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Showing posts with label Public Laws. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Public Laws. Show all posts

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Recap Town Council Meeting - July 17th‏

The meeting started out as usual, the pre-meeting where the puppets are provided guidance on what to say and do during the meeting was held in Eldridge’s office.  The meeting went very smoothly and all puppets did as they were told.

One of the major issues discovered was that the town was below the recommended Charter’s Undesignated Fund of 12.5%.   This question had to be asked three times before the public could get an answer.  The impact of this is that the town must maintain 12.5% of the General Funds in order to protect the town.  Falling below this 12.5% put the town in a vulnerable situation.  Thankfully, nothing happened but the 12.5% was put into the Charter for an important reason and the town council certainly should remain within the parameters of the Charter at all times.

The town council moved and approved the following items:

Dump Body Replacement Bid for $29,500.00
Road Striping Bid for $15,554.99
Town Planner for $20,000.00
Health Officer for $10,000.00
Ballot for MMA’s Legislative Policy Committee
Amendments to the General Assistance Temporary Housing and Overall Maximums

There was a discussion about a well at 24 Davis Street which appears to be polluted by the town.  The council decided there was not sufficient information to render a decision so they rescheduled this item for a workshop.  The town engineer was tasked to gather additional information.

The same applied to the Upper Dam situation.  Additional information was needed before the council could make a decision so they rescheduled it for a workshop.

There was a laundry list of appointments and resignations which they went through and approved.

Then they moved to Executive Session.  This lasted approximately 40 minutes and when they came back they provide no information on what was discussed.  The topics were Labor negotiations; Consultations with legal counsel; Consultation with code enforcement officer and town attorney on pending enforcement matters and finally Economic Development.  This most significant issue here is the town never reveals what the Economic Development actually is which is not according to the statute.  There are certain items which need to be discussed in private but the subject matter should never be kept from the citizens.  People need to know what is going on in their town.  All topics had a clear indication of what was being discussed with the exception of Economic Development.  What is the big secret?  What are they hiding from the people?


After the meeting the council moved to a lengthy discussion on a Fireworks Ordinance.  I will cover this separately because it is very involved and is divided.

Larry Fillmore
Concerned Citizen

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Who Should Pay ? ? ?


On this year's list of local roads to be repaired there are five roads in Huston Park. These roads are: Huston Street, East Avenue, Wing Street, Cross Street and Scottsdale Avenue. These five are the only roads list to be repaired in Huston Park. The common factor with all of these roads is they are utilized by tractor-trailers to enter and exit Huston Park daily.

The local roads are not designed or constructed to withstand constant excessive weight. These tractor-trailers travel these local roads with heavy loads of materials on their trailers. This excessive weight has to be the cause of damage to these roads. It is not rocket science that of all the roads in Huston Park ONLY these roads need repair. Also, Scottsdale Avenue was just repaired a few years ago because the sewer/water infrastructure failed. Because of HEAVY HAUL use.

So this brings up the question, who should be paying for the repair of these roads? It is very apparent this is NOT normal wear and tear that has destroyed these roads so why should the taxpayers foot the bill.  

There are two or three of these tractor-trailers utilizing these local roads daily so why is the town requiring the taxpayers to pay for the repair of these roads?

The bigger question is why these vehicles are allowed to operate in Huston Park or on any local road in the first place. The town Planning Board should have imposed a city ordinance to protect these local roads by prohibiting the daily use of these vehicles on all local roads. I understand there will be some exceptions such as moving vans and deliver trucks. However, there is a legitimate need for the Planning Board to protect our local roads.

Why should the taxpayers of Lisbon be forced to pay for road repairs caused by individuals who choose to operate a business out of their residence? 


Larry Fillmore
Concerned Citizen

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

As The Money Flows In Lisbon The Corruption Continues


Last night the town council held a Public Hearing on the municipal and school budgets. This meeting was first announced on April 30th in the Sun Journal and was never announced in the Brunswick Times Record according to the respective papers. This is a direct violation of our town Charter, Section 6.04 – Council Action on Budget, (a) Notice and Hearing, 2 The time and place (not less than two weeks after the first such publication) of a public hearing on the proposed budgets.

 "The Dynamic Duo Dumb-heads"

Since the first announcement, only 9 days had past. When this information was presented to the council Chairman Larochelle, he ignored it and moved on with the public hearing. Apparently, this council has absolutely no interest in complying with OUR Town Charter. The citizens’ desires are meaningless to this council.

It is the town manager’s responsibility to ensure the provisions of OUR town Charter are upheld. This is another violation of the town charter by the town manager. How long do the people of Lisbon have to put up with his incompetentness? Councilor Mason states she was disappointed there were not more people there but when you announce the public hearing in one newspaper and then NOT allow the 14 days to pass prior to the meeting; What would you expect? 

 Lisbon Town Councilor Gina Mason

"We Went From 'Eye Rolling' Norma Wells To This!???"

There was not sufficient time for the message to get out to all the citizens. However, this is just another prime example of Eldridge not following OUR Charter and the town council being manipulated. They say, "ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise"!!!
 The actual wording comes from Thomas Gray's poem, "Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College" (1742): "Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise."

One of the more important questions asked was if the people were going to have an opportunity to vote on this year’s budget and the answer was “NO”. Chairman Larochelle stated this has to be changed in several parts of our Charter. Supposedly, it is in the hands of the town lawyer whose objective is to water this proposal down so the people of Lisbon will not have the opportunity to vote “by department” on the municipal budget. Remember last November when over 2,000 citizens of Lisbon stated they wanted to vote on the municipal budget by departments. Brooks cannot stand to allow this to happen because his budget is the most expensive.

