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Showing posts with label The Unmasking of Maine....and Beyond. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Unmasking of Maine....and Beyond. Show all posts

Friday, December 6, 2013

The UnMasking of Maine and Beyond: Walter Burien, Government Money Expert, Reveals Where The Hidden Government Money Is

Walter Burien, Government Money Expert, Reveals Where The Hidden Government Money Is

Courtesy of William Wagener
Trillions Hidden – Walter Burien # 1 (8:15)
Walter Burien elaborates on the Trillions of Dollars held by…
at the Freedom Law School & Health Conference, to “Take Back America”
View Video, click here.
Trillions #2 by Walter Burien (8:00)
Walter Burien tells us WHERE the MONEY [hidden by Government] IS.
View Video, click here.
Trillions Hidden by Gov. #3 (9:52)
Walter BURIEN, a Government Money EXPERT… leads you to the hidden Government money. Explains difference between BUDGET $ & Financial Report $$$ & why they don’t add up… while Government taxes you out of home and family.
View video, click here.

For more click on the following, Unmasking of Maine and Beyond  as we work together to bring forth the truth to the People of Maine and Beyond.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

History... Connected: The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America With Guest Charlotte Iserbyt‏; Plus Global Road to Ruin through Education

History... So It Doesn't Repeat: we discuss the past, present, and future of public schooling, with Charlotte Iserbyt, former Sr. Policy Advisor for the U.S. Department of Education. We'll discover the root cause of the Deliberate Dumbing Down of Americans.
Learning's the answer. What's the Question? It's all coming up on History... So It Doesn't Repeat!



Charlotte Iserbyt's homepage:



Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Unmasker4 Maine and Beyond: Congressman Mike Michaud Votes Against Funding For Veterans Benefits: But the List Grows: U.S. Reps. Michael Michaud, Chellie Pingree Join House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) To Defeat Funding For Veterans Benefits

U.S. Reps. Michael Michaud, Chellie Pingree Join House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) To Defeat Funding For Veterans Benefits

“WASHINGTON, D.C. – Amid the shutdown turmoil in the nation’s capital city, 33 House Democrats crossed party lines Tuesday night to support a GOP measure to restore funding for veterans benefits for fiscal year 2014.
The resolution failed (264 – 164) to get the two-thirds vote threshold required for passage in the House under a suspension of the rules. Reps. Michael Michaud and Chellie Pingree joined House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to help defeat the resolution.
In response to Michaud’s vote against funding for veterans affairs, the Maine Republican Party questioned whether the Congressman’s loyalties lie with national Democrats or Maine’s veterans.”
Read more HERE.
Source: Maine Wire

Congressman Mike Michaud Votes Against Funding For Veterans Benefits

For Immediate Release: October 3, 2013
Michaud casts vote denying funding for Veteran’s Affairs
AUGUSTA – The Maine Republican Party today issued a statement questioning Congressman Mike Michaud’s leadership and priorities in light of his vote against the funding of veterans’ benefits in favor of partisan gridlock and a federal government shutdown.
“Mike Michaud has claimed support of Maine’s veterans as hallmark of his Congressional term,” said Jason Savage, executive director of the Maine Republican Party. “But this vote contradicts everything the Maine people think they know about Congressman Michaud.”
“Thirty-three Democrats in the House broke rank with their party leaders and had the courage to vote to provide funding for veterans’ benefits in the face of this government shutdown, but Mike Michaud was not one of them,” said Savage

Savage said it is time that Maine people, especially Maine veterans and their families, get some answers, “What are Maine veterans to think about Mike Michaud’s recent political turn?  Are our veterans as important to Mike Michaud as helping his partisan leadership team to score a few political points?  How can voters expect Mike Michaud to effectively lead our state if he won’t even buck his partisan leaders to help Maine veterans?”
“Let’s hope that Mike Michaud somehow musters the courage and conviction to stand with Maine veterans in the future, even if it means bucking his party leaders,” concluded Savage. “This recent vote against veterans is certainly not a profile in courage – Maine deserves better.”
The roll call referenced above, roll call 506, can be found at the following link:

Remember in November, Your Vote Still Counts, if they count your vote. 


Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Freedom Index- Congressional Scorecard Based On The U.S. Constitution Rates Congressmen

 People You Do Remember The United States Constitution Don't You?

The Freedom Index: A Congressional Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution rates congressmen based on their adherence to constitutional principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility, national sovereignty, and a traditional foreign policy of avoiding foreign entanglements. The percentages below are cumulative scores are based on key votes from 1999 through 2013. Click on a senator’s or representative’s name to get a detailed breakdown of his or her voting record.
Current Members of the 113th Congress, see how your state politicians rank, it is pretty simple,  click here.

Sen. Susan Collins - 40% Sen. Angus King - 22% Dist.1: Chellie Pingree - 25% Dist.2: Michael Michaud - 27%

Complete listing by states and more here:


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Unmasker4Maine: Politicians Paid Off By Monsanto

 "Police Chiefs Also"

“Democrat, Republican, it doesn’t matter. As long as you can help Monsanto slide its icy tentacles into the food chain, then there’s some financial tip available to you. Keep in mind these are the figures we know, which means that behind the scenes expect these numbers to multiply extensively. But what is most amazing is that these politicians just don’t care that you know they’re receiving thousands of dollars from Monsanto! They sweep it under the carpet, but they are openly taking money from this corporation that has been caught running ‘slave-like’ rings and disregarding public health. We’re talking about a corporation that primarily aided in the creation of Agent Orange — the Vietnam-era chemical weapon that killed over 400,000 people and led to 500,000 plus birth defects. Or how about the nice chunk of cash that Monsanto paid Senator Roy Blunt to ‘help write’ the Monsanto Protection Act that grants Monsanto immunity from federal courts?”
Read more and view extensive list, click here.
Related: Senator Olympia J. Snowe 2005 – 2010 - Top 100 campaign contributors, which includes Goldman Sachs. Click here.
Now many of us in Maine can see why Senator Snowe turned her back when we needed her help!

Unmasker4Maine: Trial by Jury: Common Law

by: Lise from Maine
“What is the purpose in having a trial by jury according to the course of the Common Law?
First and foremost is to STOP the government (state and federal) from taking wrongfully the life, liberty, and property of the defendant (live people and not fictions) and to protect our Common Law government of laws from the whims of mere men and women (legislators, judges, prosecutors, etc).
Our Common Law disappeared in 1959 unlawfully by those privileged members of the Maine State Bar Association who voted among themselves to remove it.
Fraud! Fraud! Fraud!

 Read more here:

Unmasker4Maine: Charter Schools: Charlotte Iserbyt v. Bruce Poliquin‏

Maine’s budding charter schools survive legislature by Bruce Poliquin.
“Knowledge is power. The best education for the child is crucial for a lifetime of happiness, success, and health. Education should be about the kids, not the adults. Let’s keep moving down the path of more learning approaches and environments for Maine students. The new and growing charter school option is a step in the right direction.”  Read more, click here.

Charlotte Iserbyt responds:
“Another moron to add to the list.  These people couldn’t add 2-2 if required.  They would surely answer “3″.  How does one get through to them that charters schools, with their unelected boards, are THE vehicle to get the USA moving into the Soviet unelected council form of government.  “They” just don’t seem to have a problem with “taxation without representation”.  They probably never studied the origins of the  the United States of America, and haven’t the faintest idea why the patriots, including George Washington, decided to go to war against Great Britain.
Also,  does he know what school-to-work is?  Has he ever been to Cuba or China or Russia.  Does he know what a quota system is.  Maybe someone should give him this quote from Professor Eugene Boyce, University of Georgia, on communist education.  “They do not educate for jobs that don’t exist.”
That’s really great, Mr. Poliquin…and you say our children are going to have such upward mobility, blah, blah, blah?”
Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
Former Senior Policy Advisor
U.S. Department of Education

To order the updated abridged 2011 version of “the deliberate dumbing down of america”, it is available from 3D Research at

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Bangor Daily News Refuses To Print Charlotte Iserbyt’s Letter To The Editor

Is this another attempt to keep Charlotte’s info from the public?
Charlotte’s letter to BDN regarding the Governor’s Education Conference which she attended March 21, 2013.
BDN said it was lost. Charlotte forwarded it again to then it and was never printed.
Charlotte’s latest letter to BDN, Saturday, April 20, 2013:

“Dear Ms. Feulner:

I am, of course, sorry you did not choose to print my article (see attachment above) regarding the Governor’s Education Conference which I attended March 21, 2013.

