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Showing posts with label Police Department. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Police Department. Show all posts

Saturday, November 21, 2015

FREEDOM FORCE: Five Hispanic Teens take Part in Gang Rape

Posted on Michael Ware

When you tell people that our society glorifies sex and power, they look at you like you have a head growing out of your neck. They look this way because they like what they watch on television. They like going to the movies. They love their music. These things cannot be bad, can they? 
I do not want you to think that I am anti any of these things. I watch T.V., go to movies, and listen to music. I am also not one that thinks that these things are ultimately responsible for our actions or the actions of others. We sin because we like it, and we like it because we are sinful. But, there is something to be said about our media and violence.


Thursday, November 19, 2015

EAGLE RISING: Is Black Lives Matter Really That Stupid? Or Do They Have Another Agenda?

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Black Lives Matter claims to want to help black Americans. Logically, like Martin Luther King Jr. they would be trying to persuade others of the justice of their claims. This is not what they are doing. For starters, on its official site, the Black Lives Matter states that “Black Lives Matter is an ideological and political intervention in a world where Black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise.” Wow, systematically and intentionally targeted, seriously? I’d like to know what reality they are living in. A parallel universe, perhaps? They spread the belief that white privilege is the root cause of all the problems plaguing African Americans. They say that American society is inherently racist, in spite of the election and subsequent reelection of President Obama. They maintain that the police are targeting African Americans simply because of race, in spite of the fact that many of the police officers they accuse are African Americans or other minorities themselves. 
Under its principal of “Restorative Justice,” Black Lives claims, “We are committed to collectively, lovingly and courageously working vigorously for freedom and justice for Black people and, by extension all people.” Pretty words, but then the old Soviet Union’s constitution had a lot of pretty words, too, and that doesn’t seem to be what Black Lives Matter are doing. Calling someone a racist who actually is a racist won’t change his or her mind, however calling someone a racist who isn’t just leads to resentment. Do it often enough and you will create a backlash. Black Lives demonstrators chanting, “What do we want? Dead cops? When do we want them? Now,” isn’t exhibiting ‘lovingly’ behavior. Certainly hearing, “Pigs in a blanket! Fry ‘em like bacon,” isn’t likely to improve relations between police and the African American community.  Yet this is exactly what the Black Lives demonstrators have done and are doing. In fact, the hateful rhetoric of Black Lives Matter is causing more racial tension, not less.


Monday, November 9, 2015

BDN: Maine’s drone law: Privacy protection or police obstacle?

An Aerial MOB drone is used to shoot a scene on the set of &quotCriminal Minds: Beyond Borders" on Sept. 9, 2015 in Santa Clarita, California.Myung J. Chun | TNS 

By Christopher Burns, BDN Staff

New rules governing when, where and how police departments can deploy drones in Maine took effect last month after the governor’s unsuccessful attempt to veto it and 64 other bills. The drone law ushers in a change that legislators and civil liberties advocates say will shield Mainers’ right to privacy from abuse. 
Over the last few years, drones have skyrocketed in popularity. As they’ve grown more popular, concerns about privacy have grown more common as well. 
The Federal Aviation Administration since 2012 has been developing rules to integrate drones into the national airspace, but these address only safety. The FAA has left it up to state or federal government to enact legal protections against misuse of drones.

to read more: PointBox

GOPDD: PHOTO: Chick-fil-A Proves Once Again That They’re An “Evil” Company…

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You know how Chick-fil-A is full of HATE and the people who eat there are full of HATE and their chicken is full of delicious HATE? This doesn’t sound like a company that is full of hate at all. 
Chick-fil-A employees were recently spotted wearing company shirts that proudly boast “Back the Blue” in an effort to show their unwavering respect for the men and women who bravely protect our communities.


Saturday, October 31, 2015

EAGLE RISING: African-American Man Gets Pulled Over then Publishes Epic Facebook Rant about Cops!

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A Facebook post about one African-American man’s interaction with his local police officers has gone viral for all the right reasons. 
Steven Hildreth, Jr. is an African-American man who lives in Tucson, Arizona. He also happens to carry a concealed firearm wherever he goes (don’t worry he also has a permit) and he recently had a run-in with his local police because one of his vehicle’s headlights was out. After the confrontation, Hildreth, Jr. took to Facebook to tell his friends (and a lot of other people too) exactly what just took place and why he doesn’t buy into the rhetoric of the #BlackLivesMatter crowd.