At the last Town Council meeting, I pointed out to the town council I was not receiving correct information from the management of the town. I had asked for the general fund balance to determine if the town has the correct amount in the Undesignated Fund (emergency fund) which is mandated by our Charter. The town is required to maintain 12.5% of the total municipal and school general fund. I continued to receive different numbers every time I asked.  

So I asked the State of Maine Tax Division for the correct number and guess what; the town is SHORT approximately $7,271.50 in this account. Again, this is a violation of OUR town Charter. When Eldridge took over as the town manager there was over 3 million ($3,000,000) dollars in this account. Where has our tax dollars gone? We need a forensic audit.

How many more of OUR Town's Charters are we going to allow Eldridge to VIOLATE? 

When is the town council going to get the message Eldridge’s word cannot be trusted? 

I cannot believe how easy it is to manipulate this council.

Vote three of them out in November and let’s try and get some individuals who are not as easy to manipulate!!!!!!!!!!

Larry Fillmore
Concerned Citizen

"They're Coming To Take Me Away Ha Ha"; BrasscheckTV: Free Speech is now a felony in the name of security‏ (What Are They Scared Of The Truth? Hell, I Have A Legal Birth Certificate, anti-protest law, censorship, denial is self-destructive, First Amendment, free speech, Obama is a puppet in sheeps clothing, Secret Service )

The silence over this one was so deafening I all most missed this
story completely. Nary a peep of opposition to this one in Congress
either. It's almost as if the media and Congress held hands and
marked the passing of the First Amendment together in silence.
As silent as we will be, should we wander within earshot of a
Secret Service agent.
With the stroke of a pen, Obama makes free speech a felony... 
Goodman Green
- Brasscheck

 With the stroke of a pen,
Obama makes free speech a felony

Abridged: The First Amendment Is Now a Felonious Criminal Act

by Mac Slavo

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
    Amendment I
    Bill of Rights
    United States Constitution
    Adopted August 21, 1789

As Congressional representatives overwhelming approved the  Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act in February of this year, few Americans were paying attention. When President Obama signed the Act into law, he did so in secret, without any of the fanfare that came with his signing of universal health care two years prior – and for good reason. This is one of those laws the government doesn’t want you to know exists until it’s too late to do anything about it.

For many, awareness of the existence of the new law will only become apparent when they are arrested and charged under new Federal trespassing guidelines as they attempt to protest, display signs or disrupt any person or event of national significance. An event of national significance is any activity where Secret Service agents are responsible for security. With several thousand agents in the field at any given time, events involving the President, Congressional members, staff or individuals running for Federal office are all fair game.

Simply standing with a bullhorn, holding up a sign, promoting  a contentious message or even being on the grounds of a Secret Service secured event will now make it possible for the government to detain, arrest and charge those involved in these “disruptions” (even if you just happen to be passing through) with a felonious criminal act.

Continue reading here

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Lisbon's "Stealth" Money Pit - Lisbon Police Department

Lisbon’s 2 Million Dollar Police Force.

Yes I said 2 million dollars. That is what I estimate our Police Force costs when you carefully calculate all the hidden costs associated with the  Department. We will never know the exact figure because most of it has been cleverly shifted into other department accounts to give a false impression of the department's size.

What do we get for that 2 million dollars?

It appears we get a Town Manager and the head of the Police Dept., by extension, that has been selectively using their authority to decide who should obey the ordinances in Lisbon and who gets a pass on the law. 

I was brought up to believe the Police were our friends . This belief doesn’t seem to hold any truth today. I feel  the police in Lisbon are used as an enforcement arm, by the local political structure, to enforce the law when it is convenient for the Town Management and turn a blind eye when that enforcement would cause problems for the Towns Elite.

By now everyone must be aware of the traffic ordinances that are being ignored in Houston Park.  Numerous times concerned residents have called the local PD to get relief from this potentially dangerous problem and countless times the police have looked the other way and ignored their duty.
I wonder if this neglect has anything to do with the resident on Scottsdale Ave. (their boss)

I view any
Police corruption as an especially heinous offense.  Once a department crosses the line they inevitably embark on a journey down a slippery slope that usually escalates into more serious indiscretions.  Whats next  “selective spot zoning” or worse.

When police and town officials selectively enforce laws several things happen..

      1.  They lose credibility with the people they
      2.  A legal situation is created that can cast doubts on their legitimate work.
      3.  Officers lose all moral authority and are often viewed as the problem not  the solution.
      4.   Due to our litigious society they place unnecessary financial risk on the Town.

When the people we trust to enforce the laws  are viewed as the law breakers, society as a whole is in danger of crumbling.

Joe Hill

Monday, April 30, 2012

Government Scandals Are The Norm Now; BrasscheckTV: Obama's bloodiest scandal and its shameless cover-up‏ (atf, doj, eric holder, fast and furious, FBI, gunrunning, Obama, scandal, straw purchases)

American gun dealers were 'under orders' by the ATF and the Justice
Department to sell guns to straw purchasers who would then hand the
guns over to drug cartels in Mexico.
The main stream media still refer to this as a 'botched' operation
despite the evidence that the program worked exactly as it was
designed to.
As part of a plan to 'brainwash' Americans into thinking about guns
in a whole new way, guns were delivered to the cartels and turned
up at Mexican crime scenes, making headlines and bolstering the
bogus claim that American gun laws were to blame for the violence
in Mexico.
The administration then tried to make the case that we need
stricter gun laws to stem the flow of weapons across the border, a
ridiculous claim considering that the ATF and DOJ had to SUBVERT
existing laws to make the program work.
Here's the story...
Goodman Green
- Brasscheck

 Author and journalist Katie Pavlich talks to Glenn Reynolds about the Fast and Furious firearms scandal that resulted in the murder of a Border Patrol agent. Pavlich's research shows that the ATF put guns in the hands of criminals, but never planned to track these weapons. Was the Obama Administration using Fast and Furious to undermine the Second Amendment?