Perhaps the  article I am forwarding to you (click on link below) will help you understand that the situation about which I wrote is not fantasy and is playing out, in a very ugly manner,  across the nation.

The whole country is in an uproar over Common Core, Chiefs for Change, Jeb Bush, Tony Bennett, MIchele Rhee, et al, but the Bangor Daily News remains silent.

Does Governor LePage and the Republican Party have such control over the media that respecting his position takes precedence over the future of Maine’s teachers and our children?
Please respond.


P.S.  Perhaps my article went astray, as happened the first time I submitted it.  In that case, I apologize, and I will, if you wish, resubmit it. “

Related, click here. BDN reported “a longstanding battle with upper management over journalistic practices at their Bangor TV stations, when news co-anchors Cindy Michaels and Tony Consiglio announced their resignations at the end of Tuesday’s 6 p.m. newscast.

Why won’t they publish Charlotte’s letter? Please forward this post to your lists.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

U4ME: Are we to trust organizations who claim to be on the side of We The People anymore than we trust our elected officials?

(update) Are Organizations Who Work To Monitor, Improve And Defend Maine’s Landmark Clean Election Law On Board?

update 4-16-13
No response or feedback from either organization.
What are your thoughts on this?
After watching Maine PBS public hearings on the Maine’s Clean Elections Act and hearing the testimony and opposition on the proposal to gut clean elections, the following e-mail was sent to organizations in support of the Maine Clean Elections Act. No response has been received.
—–Original Message—–
Follow the rest of this saga here:

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Lawless America Show with William M. Windsor – Sunday April 14, 2013

Tune in to the Lawless America Show on Sunday, April 14, 2013, 9 pm to 11 pm Eastern Time (6 to 8 pm Pacific Time).
Learn all about how you can join us in filing criminal charges against those who committed crimes in your case.  This is extremely important. 

You must register with TalkShoe to participate.

Go to, and register so you have a login and password.

Simply go to — Lawless America.  Dial 724-444-7444.  When prompted for the Call ID, enter 115884 #.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

UPDATE: Kennebunk (ME) Prostitution Case

Mark Strong Sr. was released from jail today, five days before the end of his 20 day sentence.  Would you, or I, get this kind of special treatment. What gives?????  I realize that “criminals” get time deducted for good behavior, however, this case had a smell to it from the beginning. Did Strong have more on them than they did on him? Was there selective prosecution and double standard of justice in this case?

Alexis Wright, her attorney Sarah Churchill, and York County prosecutors have been meeting in negotiations behind closed doors. Wright has pleaded not guilty to 106 counts, including several felony counts, the most serious of which is punishable by up to 10 years in prison.
On Friday, March 29th, Wright pleaded guilty to 20 charges that she worked as a prostitute for more than a year and a half in her Kennebunk Zumba studio.
Wright was ordered to pay $57,000 in fines and restitution to the state.
The deal reached Friday did not include an agreement on jail time. Prosecutors are recommending Wright serve 10 months in jail. She is due to be sentenced May 31.
In return for the guilty pleas, prosecutors reduced three felony charges for federal tax and state welfare violations to misdemeanors. Atty. Churchhill stated “The hard part in this case is, there’s a whole lot more to this story. Just because the story doesn’t come out in the criminal case doesn’t mean it won’t come out. There’s obviously a backstory to why this all started and why it went on for as long as it did and whether my client wanted it to happen.”
“The lead prosecutor in the case, York County Deputy District Attorney Justina McGettigan, said Wright’s plea does not end the case. So far, 66 of more than 140 people in Wright’s records have been charged. Police put charges against others on hold while the cases against Wright and Strong dominated their attention. It remains to be seen, of the others, how many will be charged.”
How does a federal income tax alleged violation get prosecuted in Maine Superior Court and minimized to a misdemeanor?
People are still questioning if the DA made the deal so the other prominent names do not become public. They wonder why the Press Herald or the News Media have never gone after that list. 
Update of 2-14-13 Freedom of Access requests. FOIA – clarification, February 7, 2013
FOIA response from D.A. Kathryn Slattery, dated February 14, 2013 claiming the remaining suspects have not been charged.
Is there a smell to this? Did Strong have more on the Kennebunk PD than they had on him?

