning Signs of Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Positive Psychology: Be thankful and smile its good for your heart!
Top 11 Excellent Uses for Lavender Oil