Fast & Furious Gun Scandal: Is This the Obama Administration's Greatest Cover-Up?

 Republicans prepare contempt citation against Eric Holder over Fast and Furious

By Sharyl Attkisson
CBS News

House Republicans investigating the Fast and Furious scandal plan to pursue a contempt citation against Attorney General Eric Holder, senior congressional aides told CBS News.

The resolution will accuse Holder and his Justice Department of obstructing the congressional probe into the allegations that the government let thousands of weapons fall into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.

The citation would attempt to force Holder to turn over tens of thousands of pages of documents related to the probe, which has entered its second year.

For months, congressional Republicans probing ATF's Fast and Furious "Gunwalker" scandal - led by California Republican Rep. Darrell Issa, have been investigating a contempt citation. They've worked quietly behind the scenes to build support among fellow Republicans, since it could ultimately face a full House vote.

CBS News has confirmed that House Speaker John Boehner, an Ohio Republican, was provided a 48-page long draft by Issa, who heads the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

"While there are very legitimate arguments to be made in favor of such an action, no decision has been made to move forward with one by the Speaker or by House Republican leaders," a Republican leadership aide told CBS News.

Read more

Repulsive Republicans and Dumb Democrats Cower Down to the U.S. Constitution; WND: GOP lawmaker: Eligibility too scary to take on

 WND Exclusive     Reprinted here on The Lisbon Reporter by permission

by Drew Zahn

In former Arizona House Speaker Kirk Adams, eligibility activist Tom Ballantyne thought he had found a Republican ally who would champion the Constitution by demanding a congressional investigation into Barack Obama’s “natural-born citizen” status.

After all, Adams told Ballantyne he was so fierce a defender of the Constitution that he battled his state’s Republican governor in court to protect the legislature’s enumerated powers from executive-branch encroachment.

When it came to investigating Obama’s eligibility, however, Adams – who is now running for the U.S. House – said he feared Congress standing up to the chief executive would trigger “a constitutional crisis unlike one we’ve seen since perhaps the Civil War.”
Further, Adams questioned whether an investigation by Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio – determining probable cause to suspect the White House presented forged documents as “proof” of Obama’s eligibility – lends “credibility” to the case.

In a video shot by Ballantyne, author of “Oh Really, O’Reilly!” and cameraman Gabe Zolna, Adams affirmed his oath of office to defend the Constitution, but worried that investigating Obama’s potential violation of that Constitution would create tremendous “fallout” among the American people.

“First off, I do think it’s entirely appropriate that every candidate for office be able to prove their eligibility,” Adams said. “But … can you imagine the constitutional crisis that would ensue?”

He continued, “Because of how big that would be, I simply do not believe that an investigation by a volunteer posse of the sheriff gives enough credibility to this issue to really push this issue.”
Instead, Adams insisted Congress shouldn’t act until the question of Obama’s eligibility had “worked its way through the legal process.”

Video of the exchange can be seen below, with Adams’ remarks on eligibility beginning at roughly the 5:55 mark:

If you cannot see the video be sure to click on the link at the bottom of the page to watch. 

The video concludes with Ballantyne arguing that Obama’s potential ineligibility has already triggered a Constitutional crisis and that the issue can’t “work its way through the legal process” because the courts won’t grant “standing” to those seeking answers.

“Absent a congressional hearing and congressional force of authority being brought to bear,” Ballantyne said, “it seems that everybody is waiting for somebody else to do it.”

Sign the petition urging Congress to take the issue seriously with an investigation of its own!

World's Toughest Sheriff Hot On The Trail Of Deception;WND: Sheriff Joe releasing more on Obama 'I have no intention of resigning'

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio finds himself under increasing attack as he prepares to release new findings in his investigation of President Obama's eligibility for the state's 2012 election ballot.

"I have no intention of resigning," said Arpaio, who is running for his sixth term as sheriff of
Maricopa County. "They forget I have a four-decades long career in federal law enforcement that includes having been a special agent for the FBI and having worked for the Drug Enforcement Agency in the United States, as well as in Argentina, Turkey and Mexico."

WND previously reported the intensity of attacks on Arpaio at both a state and national level.

Already, Arpaio has announced that his volunteer law enforcement investigation has found probable cause that Obama's long-form birth certificate and his Selective Service registration form are forgeries. Arpaio and his team made the announcement at a March 1 press conference.

A second press conference is expected in the next few weeks to announce more findings Arpaio suggests will be explosive.

Support Sheriff Joe Arpaio's continuing investigation of Obama's fraudulent birth certificate. He may represent our last chance to see justice done.

Last week, Arizona Republic columnist Laurie Roberts wrote a piece in which she reminded Arpaio of his pledge 20 years ago when he first ran as a candidate for Maricopa County sheriff to serve only one term and turn the office into an appointed post. Arpaio has said that his campaign pledge was a mistake, because if he reported to a political official, he would have been fired 20 years ago and not had the liberty to "do what I felt was right for the people that I serve."

WND has previously reported that political operative Randy Parraz, a self-described "organizer," has been running a determined campaign to oust Arpaio from office.