Read the complete compilation here:

Friday, March 29, 2013

ZOOMA ZOOM Update; Kennebunk (ME) Prostitution Case

On March 6, Strong was found guilty on all 12 counts of promotion of prostitution and one count of conspiracy to promote prostitution.
Defense attorneys in the Strong case filed a motion seeking arrest of judgment in the case, urging Superior Court Justice Nancy Mills to reverse the conviction on the grounds that the charges against him were too vague to defend against. Mills denied that motion.
Superior Court Justice Nancy Mills sentenced Mark Strong Sr. to 20 days in jail and a total of $3,000 in fines for his role in an alleged Kennebunk prostitution business.
Strong’s attorneys, Daniel Lilley and Tina Nadeau,  announced plans to file an appeal in his case, but after sentencing on March 21st he withdrew an appeal seeking to overturn the jury’s verdicts. That clears the way for prosecutors to call him as a witness if Wright goes to trial, because his Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination no longer apply.
Atty. Sarah Churchill, representing Wright, filed a motion to buy more time for  settlement negotiations to play out.
York County Deputy District Attorney Justina McGettigan said “taxpayers should be pleased” by the time-consuming and costly law enforcement effort that has resulted, so far, in the conviction of Strong.
“Strong’s attorney, Daniel Lilley, frequently described the case as overkill, saying his client faced difficult odds against the state’s “unlimited resources” and at one point before the trial referred to what he called “prosecutors on steroids.”
But McGettigan defended the effort on Wednesday after the guilty verdict was announced, saying police and the district attorney’s office are obligated to prosecute crimes under Maine law.
“The List,” as it came to be known, included some prominent local residents. Curiosity about who else is on it has helped propel a local scandal to the global media stage.”
“McGettigan said the statute of limitations for engaging a prostitute is three years from the date of the alleged incident, and investigators will continue compiling evidence in the coming weeks to determine if there is enough to charge additional individuals.”
“Lilley said he was “disappointed” with the verdict but he never argues with a jury.” 
McGettigan did speak to the media. ”We’re pleased that the jury found the evidence convincing,” McGettigan said. “They believed the overwhelming evidence we showed them that Mark Strong was guilty of promoting prostitution.”
Strong did not testify and Wright was not called as a witness.
McGettigan said she and Atty. Churchill, Wright’s attorney, met on Wednesday, March 13th  for what the prosecutor called “a settlement conference.”
Assistant Attorney General William Stokes has said that prosecutors from his office who specialize in tax prosecutions and benefits fraud will prosecute Wright on the tax-related charges.
Wright is alleged to have received more than $10,000 in state aid, including food stamps, that she was not eligible for because of her income from prostitution. Even though that money was made illegally, it’s considered income.
 As of December 21, 2012 64 men have been charged. Another 32 men charged as clients in the case have entered not guilty pleas in writing through their attorneys, avoiding in-person court appearances. The remainder have yet to reach their arraignment dates.
Update of 2-14-13 Freedom of Access requests. FOIA – clarification, February 7, 2013
FOIA response from D.A. Kathryn Slattery, dated February 14, 2013 claiming the remaining suspects have not been charged.
Do you smell something?

Read more here:

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Update On Kennebunk ME Prostitution Case

Kennebunk (ME) Prostitution Case

York County Deputy District Attorney Justina McGettigan said “taxpayers should be pleased” by the time-consuming and costly law enforcement effort that has resulted, so far, in the conviction of Strong.

“Strong’s attorney, Daniel Lilley, frequently described the case as overkill, saying his client faced difficult odds against the state’s “unlimited resources” and at one point before the trial referred to what he called “prosecutors on steroids.”