Monday, October 26, 2015

GOPDD: S.C. teacher bites off teen’s tongue during attempted rape in her home

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It seems there is never an end to the crazies. A 16-year old young man attempted to rape a 33-year old woman in her home in South Carolina, but she fought back by biting off his tongue. 
The New York Daily News reports,  “Stop fighting and I won’t hurt you,” Antoine Miller, who’s charged as an adult in the case, allegedly told the 33-year-old woman after tackling her while armed with a knife, the Smoking Gun reported.


Monday, October 19, 2015

TIMES RECORD: Beware! Credit card fraud reported

Several cases noted in Bowdoin, Bowdoinham

Times Record Staff
Dozens of residents of Bowdoin and Bowdoinham may have been recent victims of credit card fraud.
Soon after Bowdoinham residents began noticing odd credit and debit card charges out of state, they began comparing notes, and a few called the local sheriff ’s department and some contacted the media.
In late September, the number of complaints in Bowdoinham about bogus credit card charges rose very rapidly. Over a two-day stretch, the Sagadahoc County Sheriff ’s Department received four complaints from consumers in Bowdoin, Bowdoinham and Woolwich about their credit or debit cards, according to Chief Deputy Brett Strout.
Strout advised credit and debit card holders who found unauthorized charges to call their card holders or banks and to notify police, who can track the incidents.


Friday, October 16, 2015


How much chance do we have of moving Lisbon forward when the town is being manipulated by Chief David T. Brooks?  Chief Brooks stood up before the Town Council and misspoke or provided misinformation.  If you doubt this, review the Town Council meeting posted on the town web site.

Chief Brooks has been involved with this project for several months now.  He has been working closely with Sheriff Samson since the beginning.  This is yet another item where Chief Brooks misspoke.  From the very first, Chief Brooks has been trying to sabotage the project because he did not want to lose half of his command.

During his presentation, Chief Brooks stated that the members of the Androscoggin County Dispatch came to Lisbon to review how the Lisbon Communication Center was setup.  According to Chief Brooks, they mirrored the hardware and software.  So why would it be so hard to consolidate the hardware and software?  Another factor is that record management could not be compatible and yet they are the same software?  Chief Brooks went on and on about how this project could not be good for the community and yet Lisbon Communication Center and Androscoggin County Dispatch have identical hardware and software.  I did not say this; Chief Brooks did!!!!

There is a common sense test that can answer the reality of this situation.

Which situation provides the fastest and most efficiency method of dispatching?

A.      Emergency Calls (911) come to Androscoggin County Dispatch (PSAP) and Androscoggin County Dispatch dispatch the Lisbon’s First Responders.

B.      Emergency Calls (911) come to Androscoggin County Dispatch (PSAP) and Androscoggin County Dispatch relay the information to the Lisbon Communication Center to dispatch Lisbon’s First Responders.

As anyone can see, Option A is the fastest and most efficient method of dispatching.  Chairman Pesce and Councilor Garrison estimated that the cost saving to the taxpayers would be approximately $190,000 tax dollars for the town.  The Town Manager estimated a saving to taxpayers to be approximately $164,000 plus.  These figures are based on the numbers provided by the County.  Speeding up how fast First Responder get to an emergency can only save lives and this is also a good thing for Lisbon Residents.  This is a win, win situation for the town.

Chief Brooks has misspoke or provided misinformation for the sole purpose of stopping this project.  The Town Council voted to stop this project.  That certainly exposed who the Town Council takes their guidance from.  The Town Manager is working very hard for the taxpayers and Chief Brooks and the Town Council stabled her and the community in the back.  It is time Chief Brooks and Chairman Pesce go; so the community can move forward.

Here is a project that will save lives and reduce taxes and Chief Brooks and the Town Council killed it.  $190,000 is more than 1/3 of a mil rate; why is this not a good thing?

Larry Fillmore

Friday, October 9, 2015

GOPDD: When Atheists Demanded They Remove “In God We Trust,” How This Police Chief Responds Has Me Cheering

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As you know, The Freedom from Religion Foundation has been on a mission to defend everyone’s constitutional right to the separation of church and state – at all costs. Even if it tears apart a community’s longstanding tradition…

Recently, the atheist group sent a letter to the Childress Police Department in Texas. Why? They’re demanding that the police remove the motto “In God We Trust” from the back of their squad cars.


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

"The Powers That Be In Lisbon" Quashed Any Tax Reduction For Next Year. "


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

GOPDD: Video: Obama: ‘We’ll Do a Better Job’ Protecting Police ‘if Our Communities Can Feel Confident That They Are Being Treated Fairly’

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While Obama spent mic time praising the “uncommon bravery” of police, indicating the “vast majority do right thing,” he said equal emphasis needs to be placed on ensuring the law is applied fairly.

