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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

NaturalNews: BACKFIRE: How vaccine coercion destroyed trust in the medical profession

BACKFIRE! How the vaccine industry lost the propaganda war, alienated the public, and stirred up suspicion of the entire medical profession
The Health Ranger Dear NaturalNews readers,
The vaccine industry's coercion tactics are not working. Vaccine fanatics are alienating the public and eroding public trust across the medical profession.
Here's why medical coercion angers Americans:

Full Story
Pro-vaccine advocates miss the point. Measles were eradicated before the measles vaccine was introduced:
Yeah, Brian Williams lied, but that's nothing compared to the flagrant lack of regard for truth at the CDC:
Conventional medicine completely ignores the importance of our symbiotic bacteria, but someday probiotics might even replace vaccinations:
Peer-reviewed studies and scientific journals reveal rampant publishing of plagiarized and entirely fraudulent content:
Depression can be caused by nutritional deficiencies. Here are 10 to watch out for:
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