But McGettigan defended the effort on Wednesday after the guilty verdict was announced, saying police and the district attorney’s office are obligated to prosecute crimes under Maine law.

Read more:

Choke Hold On Information Getting To Maine's Governor; Gatekeepers In Maine Governor LePage's Office At It Again!‏

A constituent (a veteran) sent a letter to Governor Paul LePage about our veteran heroes being under attack by our own government and requesting assistance from his office. View response from Patricia Condon, Director, Constituent Services and veteran’s response to Ms. Condon.
Read more.

Have you heard yet from Governor Lepage?

Stay tuned for more on state gatekeepers!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Unmasker4Maine: Congressional Leaders Permit Judicial Prostitution

Congressional Testimony: Roger Tanner to Bill Windsor of Lawless America
When will senators be as disgusted with judicial prostitution? Judges regularly engage in “reckless, “morally repugnant” behavior with opportunities for blackmail or coercion threatening” the very foundation upon which our country was built. When judges sell their services to the highest bidder is this not prostitution? People are focused on why congressional leaders permit this culture in which such behavior is tolerated.
With all the evidence Tom Dunn presented to Senator Olympia Snowe back in 1979, Snowe was “satisfied that sufficient investigation has been carried out by the office of the Attorney General.” The pattern of official corruption is ongoing today evidenced by the refusal of members of Congress to take action on testimonies of victims of government and judicial corruption presented to them in February 2013. Maine’s Attorneys General have followed suit.
Read more.
Congressional Testimony presented to members the United States Congress in February, 2013.
View congressional testimonies.
The demands for investigation into judicial misconduct, based on documented evidence provided by the people, has long been ignored. With all of this evidence on the table, do they really think they are kidding anyone else but themselves? This is a public scandal!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Two Communities So Far Apart But Yet So Close: City of Biddeford and Town of Lisbon Have Something In Common…Official Corruption Behind Closed Doors

Lisbon Police Chief David T. Brooks

Lisbon Reporter reports “Politics `a la` Lisbon!! Transparency and Open Government Be Damned!” Several discussions were held about the manner in which executive sessions were conducted in Lisbon, Maine. This prompted investigation into Maine’s Revised Statute on Executive sessions.  Title 1 §405. Executive sessions.

Peoples’  rights ARE violated behind municipal “closed doors.” I agree with Larry Filmore that “people need to know the precise nature of the business being discussed behind closed doors.”

As further evidence of  unlawful “executive sessions” by elected municipal employee to steal from the taxpayers, including the theft of properties please view the following:
 August 26, 1994 confidential memo behind closed doors.

Marion Lafortune wanted this issue presented before the city council. Mayor James Grattelo denied this request. Marion was not an employee of the city/state and this issue should NOT have been discussed “behind closed doors.”

The theft of Marion’s home and Dorothy Lafortune’s home behind closed doors are detailed.

Continue Reading More:

 This must be on Brooks' mirror in the morning!!!
How convenient this quote is today.  Thank you God!
"In order to preserve your self-respect, it is sometimes necessary to lie and cheat."
Robert Byrne

Great Job Dottie, Thank You and "Keep On, Keeping On"!!!
Lisbon's Biggest Problem is they have a 'bald headed, lieing, hearing impaired Police Chief that has "covered-up" all the pertinent information for his "good ole Boys Network"!!!
Signed with absolutely NO RESPECT INTENDED or IMPLIED,
Todd Comber  

Lawless America Show with William M. Windsor – Sunday March 10, 2013

PLEASE do not miss the Lawless America Show on Sunday, March 10, 2013, 9 pm to Midnight Eastern Time (6 to 9 pm Pacific Time).
Tune in to the Lawless America Show and learn all about how you can join us in filing criminal charges against those who committed crimes in your case.

You must register with TalkShoe to participate.

Go to, and register so you have a login and password.

Simply go to — Lawless America.  Dial 724-444-7444.  When prompted for the Call ID, enter 115884 #.  When prompted for your Pin, enter 1 #, unless you have registered and have a personal pin with TalkShoe.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Lawless America Show with William M. Windsor – Sunday March 3, 2013

PLEASE do not miss the Lawless America Show on Sunday, March 3, 2013, 9 pm to Midnight Eastern Time (6 to 9 pm Pacific Time).