“This is not a new problem,” he said. “It’s just that in recent months, in recent years, suddenly folks have videos and body cameras and social media. And so it’s opened our eyes to these incidents.”

Obama declared that “there is no contradiction between us caring about our law enforcement officers and also making sure that our laws are applied fairly.”


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

GOPDD: Boston Cop Union Boycotting Obama’s Labor Day Event Over Obama’s War On Cops

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Officer Jerry Flynn from Lowell, MA, wrote an op ed for the Boston Herald ripping Obama a new one…

Our members are enraged at his lack of support of law enforcement. It’s clear that he has an agenda, and unfortunately the police are not part of his agenda.


Monday, September 7, 2015

GOPDD: Teen Asks Female Officer If He Can Stand Watch While She Pumps Gas

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Following a recent “execution-style” attack on Deputy Darren Gotorth while he was pumping gas into his police car, police officers across the country have been on edge wondering if the same thing could happen to them. Luckily for Houston officer Tommi Jones-Kelley, she got some extra protection from a young stranger.


Tuesday, July 21, 2015


By Peter Reuter Special to the Lisbon Reporter

The foundation of ANY relationship, be it friendships, marriage, mechanics, public servants, Priests, Police, or pets, is TRUST.  If for any reason that is broken a vast array of events occur that lead to nothing more easily verbalized as BETRAYAL.  Here are the words as defined by just about any dictionary standards.


verb (used with object)

to deliver or expose to an enemy by treachery or disloyalty:
Benedict Arnold betrayed his country.
to be unfaithful in guarding, maintaining, or fulfilling:
to betray a trust.
to disappoint the hopes or expectations of; be disloyal to:
to betray one's friends.
to reveal or disclose in violation of confidence:
to betray a secret.
to reveal unconsciously (something one would preferably conceal):
Her nervousness betrays her insecurity.
to show or exhibit; reveal; disclose:
an unfeeling remark that betrays his lack of concern.
to deceive, misguide, or corrupt:
a young lawyer betrayed by political ambitions into irreparable folly.



reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.
confident expectation of something; hope.
confidence in the certainty of future payment for property or goods received; credit:
to sell merchandise on trust.
a person on whom or thing on which one relies:
God is my trust.
the condition of one to whom something has been entrusted.
the obligation or responsibility imposed on a person in whom confidence or authority is placed:
a position of trust.
charge, custody, or care:
to leave valuables in someone's trust.

History has proof of this occurring multiple times in Lisbon.  To zero in on target let us not forget the public display of insubordination by Lisbon's Chief of Police, David T. Brooks at the Town Council meeting of February 17, 2009.  A complete staged verbal display of inaccurate facts, LIES.  Now more recently the reassessment process that has turned into a complete display of non-performance of a contract which was orchestrated by Lisbon's previous Town Manager, Stephen G. Eldridge.  And the entourage that not only hired him but protected him from the tasks that he was entrusted to handle.  Yet we have learned of significant discrepancies in his ability to present complete budgets to the Town Councilors and Citizens to approve.

Now we Lisbon residents find ourselves in another type of quandary dealing with the School Budget and Municipal Budgets.  Betrayal of Trust has already occurred when the citizens were asked, via the voting process, if they wanted to vote on the Municipal Budget much like they do already on the School Budget.  Except the Town Councilors at that moment in time betrayed the trust of the people by not proceeding with the wishes of the voters.  It was unanimous that people did in fact want to vote on the Municipal Budget.  But Councilors have played "pin the tail on the voters" and have broken the trust with the rules of the game.

The importance of this second "go around" of School Budget discussions is very significant and needs not to be taken lightly by the voters.  The power is still in the voters hands when it comes time to vote.  In the mean time we ALL must be informed of the facts and voice our concerns.  It is the last bit of Democracy this town has.

For the discussion process at Lisbon Community School, people need to first attend then speak up  about concerns no matter what they are.  The future of Lisbon lies in the youth of the community and the adults that have to pay taxes to provide a proper educational environment.  We all know there can be significant cuts in an already grossly over-financed Police budget that could ease the burden on taxpayers and save a lot of cuts that will occur if the School is forced to cut their budget.  Mr. Green and staff have done a remarkable job preparing and informing the citizens already.  It is time to hold the Town Councilors accountable to their "sworn duties" and principles that they were voted into office on.

Why do we need to have our own Communications Center?

Why do we need such a lavishly funded Police Department?

Lisbon is "a great place to live and do business."  And it could be so much better if TRUST could be regained for the people by their Public Servants.  Until then the voter's only control is on the vote for the School Budget.  If you don't like it vote it down again.

At least attend this Round 2 Public Hearing and learn first hand about the facts.

God Bless and Good Luck!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Lisbon Police Chief David T. Brooks

Several years ago, the State of Maine approved the use of “Fireworks” within the state.  However, the state left it up to the Municipalities to establish their own Ordinance to control the sale and use of Fireworks within their boundaries.  Lisbon established an Ordinance (Article II, Section 24-31, Sale and use of consumer fireworks) for the community to follow.  This Ordinance is very specific on the times fireworks can be utilized within the community.  The dates, times and restrictions are outlined in Sec 24-31(b).

During the 4th of July and Moxie weekend, fireworks could be heard throughout the community at all hours of the day and night.  As good neighbors, it is our responsibility to comply with the hours designated by this Ordinance.  Unfortunately, this did not occur over this period.

This Ordinance has provisions for citizens who violate this Ordinance.  However, it appears that this Ordinance is not enforceable.  Chief Brooks stated that when this Ordinance was approved that there would be an educational period where the police would provide warnings in order to make everyone aware of this Ordinance.  The Ordinance has been in effect for two or more years now and we should be out of the warning period and into the enforcing period.   

So the question is:  Is the Police Department fining violators or letting them off with a warning for violations of the Ordinance?

By the sound throughout the evening hours of Moxie weekend and the 4th of July, I can safely say they are not enforcing this Ordinance.  This leaves the Town Council with two options:  either repeal this Ordinance because it is not enforceable or charge the Police Department with enforcing the Ordinance.

Either way, something has to be done to protect the community and its citizens.

Larry Fillmore

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Recently, the Town Council voted to have the Tideview Group perform a staffing assessment of Lisbon Police Department.  I have reviewed Mr. Joe Hill’s article and I concur with everything Mr. Hill pointed out.  I also have some questions about this evaluation. 

The following are items I would like to see addressed by the Town Manager:

1.      If this is a staffing assessment, why is there no reference to the support staff?  Chief Brooks has openly admitted to having one Administrative Assistant and two part-time Secretaries.  I do not understand why so many Secretaries.

2.     The Administrative Assistant’s job description contains at least half of the duties in the Communication Center.  Chief Brooks stated during an Ethics Panel inquiry that she no longer performed those duties.  If this is true, why are we paying her for NOT doing these duties?

3.     Under the section on Patrol Staffing, it states that Patrol Officers have an average of 30-40% of “unobligated time”.  Based on these figures, this mean that 1/3 of a Patrol Officers time during a shift is “unobligated time”.  This time could be better utilized in helping our Detective solve open cases. 

4.     Under Duties and Responsibilities there is no indication as to who is responsible for establishing schedules of Patrol Officers.  Also, there is no indication as to who is responsible for ensuring these Patrol Officer are productive their entire shift.  Closer supervision of these Patrol Officers would eliminate or drastically reduce the “unobligated time”.

5.     There is no listing of the number of Reserve Officers available.  These Reserve Officers could be training by utilizing Forfeiture Funds to raise their knowledge to the required level of a Patrol Officer or even a Sergeant.  These Forfeiture Funds should be used to raise the level of our Patrol Officers to reduce the need for direct supervision all the time.

6.     These Reserve Officers could conduct ride-alongs with experienced Officers to gain the experience needed to perform in the field.  This too could be paid out of the Forfeiture Funds and will enhance our Police Department.

All of these six suggestions are made to directly correct the mismanagement identified in the Tideview Group report.  Management of any department starts with the Department Head.  Chief Brooks has to reevaluate the current policies of the Lisbon Police Department and realign it with the findings with the study.

By reducing the 30-40% “unobligated time”, the Police Department will be able to devote additional time to solving open cases.  If properly implemented, the town will be able to eliminate a Patrol Officer.

Larry Fillmore

Friday, July 3, 2015

CSPOA: The CSPOA Cautions Americans To Be Vigilant For Possible Violence During The 4th Of July Weekend

(Phoenix, AZ) As Americans prepare to celebrate our independence, CSPOA urges caution and vigilance, especially at large gatherings, for possible violent terrorist acts against our people.

"Federal authorities have requested our help in warning everyone to be careful and watchful as they celebrate the 4th," said CSPOA founder and President, Richard Mack.


Past terrorist attacks in the US have focused on our uniquely American institutions, such as the World Trade Center, and could be planned for our uniquely American holidays as well. The FBI has warned that intelligence indicates a possibility of one or more attacks on large gatherings this weekend.


"We want everyone to participate and enjoy the celebrations across the nation, but we urge all to be aware of their surroundings and to report any suspicious activity," said Mack. "We encourage our citizens to exercise their First and Second Amendment rights as they see fit for their own safety and protection."