Parraz, together with a small group of activists operating under Parraz's "newly formed organization, Citizens for a Better Arizona, have unsuccessfully tried to disrupt meetings of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors to demand the oversight group vote to request Arpaio's resignation.

Arpaio, an elected sheriff, cannot be removed from office by a vote of the county board.

But the ineffectiveness of Parraz's own political actions against Arpaio has not stopped him from expressing frustration that the Obama administration is taking so long to press Arpaio in federal court.

"We're not sitting back waiting on the federal government on this," Parraz recently told TPM. "They move at a pace that's not conductive to the situation."

Meanwhile, establishment media have portrayed Arpaio as politically isolated and likely to face federal criminal and civil charges by the Justice Department in Federal District Court.

Click here to learn more about how you can support Sheriff Joe Arpaio's continuing investigation.

At the same time, media have downplayed Democratic Party scandals such as Fast and Furious, resignations from the Arizona U.S. Attorney's office and the possibility the U.S. Supreme Court could uphold the constitutionality of the Arizona legislature's bill to ensure its citizens are protected from civil and criminal offenses caused by illegal immigrants the federal government is unwilling to police.

A massive corruption scandal in Maricopa County

As WND reported, new impetus was given to the anti-Arpaio campaign by the recent disbarment of Maricopa County attorney Andrew Thomas in a complicated corruption case.

Establishment media have largely ignored, however, the fact that Thomas and Assistant Prosecutor Lisa Aubuchon were disbarred for filing criminal charges against Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Gary Donahoe and two members of the Board of Supervisors, which oversees Arpaio's office, Mary Rose Wilcox and Don Stapley. Both are determined Arpaio foes.

The corruption charges against Wilcox and Stapley were never adjudicated after a Pima County judge dismissed the case due to prosecutorial misconduct.

Still, the evidence of government corruption in Maricopa County abounds.

WND reported that as many as 11 Maricopa County employees have been terminated in recent months for allegedly accepting bribes in a court tower construction scandal – one of the Thomas investigations that was terminated by the counter-attack on Thomas that resulted in the disbarment decision.

Still, media have not noted that a grand jury brought more than 100 charges against Stapley for a wide variety of alleged criminal activity, including failing to file financial disclosures to accepting expensive gifts such as three-week Hawaiian vacations and ski trips for him and his family.

Now, Arpaio's opponents in Arizona are pressing for a federal criminal grand jury to press charges against him for his involvement with Thomas in trying to root out corruption in Maricopa County.

Even if no criminal trial results, Arpaio's opponents hope to have him under federal criminal indictment at the same time the U.S. Department of Justice presses a civil case against him in the federal courts, alleging he has systematically implemented a policy of violating the federal civil rights of Hispanics.

Fast and Furious

Dennis Burke
In July 2011, Dennis Burke, a prominent Democratic Party operative in Arizona, resigned as U.S. Attorney, just as the House Oversight Committee and an internal Justice Department internal investigation began focusing on the role Arizona played in Fast and Furious.

Before taking the job of U.S. Attorney in Arizona, Burke had served as chief of staff to Janet Napolitano when she was the governor of Arizona. He then was a senior advisor to Napolitano when she moved to Washington to become Homeland Security Secretary in 2009 under the in-coming Obama administration.

When Burke resigned, Politico reported any aspirations he might have to follow Napolitano's footsteps as a tough-on-crime Democrat by becoming Arizona attorney general and then running for governor were dashed.

At the time he resigned, Burke was considered a possible Democratic Party candidate for the seat being vacated by Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., or as a candidate for governor in 2014.

The next resignation was by Patrick J. Cunningham, the head of the Criminal Division of the U.S. Attorney's Office in Arizona, who had announced he would take the Fifth Amendment rather than testify before Congress regarding the Department of Justice's scandalous gun-running operation "Fast and Furious."

In Arizona, Cunningham was widely regarded as Burke's "No. 1 Guy," as noted by reporter David Codrea of the Gun Rights Examiner.

Consistently, Arizona's two Republican senators, Kyl and John McCain, have refused to come to Arpaio's defense.

In March, WND reported Kyle and McCain had given their approval to the Obama administration nomination as U.S. attorney in Arizona of John Leonardo, a former Arizona judge with a history of judicial rulings adverse to Arpaio.

Leonardo, who retired last month as Pima County Superior Court judge, threw out an indictment in 2010 against Maricopa County Supervisor Wilcox, a Democrat and an outspoken critic of Arpaio.

In that case, State of Arizona v. Mary Rose Wilcox, Leonardo asserted that Arpaio had "misused the power of his office to target members of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors for criminal investigations."

Support Sheriff Joe Arpaio's continuing investigation of Obama's fraudulent birth certificate. He may represent our last chance to see justice done.

Radical outside agitator plots against Arpaio

Parraz, born in California in 1967, has an elite education, having received his B.A. degree from the University of California Berkeley, a Masters from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard and a Juris Doctorate from the University of California Berkeley.

In 1994, while yet a graduate student at the Kennedy School, Parraz was recruited to work as a community organizer in Dallas, Texas, by the Industrial Areas Foundation, or IAF, a Saul Alinsky-oriented organization based in Chicago.

According to the National Latino Congress website, it was in Dallas, working for the IAF, that "Parraz learned the fundamentals of the Saul Alinsky model of church-based community organizing."

In 2002, the national AFL-CIO transplanted Parraz into Arizona to serve as the union's Arizona state director, a position he held until 2004.

Parraz left the AFL-CIO to accept a two-year fellowship with Echoing Green, a global organization promoting "social entrepreneurs."

During this two-year fellowship, Parraz and his associate, Scott Sherman, pursued their idea of establishing a "Transformative Action Institute" by presenting their model for progressive social change to what the National Latino Congress estimated was more than 1,000 students. They offered classes at UC Berkeley, Yale, Princeton, New York University, UCLA, UC Irvine, and California State University Fullerton.

In 2007, Parraz returned to Arizona to work as a "residential organizer" for the Laborer's International union of North America, better known as LiUNA, where by 2009, he received total compensation in excess of $125,000 a year, according to the organization's official records.

Senater Pearce
After the Arizona legislature passed SB 1070, widely regarded as the toughest state law passed at that time to oppose illegal immigration, Parraz founded the East Valley Patriots for American Values, the EVPAV, to focus on the recall of Arizona State Senate President Russell Pearce, a long-time Republican state senator and the legislator considered the architect of SB 1070.

Parraz evolved the EVPAV into the Citizens for a Better Arizona, a 501(c)4 organization that dedicated its efforts to the Pearce recall, despite the tax-favored status of the organization requiring it to pursue a "nonpartisan" purpose.

In a recall election held Nov. 4, 2011, in which Democrats were allowed to vote, Pearce lost to his only remaining opponent – Republican challenger Jerry Lewis, a political moderate but, like Pearce, a Mormon.

This week Arizona is prepared to go before the U.S. Supreme Court to defend the constitutionality of SB 1070.

The Parraz-engineered defeat of Pearce has been portrayed in establishment media as evidence that Arpaio is being isolated as his "world crumbles" and "his closest allies have fallen."

Click here to learn more about how you can support Sheriff Joe Arpaio's continuing investigation.

Meanwhile, media have downplayed evidence that a third gun traceable to Fast and Furious may have been used in the murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, while avoiding any suggestion the U.S. Attorney's Office in Phoenix may have played a role in suppressing news of the newly discovered weapon.

Read the preliminary findings of Sheriff Arpaio's Cold Case Posse investigation after six months investigating Obama's constitutional eligibility to serve as president in "A Question of Eligibility," co-authored by Jerome Corsi and Mike Zullo.

Click here to support Sheriff Joe Arpaio's continuing investigation of Obama's fraudulent birth certificate. He may represent our last chance to see justice done. 

Reprinted by permission on The Lisbon Reporter

Friday, April 27, 2012

Last Night's Planning Board Meeting Recap


At Thursday’s night Planning Board meeting, the Planning Board held, as part of this meeting, a Public Hearing on two issues: Case #11-06 Swift Demolitions Co. Demolish and Remove Existing Building at the Old Masonite Fiber Board Site in Lisbon Falls and the Comprehensive Plan Amendments, specifically for limited commercial uses for properties directly abutting Route 9 in Lisbon Falls.

Also the Planning Board Regular meeting dealt with these two issues and Case #11-05 Site/Plan/Subdivision Final Plan Application: Premier Development LLC Develop a Commercial Park. Both Cases 11-05 & 11-06 were passed by a vote of 5-0 with little or no discussion. However, the Comprehensive Plan Amendment was a totally different matter altogether.

During the Public Hearing on the Comprehensive Plan Amendment, there were members of the audience who spoke against the proposed changes. Roger Cote, David Bowie, Dot Fitzgerald, Mark and Curtis Lunt all presented arguments against the proposed changes. Each of these individuals provided insight as to the damage being done by allowing businesses on Route 9. It was brought out the businesses on Route 9 have been in violation of the current ordinances for a long time. The policy in effect throughout the town is; it is better to ask for forgiveness rather than ask for permission

No one wants to prevent people from earning a living or supplementing their income by operating a business from their residence but the town has ordinances in order to protect the environment and the investment residents have put into their homes. Rural Open Space 1 was established to protect the rural environment and a peaceful lifestyle. Allowing limited commercial in Rural Open Space 1 will destroy both the environment and the rural lifestyle.

Everyone agreed this current situation was a direct result of the Code Enforcement Officer not performing his duty. However, in all fairness to Mike Cote, it is the Town Manager, Stephen Eldridge, who is not enforcing the ordinances of the town of Lisbon. Eldridge has on several occasions reversed Mike Cote trying to enforce ordinances. Mike Cote is close to retirement and will lose his retirement if he tries to enforce any ordinances without Eldridge’s prior approval. Eldridge protects his and Brooks’ friends. They both protect and make exceptions for town councilors such as Gina Mason and Lori Pomelow. These two councilors receive preferential treatment.

It is a known fact; the town of Lisbon is operated on favoritism and not in accordance with the law or ordinances. The laws and ordinances are not applied evenly throughout the town. Brooks and Eldridge enforce only what they want to in order to protect their friends. Law abiding citizens are actually penalized for following the rules. In some cases, citizens are actually put at risk by the police not enforcing speed limits and stop signs in residential areas.

Some residents, who were operating a small business at their residents, were in fact ordered to close the business when others were allowed to continue operating a small business from their residence. This is called discrimination and the courts take a very dim view of this practice. Eldridge and Brooks have placed the town of Lisbon in a very compromising position.

The town has been collecting personal property taxes on these businesses on Route 9 for years. This means the town has acknowledged that these illegal businesses were operating but wanted the revenue instead of enforcing the town ordinances.

There was no one who spoke in favor of the proposal and so the Planning Board voted 4-0 with one abstention to table the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. A representative of AVCOG was present but could not offer any solution.

Stay tuned for more to come on this situation.

Larry Fillmore
Concerned Citizen

Friday, April 20, 2012

Medicinal Marijuana, Pot, Hemp, UNION, Whatever 101 Just The Facts

Best Marijuana Documentary EVER! (SHARE THIS VIDEO)  Note: There Is Adult Language, so make certain grandma doesn't watch this.

Monday, April 9, 2012

The War On Drugs Is A Hoax; Brasscheck TV:US clings to 'Drug War' as Latin America considers change‏ (black market, cartels, Drug War, gangs, governments, Latin America, prohibition, Summit of the Americas, war on drug users)

At the Summit of the Americas, this year, Latin American leaders
will be admitting that the 'War on Drugs' is a failure and that
they should be considering alternatives, such as ending prohibition.
Ending prohibition will all but destroy the black market on which
the violent drug cartels thrive.
Leading up to the Summit of the Americas, however, the Obama
Administration has indicated that they intend to cling steadfast to
old and failing policies, even as Latin American leaders consider
Here's how the conversation is going...

Goodman Green
- Brasscheck

  'War on drugs' has failed, say Latin American leaders

Watershed summit will admit that prohibition has failed, and call for more nuanced and liberalised tactics

by  Jamie Doward

The Guardian

A historic meeting of Latin America's leaders, to be attended by Barack Obama, will hear serving heads of state admit that the war on drugs has been a failure and that alternatives to prohibition must now be found.

The Summit of the Americas, to be held in Cartagena, Colombia is being seen by foreign policy experts as a watershed moment in the redrafting of global drugs policy in favour of a more nuanced and liberalised approach.

Otto Pérez Molina, the president of Guatemala, who as former head of his country's military intelligence service experienced the power of drug cartels at close hand, is pushing his fellow Latin American leaders to use the summit to endorse a new regional security plan that would see an end to prohibition. In the Observer, Pérez Molina writes: "The prohibition paradigm that inspires mainstream global drug policy today is based on a false premise: that global drug markets can be eradicated."

P̩rez Molina concedes that moving beyond prohibition is problematic. "To suggest liberalisation Рallowing consumption, production and trafficking of drugs without any restriction whatsoever Рwould be, in my opinion, profoundly irresponsible. Even more, it is an absurd proposition. If we accept regulations for alcoholic drinks and tobacco consumption and production, why should we allow drugs to be consumed and produced without any restrictions?"

Read entire article
U.S. clings to "Drug War" as
Latin American nations mull ending prohibition

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Ron Paul: When Push Comes to Shove‏

Dear Fellow Conservative,

Right now, I believe you and I are in the middle of one of the most important presidential elections in our country's history.

With our nation now over $15 trillion in debt, most Americans understand we must change course - and fast - or our children and grandchildren may never know the freedom and prosperity intended for us by the Founding Fathers.

When I first heard my supporters were throwing a "No One But Ron Paul" Money Bomb to show that no other candidate has a consistent track record of standing up to the Big Government, big spending status quo, I can't help but say I was truly flattered.

But the truth is, they couldn't be more right.

Just as my campaign's "Three of a Kind" ad points out, I'm afraid my establishment opponents just don't "get it."

Whether it's supporting the individual mandate so central to "ObamaCare," taking $1.6 million from Freddie Mac to keep the housing bubble growing, or voting for the largest expansion of entitlement spending since President Lyndon Johnson, when push comes to shove, they've all betrayed conservative principles.

If you agree that we can no longer tolerate candidates who are conservative in name only, I hope you'll contribute to this Money Bomb IMMEDIATELY.

You see, no other candidate:
***     Has stood up for limited government, free markets, sound money, and constitutional principles for over 30 years;
***     Predicted this entire economic mess we're in years before it happened and knows what it takes to get our economy moving in the right direction;
***     Answered the call to duty by serving our country as a Flight Surgeon in the U.S. Air Force and in the Air National Guard;
***     Issued a plan to enact one TRILLION in real spending cuts during the first year of his presidency, abolish five unconstitutional federal departments, and balance the federal budget by year three;
***     Authored legislation to immediately begin saving unborn lives by repealing Roe v. Wade, federally defining that life begins at conception, and stripping out-of-control judges of any jurisdiction over the abortion issue;
***     Fought to fully audit - and then END - the out-of-control Federal Reserve System and to stop the printing of money out of thin air that is destroying our middle class;
***     Consistently stood up for our God-given right to keep and bear arms guaranteed to us by the Second Amendment;
***     Pushed for passage of a National Right to Work law to end forced union dues nationwide;
***     Put forth a plan to stop illegal immigration and secure our own borders instead of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan.
The great news is, my campaign is really making waves.

We've seen incredibly strong finishes in states like Iowa, New Hampshire, Minnesota, and Maine.

And while my opponents have seen up-and-downs, my finishes have been strong and consistent.

All along the way, we're picking up hordes of delegates - the folks who will ultimately select who goes to Tampa, Florida, this August to decide who becomes our Republican nominee.

I believe we need a true constitutional conservative in the White House - a true champion of limited government and traditional values.

Quite frankly, not one of my opponents measures up.

So I hope you'll contribute to this Money Bomb immediately.

Every dollar you can give puts us one step closer to putting a real constitutional conservative in the White House.

Please pledge to contribute IMMEDIATELY!

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S.  No other candidate predicted this entire economic mess we're in long before it happened and has offered a real plan to turn our country around.

That's why my supporters are holding an important Money Bomb to show that no other candidate has a track record of fighting for the principles of individual liberty, free markets, sound money, and constitutional government.

So please, contribute as generously as you can IMMEDIATELY to help me fight back against the Washington, D.C. political establishment and win the White House!

Paid for by Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee
Nothing paid to The Lisbon Reporter.

Monday, January 16, 2012

NaturalNews: National security failure? How did radioactive products end up on store shelves in America?‏

By now, most people already know that radioactive tissue holders were being sold by the U.S. retailer Bed, Bath & Beyond.
What people aren't yet talking about, however, is this commonsense question: How did radioactive products get shipped from India to New Jersey, then distributed all across America, without anyone noticing?
Read more in today's feature story:

Cherries are a "miracle" food. They can help reverse gout (a painful condition caused by too much uric acid in the blood), and they can even help ease arthritis pain:

Is this the next "big thing" in dieting? Intermittent fasting (or intermittent low-carb) has been proven to be more effective than standard dieting:

As the European Union heads toward financial implosion, all the King's horses and all the King's men are trying to print their way out of trouble with unprecedented money creation. It will, predictably, lead to global price inflation:

P.S. Here's my video interview from last week on the Alex Jones Show, featuring discussion on Dr. Andrew Wakefield:

More news continues below...

Today's Feature Stories:

Radioactive tissue holders found at Bed, Bath & Beyond reveal hypocrisy of failed national security
(NaturalNews) The Dual Ridge Metal Boutique tissue boxes sold at Bed, Bath & Beyond stores have been discovered to be radioactive. Made with the extremely dangerous material used to blast cancer tumors with radiation -- cobalt-60 -- they...
Miracle food? Cherries can help reverse gout and arthritis inflammation
(NaturalNews) Did you know that cherries can lower levels of inflammation in the body drastically enough to actually alleviate arthritis symptoms and reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes? It doesn't even take a super-powerful extract...
Troubled global economies fuel inflation fears by printing piles of money
(NaturalNews) As if Americans and people of other Western nations didn't have enough economic trouble, now comes new fears of rampant inflation with news that many of the world's largest central banks are trying to "create" wealth by "printing money like...
Critical update to scientific literature: No evidence for effectiveness of anti-depressants in treating mild depression
(NaturalNews) In what is being called a critical update of the current literature, Ulrich Hegerl, MD, of the University of Leipzig in Germany summarizes what current scientific studies have revealed regarding the efficacy of anti-depressant medication...
Intermittent, low-carbohydrate diets - more effective than standard diets
(NaturalNews) A new study coming from a team of scientists at the Genesis Prevention Center, University Hospital in South Manchester, England reveals that intermittent, low-carb diets are more efficient in reducing weight and insulin blood levels than...
Federal government limits chimpanzee research
(NaturalNews) The National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced in December 2011 that it will apply more stringent standards limiting government-funded experiments on chimpanzees. The announcement came after new recommendations from the Institute of Medicine...
Was teen prodigy Arfa Karim Randhawa's tragic death caused by pesticides or vaccines?
(NaturalNews) Arfa Karim Randhawa, the 16 year-old girl deemed the world's youngest Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP), passed away at Combined Military Hospital (CMH) on Saturday night.(...
Spiritual Medicine
(NaturalNews) Though I have spent the last 10 years writing about and defining Natural Allopathic Medicine twenty-five years ago I created Biogenic Medicine, which on a diagnostic level, combines many levels of perception into a holistic framework that...
Bed, Bath & Beyond pulls radioactive tissue holders off shelves
(NaturalNews) The Bed, Bath & Beyond company has announced that it is pulling all Dual Ridge Metal Boutique tissue holders, model number DR9M, from its website, and from the 200 stores across the US and Canada that have been selling the product since...

Friday, December 9, 2011

News Media Corruption: FOX News caught using fake video of riots in Russia‏

Earlier this year FOX News was caught faking news footage.

First it was showing footage of riots/rallies in India and claiming
that it was Libya.

Well, this time they were caught showing footage of angry Greek
riots and claiming that it was in Moscow.

 FOX News caught using fake video of riots in Russia

Caught faking it again

News bulletins around the world have been following Russia's election rallies. But one channel stands out - America's Fox News has been showing streets ablaze, violent clashes and firebombs thrown at security officers, but with one major problem - the images are not from Russia, they're from Greece!

From Local, National, and International News Media Is Corrupted Beyond Anyone's Belief.

Lie, just Lie,  it is what Washington does and most Everyone believes it.  

Now in Lisbon, your so called leaders do it ALL of the time, it is Standard Operating Procedure.  Never mind anything to do with Ethics, Integrity or Protect and Serve the community.  More coming shortly.

Have a Great Weekend!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Time To Wake Up America: Airports are Constitution-free zones


Jesse Ventura's lawsuit against the TSA addressed a direct and
profound violation of the Fourth Amendment which protects us
against unlawful searches and seizures.

A federal judge has dismissed Ventura's case, denying him his day
in court and leaving him, and the rest of us I might add, no means
of contesting the illegal actions of the government goons in our

Quite simply, the Constitution does not apply...

Airports are Constitution-free zones
Jesse Ventura on Freedom Watch


Ventura Decries “Fascist” America
After Judge Tosses TSA Case

Vowing to “never fly commercial” again, Ventura gave a passionate press conference today, expressing his anger at TSA grope down procedures that force people like himself with metal implants to go through humiliating pat downs every time they pass through airport security.

His lawyer was told the case could not go to jury trial due to “secrecy reasons” over “national security”

“I want a trial by jury. They tell me I can have a jury decide my fate!” Ventura said, refering to the judge who dismissed the case as a “coward”. “If given a jury, I will win,” he added.

“I will not, in a free country, be treated like a criminal,” said Ventura, adding that he and his wife intended to apply for Mexican citizenship.

Referring to 9/11, Ventura questioned the reasoning behind the whole war on terror. “George Bush said we were attacked because they were jealous of our freedoms. So we take away our freedoms so they won’t be jealous anymore?” he said. “I think they’re winning.”

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Cover-up? Komen for the Cure denies BPA link to breast cancer - follow the money‏

The pinkwashing is all around you -- pink packaged products that claim to give money to Komen for the Cure to "find a cure" for cancer.
It goes on year after year, always with the promise that a cure is just around the corner if we all just poney up a little more cash or buy more pink stuff.
And yet, behind the curtain of the Komen organization, the real causes of cancer are vehemently denied. BPA? What problem? Toxic chemicals in perfumes and personal care products? Aw, who cares? Vitamin D deficiency? It's not important, they seem to say.
Well today Komen for the Cure has been exposed for denying the mass of scientific evidence that BPA promotes breast cancer. Yes, the same BPA found in the food cans and soda cans peddled by the very same junk food giants that donate money to the Komen organization. Follow the money and you'll learn even more:

Want to really lower your breast cancer risk? Eat more walnuts:

If you missed our special email announcement, we reported yesterday that "natural" breakfast cereals are loaded with chemical pesticides and GMOs. It's a huge shocker for most people, because they've been misled into thinking that "natural" means "better than organic." But that was all a marketing lie by the big food giants. In reality, "natural" means nothing! It literally has no definition or requirements whatsoever.
Read more and learn about which "natural" cereals were found to contain very high levels of GMOs:

Hundreds of dentists are speaking out against water fluoridation. The scam has been exposed. The age of fluoride poisoning of public water supplies is nearly over. Read more about why dentists, doctors and activists have had enough of being poisoned with fluoride chemicals in their tap water:

Is your dog Rover feeling a little blue? Does he seem bored or unhappy? Don't worry: Big Pharma has new doggy antidepressant drug that just got approved by the FDA! (This is not a joke. Serious news.)

Thank you for all your support as we continue to expose the corporate liars, the poison pushers and the child exploiters of our world like California Governor Jerry Brown who has sacrificed the lives of countless millions of children upon the altar of vaccine profits. If you missed that shocking story, catch it at:

P.S. I'll be talking about GMOs in "natural" cereals today on the Robert Scott Bell Show. Catch it at

More news continues below on cancer stem cells, Whole Foods pinkwashing, preventing cervical cancer with vinegar, and much more (see below)...

Today's Feature Stories:

Hundreds of brave dentists speak out against water fluoridation
(NaturalNews) It takes a special kind of humility for a medical professional to admit that something he or she was taught in medical school, and has long since clung to as fact, is actually false. But a growing number of dentists from around the world...
FDA approves dangerous new antidepressant drug for dogs
(NaturalNews) The pet products industry is burgeoning, as 2011 figures released by the American Pet Products Association (APPA) show that Americans now spend more than $50 billion a year on food, supplies, and veterinarian care for their pets -- up nearly...
Eating certain foods alters expression of heart disease genes
(NaturalNews) Did your mother or father have a heart attack? Did your grandfather and a couple of aunts and uncles or maybe a brother or cousin die from heart disease? Do you feel doomed that having a bad ticker "runs" in your family? Actually, you...
Vinegar technique used in rural villages helps prevent cervical cancer
(NaturalNews) While industrialized nations like the US push human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines like Gardasil and Cervarix as a preventive measure in the fight against cervical cancer, rural villages in Thailand and other areas are taking a different...
Walnuts may help lower breast cancer risk
(NaturalNews) A new study conducted by a team of researchers at Marshall University, and recently published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer, has revealed that just modest, daily amounts of walnuts are sufficient to significantly lower the risk...
Your personal cancer prevention program
(NaturalNews) Do you have relatives or friends who have received a diagnosis of cancer, and now you are really worried? Are you upset by the death of Steve Jobs? Or have you or your loved ones gone through cancer treatment and personally seen the dire...
The answer to cancer is found in the cancer stem cell
Cancer stem cells are what drive cancer growth and spread. To heal cancer you must cause the cancer stem cells to differentiate back into normal cells. This can only be accomplished if the proper internal environment is produced. This environment...
'Natural' breakfast cereals loaded with pesticides and GMOs - explosive new scorecard from Cornucopia reveals all
(NaturalNews) For far too long, breakfast cereal makers have carried out highly deceptive product labeling and positioning campaigns through the use of the term "natural." Consumers are easily misled by this term, believing it to mean the product is free...
Susan G. Komen for the Cure openly denies science by claiming BPA exposure has no connection to breast cancer, insists chemical is safe
(NaturalNews) The breast cancer research group Susan G. Komen for the Cure seems more interested in keeping its chemical industry donors happy than it is in actually finding a cure for breast cancer. A recent story in Mother Jones explains that...
Whole Foods Market supports 'pink' breast cancer awareness campaigns that fund drug industry
(NaturalNews) There is a small endorsement on the company's main website, but it has come to our attention that at least some Whole Foods Market stores in California, Florida and certain other areas have been openly endorsing Breast Cancer Awareness month...
The murder of Americans: Existence of secret kill lists now admitted by lawless White House
(NaturalNews) You know things are bad in the realm of tyranny when even Reuters runs a story that admits the White House openly engages in the outright murder of U.S. citizens whom the White House deems "enemies." In an article entitled, Secret panel...