Tune in to the Lawless America Show and learn all about how you can join us in filing criminal charges against those who committed crimes in your case.

You must register with TalkShoe to participate.

Go to, and register so you have a login and password.

Simply go to — Lawless America.  Dial 724-444-7444.  When prompted for the Call ID, enter 115884 #.

Saturday, February 16, 2013



Falmouth Today reports: 
“Recently FTM’s lead investigative reporter, Michael Doyle, went to Washington, D.C. in his role as a journalist.  He was there to cover, LawlessAmerica.Com, and the launch of the movie recorded in all 50 states showing the damages heaped on and caused by unethical judges and lawyers all over the U.S., upon the nobodies dragged through the ‘legal system’. 

Doyle went with the Maine delegation to the offices of Senator Collins and that of Senator King’s to witness the delivery of, and the signing of the receipts acknowledging that the information packet, and the DVD, was delivered in hand to an aide in each of those offices.”
Read more.
Related: Lawless America Team Making History
Michael, can you give us a little detail on the delivery and acceptance of the Lawless America packets?

Thursday, February 14, 2013

~Update~ Kennebunk (ME) Prostitution Case

Freedom of Access Act request, December 27, 2012
Second Freedom of Access Act request, January 20, 2013
On January 28, 2013 a response was received to my FOA request to Justina McGettigan, Deputy D.A. from D.A. Kathryn Slattery. D.A. Slattery provided the list of approximate 60 individuals charged. The request was for the remaining 150+ suspects charged.
FOIA – clarification, February 7, 2013
Why is it so difficult to get a response from the District Attorney’s Office to a FOA request? Why will the D.A. not uphold Maine statute and supply the list of the remaining 150+ suspects charged?
There have been many twists and turns in this case. Is this case headed to a selective prosecution and double standard of justice? Judge Nancy Mills scolded defense attorney Dan Lilley for defying a gag order, calls comments to media ‘unfortunate and unbecoming’.
Wouldn’t you agree that Attorney Jens-Peter Bergen, who knows, or should know, the law and pled guilty to violating state law is conduct unbecoming an attorney and in violation of BAR rules and professional conduct? He gets away with just a slap on the wrist and still practices law in Maine. This is NOT the only time Attorney Bergen has violated the law.
The trial of Mark Strong Sr has been halted. The Maine Supreme Judicial Court will take up an appeal by the prosecution.
Prosecutors are seeking to have 46 of the original 59 counts against Strong reinstated.
Justice Nancy Mills dismissed the 46 counts related to violation of privacy last week. The prosecutors appealed to the high court and asked for the trial to be stopped until a ruling is issued.
Jury selection for the trial was conducted behind closed doors Tuesday (January 23rd) with the public and the media barred from the proceedings. The Press Herald has filed an objection with the court saying the judge’s decision violates the First and Sixth Amendments. Jurors were dismissed for the day.
Sigmund Schutz, representing the Portland Press Herald appealed the ruling to the Maine Supreme Judicial Court. The jury selection process continued on at the York County Courthouse on Wednesday while awaiting an opinion from the high court on the appeal.
Judge Mills  resumed jury selection.
On Thursday (24th) jury selection continued behind closed doors over PPH’s objections.  The Maine Supreme Judicial Court Thursday afternoon ordered the remainder of jury selection in the trial of Kennebunk prostitution defendant Mark Strong Sr. to be conducted in public. The court, in a 6-1 decision, ruled that Mills should not have barred the public from being present during voir dire, while potential jurors were questioned. Justice Saufley stopped the proceedings because of arguments that the secret jury selection in the case was improper.
The state’s highest court agreed with an appeal filed by attorney Sigmund Schutz, representing the Portland Press Herald and parent company MaineToday Media, that Superior Court Justice Nancy Mills erred by blocking access to questioning of jury candidates.
Justice Nancy Mills dismissed 46 of 59 misdemeanor counts against Mark Strong Sr., a day after the state’s highest court ruled the closed jury selection process had to be opened to the public.
Prosecutors appealed the dismissal, bringing the proceeding to an abrupt halt. Remaining members of the jury pool were sent home Friday, just as they had been the day before.
Trial in limbo pending appeal.
The state’s high court ruled Monday (January 28th) afternoon that the stalled trial can proceed while an appeal of dismissed charges against him is pending. The state Supreme Judicial Court, however, issued an order Monday authorizing the trial judge, Justice Nancy Mills, to decide whether to proceed with the trial with the 13 remaining charges against Strong.
The 46 counts against Strong that Mills dismissed were all for charges of violation of privacy and conspiracy to violate the privacy of Wright’s prostitution customers for recording their encounters with Wright in her Zumba studio.
The defense and the judge aren’t happy with delays in the trial of the business partner in a prostitution scandal at a Zumba studio. Prosecutors aren’t happy, either, after the judge dismissed 46 of 59 charges.
Maine’s highest court will expedite an appeal scheduling oral arguments on the matter for Feb. 13.
Judge Nancy Mills scolded defense attorney Dan Lilley for defying a gag order, calls comments to media ‘unfortunate and unbecoming’. Mills read segments of articles published by the Portland Press Herald and television station WGME-13 as examples of comments made Friday by Defense Attorney Daniel Lilley,  in part that prosecutors must “fish or cut bait” and “get off their asses” in a trial that has gone in fits and starts in the past week.
“[Those comments are] just unfortunate and unbecoming for an attorney,” Mills told Lilley Tuesday. “Any further defiances of my order will be dealt with by me.”
Mills said she was alerted to published comments made by Lilley and his client on Monday by York County Deputy District Attorney Justina McGettigan in an email.
Up for the state’s highest court to decide is whether he will be tried on all 59 charges originally brought by prosecutors or just 13 counts of promotion of prostitution.
In a pretrial hearing on Jan. 25, Superior Court Justice Nancy Mills granted a defense motion todismiss all 46 privacy invasion charges against Strong.
Since then, the trial of Strong has been on hold for more than two weeks as a prosecution appeal of that decision has worked its way through the Maine Supreme Judicial Court.
After the law court issues its ruling on the appeal, Strong will return to trial at the Superior Court level on either 13 or 59 charges, depending on whether the higher court upholds or overturns the dismissal of the 46 privacy invasion counts.
On Tuesday, January 15th Atty. Daniel Lilley appeared in Cumberland County Superior Court before Justice Nancy Mills with a request to postpone Strong’s trial, which is scheduled to begin Tuesday, Jan. 22, in York County Superior Court in Alfred. Mills denied that request as well as a motion to change the venue of the scheduled trial.
On Friday morning, January 18th,  two hearings were held  in Cumberland County Superior Court before Justice Nancy Mills. Open to the public was Lilley’s motion seeking to withdraw from the case. The second hearing, held behind closed doors, was for Strong and prosecutors to discuss possible plea deals with a judge.
Lilley filed a motion to withdraw based on the fact that he hasn’t been paid and the inability to prepare a case against the state’s unlimited resources. States Lilley “it is impossible for me to adequately prepare a case to defend this guy with a lack of resources and the fact that his business was destroyed and he has no income. Because of the publicity in the case, he has serious financial problems.”
Motion to Withdraw, click here.
Atty. Dan Lilley wants off the case.
Justice Nancy Mills denied Lilley’s request to withdraw. “We find ourselves in a ‘David and Goliath’ scenario against a state with unlimited resources, and which has brought most to bear,” Lilley told the court. “The devastation of the charges against my client and his … economic well-being have been substantial.” 
Video, click here
No plea deal for Kennebunk prostitution case defendant.  Mark Strong wants a deal with no jail time. To be acceptable to Strong, he said, the penalty “couldn’t be jail time, and it couldn’t be a big fine.”  The plea deal talks were held with Justice Thomas Humphrey.
The case is scheduled to begin Tuesday, January 22th. It’s a case that has captured international attention and has been described by the lead defense attorney as an “over-the-top” misuse of government resources.”

Much more here: