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Saturday, August 31, 2013

*My Colonoscopy Journal*

I called my friend Andy Sable, a gastroenterologist, to
make an appointment for a colonoscopy.

A few days later, in his office, Andy showed me a color
diagram of the colon, a lengthy organ that
appears to go all over the place, at one point
passing briefly through Minneapolis.
Then Andy
explained the colonoscopy procedure to me in a
thorough, reassuring and patient

I nodded
thoughtfully, but I didn't really hear anything
he said, because my brain was shrieking, 'HE'S

I left
Andy's office with some written instructions,
and a prescription for a product called
'MoviPrep,' which comes in a box large enough to
hold a microwave oven. I will discuss MoviPrep
in detail later; for now suffice it to say that
we must never allow it to fall into the hands of
America's enemies..

I spent
the next several days productively sitting
around being nervous.

Then, on
the day before my colonoscopy, I began my
preparation. In accordance with my instructions,
I didn't eat any solid food that day; all I had
was chicken broth, which is
basically water, only with less

Then, in
the evening, I took the MoviPrep. You mix two
packets of powder together in a
one-liter plastic
jug, then you fill it with lukewarm water. (For
those unfamiliar with the metric system, a liter
is about 32 ounces). Then you have to drink the
whole jug. This takes about an hour, because
MoviPrep tastes - and here I am being kind -
like a mixture of goat spit and urinal cleanser,
with just a hint of lemon.

instructions for MoviPrep, clearly written by
somebody with a great sense of humor, state that
after you drink it, 'a loose, watery bowel
movement may result.'

This is
kind of like saying that after you jump off your
roof, you may experience contact with the

is a nuclear laxative. I don't want to be too
graphic, here, but, have you ever seen a
space-shuttle launch?This is pretty much the
MoviPrep experience, with you as the shuttle.
There are times when you wish the commode had a
seat belt. You spend several hours pretty much
confined to the bathroom, spurting violently.
You eliminate everything. And then, when you
figure you must be totally empty, you have to
drink another liter of MoviPrep, at which point,
as far as I can tell, your bowels travel into
the future and start eliminating food that you
have not even eaten yet.

After an
action-packed evening, I finally got to sleep.

The next
morning my wife drove me to the clinic. I was
very nervous.. Not only was I worried about the
procedure, but I had been experiencing
occasional return bouts of MoviPrep spurtage. I
was thinking, 'What if I spurt on Andy?' How do
you apologize to a friend for something like
that? Flowers would not be enough.

At the
clinic I had to sign many forms acknowledging
that I understood and totally agreed with
whatever the heck the forms said. Then they led
me to a room full of other colonoscopy people,
where I went inside a little curtained space and
took off my clothes and put on one of those
hospital garments designed by sadist perverts,
the kind that, when you put it on, makes you
feel even more naked than when you are actually

Then a
nurse named Eddie put a little needle in a vein
in my left hand. Ordinarily I would have
fainted, but Eddie was very good, and I was
already lying down. Eddie also told me that some
people put vodka in their MoviPrep..

At first I
was ticked off that I hadn't thought of this,
but then I pondered what would happen if you got
yourself too tipsy to make it to the bathroom,
so you were staggering around in full Fire Hose
Mode. You would have no choice but to burn your

everything was ready, Eddie wheeled me into the
procedure room, where Andy was waiting with a
nurse and an anesthesiologist. I did not see the
17,000-foot tube, but I knew Andy had it hidden
around there somewhere. I was seriously nervous
at this point..

Andy had
me roll over on my left side, and the
anesthesiologist began hooking something up to
the needle in my hand.

There was
music playing in the room, and I realized that
the song was 'Dancing Queen' by ABBA. I remarked
to Andy that, of all the songs that could be
playing during this particular procedure,
'Dancing Queen' had to be the least

'You want
me to turn it up?' said Andy, from somewhere
behind me...

'Ha ha,' I
said. And then it was time, the moment I had
been dreading for more than a decade. If you are
squeamish, prepare yourself, because I am going
to tell you, in explicit detail, exactly what it
was like.

I have no
idea. Really. I slept through it. One moment,
ABBA was yelling 'Dancing Queen, feel the beat
of the tambourine,' and the next moment, I was
back in the other room, waking up in a very
mellow mood.

Andy was
looking down at me and asking me how I felt. I
felt excellent. I felt even more excellent when
Andy told me that It was all over, and that my
colon had passed with flying colors. I have
never been prouder of an internal organ

Friday, August 30, 2013

Lisbon Town Council Agenda For September 3, 2013

7:00 P.M.


___Councilor Bickford
___ Councilor Garrison
___ Councilor Larochelle
___ Councilor Lunt
___Councilor Mason
___ Councilor Pesce
___ Councilor Ward

Town Clerk reading of meeting rules

A. Repeal Section 70-731 Timber Harvesting
B. Special Entertainment Permit – Left Hand Club




2013-133 ORDER 
A. Minutes of August 20, 2013
B. Minutes of August 27, 2013
C. Special Entertainment Permit & Liquor License – Left Hand Club
D. Permission for serving alcohol outside establishment – Friends Lodge
E. Renewal Victualer’s Licenses – Good Time Lanes, Left Hand Club, Railroad Restaurant & Pub


2013-134 ORDER 
Androscoggin County Budget Committee Official Ballot

2013-135 ORDER 
Set Rate of Interest For Delinquent Taxes

2013-136 ORDER 
Carry Forward Adjustment

2013-137 ORDER 
Revenue Sharing Adjustment

2013-138 ORDINANCE 
Repeal Section 70-731 Timber Harvesting

A. William Van Tuinen Assessing Update
B. Town Manager’s Report
C. Water Department Bond





2013-139 ORDER 
To Adjourn


The United States Government has declared that
there are no Aliens in Area 51, in Roswell New Mexico.
It is rumored that they have been moved to the vacant
Worumbo Mill in Lisbon Falls, Maine.
Are they now wandering around inside the the vacant mill?
Has anyone seen strange faces in the windows?
Or strange lights hovering over the Mill at night?
Has anyone noticed the grounds glowing?
Note: It was reported that, on July 7, 1947, an airborne
object crashed on a ranch near Roswell New Mexico.
It was rumored that the object was a spacecraft from
outer space and the occupants were Beings from another
Did the United States Government move these Aliens
from Roswell, New Mexico to Lisbon Falls, Maine?
Are they now inhabiting the once vacant Worumbo Mill?

Recap of the Planning Board Meeting‏ August 29, 2013


At last night’s meeting of the Planning Board, the Planning Board reviewed an application by LaRochelle Properties, LLC for the construction of a commercial building at 2 Canal Street.  This meeting was open to the Public and even though it did not contain a “Public Hearing” section, the Public was allowed to speak.

Our new Code Enforcement Officer, Dennis Douglas, had prepared the application with all the required documentation to include all drawings required.  He had ensured everything was complete and assembled in accordance with the Planning Board checklist.  This made the meeting flow better and as it was, it took roughly one hour and fifteen minutes to complete the checklist.

Mr. Fern LaRochelle had spent a huge amount of time and money preparing the documentation and the drawings.  He was quizzed by the members of the Planning Board the entire time and was upfront with all his responses.  This building is going to be an asset to the community.  Mr. LaRochelle should be commended for undertaking such an investment.  This building will be located near the corner of Route 196 and Route 125.  It will be visible from both entrances to the community and will provide a good “first impression” of Lisbon.

Chairman Don Fellows and the members of the Planning Board were extremely thorough when reviewing this application to ensure all town ordinances had been met.   The Panel went down the checklist, item by item.  All members of the Planning Board were professional and courtious.   After the Planning Board had completed the review of the application, I can honestly say all my questions and concerns had been answered.  This is something good for this community and everyone should acknowledge the efforts of Mr. Fern LaRochelle.

I was particularly impressed with the meeting.  There appeared to be no backdoor dealings, no hidden agenda or anything else like that.    It was very refreshing to see everything above board.  This is a wonderful project for the community.  Once this is completed, everyone in the community will be proud.   There are no losers here.

I want also to acknowledge the fine work Dennis Douglas did ensuring everything was complete.  Also, I want to commend the Planning Board for the excellent job they did reviewing the application but most of all I want to thank Mr. Fern LaRochelle for investing in our community.

Larry Fillmore

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Extended Weather Outlook

Extended Outlook
Today:  dry for most, pm showers west. Highs 67-75 N/S, cooler coast.
Friday;  quiet. Mtn. thunder late? Lows 51-56. Highs 77-82, cooler coast.
Saturday; scat. Pm thunder. Lows 58-63. Highs 77-82, cooler coast.
Sunday; scat pm thunder, focus inland. Lows 61-66. Highs 80-85, cooler coast.
Monday; showers, pm thunder inland. Lows 62-67. Highs 77-82, cooler coast.
Tuesday; quiet, few showers. Lows 58-65 N/S. highs 75-80.
Wednesday; quiet and dry. Lows 55-63 N/S. highs 75-80.

Thanks 'Rufe'

A Dream of Restoring Honor and Trust In Lisbon


I also attended the August 28, 2013 Appeals Board meeting, a

"PUBLIC HEARING, Case #13-1, Larochelle Properties, LLC. Variance request for front and side setbacks to allow for construction of commercial building."

The Chair of the committee, Miriam Morgan Alexander, banged the gavel that brought the meeting to order, and approximately 15 minutes later, she banged the gavel to end the meeting.

Now, I'm not saying that Mr... Larochelle should not be allowed to build on that site. The 3 buildings that were there were demolished 3 years ago, and the land has sat vacant. A new building, surely attractive, in keeping with the area, and well kept will be a welcome addition to town, not to mention the real estate taxes to be assessed and paid.

What I object to was the way the meeting was handled.
It was so obvious that approval of the project was a "done deal" before the meeting took place. 

Members of the public, citizens who  took time out of their lives to attend, were not given an opportunity to speak.

Miriam Morgan-Alexander claims to be a veteran of The United States. The military, no matter which branch, fight, and have died, for freedom for ALL Americans. Not just a chosen few. 

Last night's Appeals Board meeting was a travesty of Justice, and all who participated in it, whether there in person, or helped to perpetrate it, should be ashamed of themselves.

Yesterday commemorated Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream speech.

Well, I also have a dream.

I have a dream that some day the Town of Lisbon will get back to it's roots.

Where all residents and taxpayers are treated equal.

Where our leaders, elected and appointed, are honest and work for the good of the town and ALL it's residents.

Where all again have the freedom of speech at meetings.

Where Trust and Honor again have a place in our vocabulary.

Dot Fitzgerald
A Very Concerned Lisbon Citizen

 Thank You Dot!

Hear and Read The Words of Ron Paul OVER A YEAR AGO About a War with Syria; BrasscheckTV: Ron Paul on Syria‏ (war is a racket: when will attack Syria)

Are We on the Eve of World War III?

Is the news media asking Ron
Paul's opinion about Syria?
They surely are not. 
Here's what Paul had to say about Syria
a full year ago when Brasscheck first
ran it.  
- Brasscheck

When Will We Attack Syria?
Ron Paul Weighs 2012
- See more at:
When Will We Attack Syria?
Ron Paul Weighs 2012

The text of this speech below...
What's going on in Syria?

Ron Paul explains everything - a full year ago.

It's all about destroying Syria, re-starting the Cold War with Russia, and setting up for an attack on Iran.

Again, it's all about the oil. It's all about the oil.

What follows is the complete transcript of the speech Congressman Ron Paul gave from the floor of the US Congress on June 19 2012

Congressman Paul on intervention in Syria

Floor Speech, Syria June 19 2012

Plans, rumors, and war propaganda for attacking Syria and deposing Assad have been around for many months.

This past week however, it was reported that the Pentagon indeed has finalized plans to do just that. In my opinion, all the evidence to justify this attack is bogus. It is no more credible than the pretext given for the 2003 invasion of Iraq or the 2011 attack on Libya.

The total waste of those wars should cause us to pause before this all-out effort at occupation and regime change is initiated against Syria.

There are no national security concerns that require such a foolish escalation of violence in the Middle East. There should be no doubt that our security interests are best served by completely staying out of the internal strife now raging in Syria.

We are already too much involved in supporting the forces within Syria anxious to overthrow the current government. Without outside interference, the strife – now characterized as a civil war – would likely be non-existent.

Whether or not we attack yet another country, occupying it and setting up a new regime that we hope we can control poses a serious Constitutional question: From where does a president get such authority?

Since World War II the proper authority to go to war has been ignored. It has been replaced by international entities like the United Nations and NATO, or the President himself, while ignoring the Congress. And sadly, the people don’t object.

Our recent presidents explicitly maintain that the authority to go to war is not the U.S. Congress. This has been the case since 1950 when we were taken into war in Korea under UN Resolution and without Congressional approval.

And once again, we are about to engage in military action against Syria and at the same time irresponsibly reactivating the Cold War with Russia. We’re now engaged in a game of “chicken” with Russia which presents a much greater threat to our security than does Syria.

How would we tolerate Russia in Mexico demanding a humanitarian solution to the violence on the U.S.-Mexican border? We would consider that a legitimate concern for us. But, for us to be engaged in Syria, where the Russian have a legal naval base, is equivalent to the Russians being in our backyard in Mexico.

We are hypocritical when we condemn Russian for protecting their neighborhood interests for exactly what we have been doing ourselves, thousands of miles away from our shores. There’s no benefit for us to be picking sides, secretly providing assistance and encouraging civil strife in an effort to effect regime change in Syria.

Falsely charging the Russians with supplying military helicopters to Assad is an unnecessary provocation. Falsely blaming the Assad government for a so-called massacre perpetrated by a violent warring rebel faction is nothing more than war propaganda.

Most knowledgeable people now recognize that the planned war against Syria is merely the next step to take on the Iranian government, something the neo-cons openly admit.

Controlling Iranian oil, just as we have done in Saudi Arabia and are attempting to do in Iraq, is the real goal of the neo-conservatives who have been in charge of our foreign policy for the past couple of decades.

War is inevitable without a significant change in our foreign policy, and soon. Disagreements between our two political parties are minor. Both agree the sequestration of any war funds must be canceled. Neither side wants to abandon our aggressive and growing presence in the Middle East and South Asia.

This crisis building can easily get out of control and become a much bigger war than just another routine occupation and regime change that the American people have grown to accept or ignore.

It’s time the United States tried a policy of diplomacy, seeking peace, trade, and friendship. We must abandon our military effort to promote and secure an American empire.

Besides, we’re broke, we can’t afford it, and worst of all, we’re fulfilling the strategy laid out by Osama bin Laden whose goal had always been to bog us down in the Middle East and bring on our bankruptcy here at home.

It’s time to bring our troops home and establish a non-interventionist foreign policy, which is the only road to peace and prosperity.

This week I am introducing legislation to prohibit the Administration, absent a declaration of war by Congress, from supporting – directly or indirectly – any military or paramilitary operations in Syria. I hope my colleagues will join me in this effort.

See more at:

The text of this speech below...
What's going on in Syria?

Ron Paul explains everything - a full year ago.

It's all about destroying Syria, re-starting the Cold War with Russia, and setting up for an attack on Iran.

Again, it's all about the oil. It's all about the oil.

What follows is the complete transcript of the speech Congressman Ron Paul gave from the floor of the US Congress on June 19 2012

Congressman Paul on intervention in Syria

Floor Speech, Syria June 19 2012

Plans, rumors, and war propaganda for attacking Syria and deposing Assad have been around for many months.

This past week however, it was reported that the Pentagon indeed has finalized plans to do just that. In my opinion, all the evidence to justify this attack is bogus. It is no more credible than the pretext given for the 2003 invasion of Iraq or the 2011 attack on Libya.

The total waste of those wars should cause us to pause before this all-out effort at occupation and regime change is initiated against Syria.

There are no national security concerns that require such a foolish escalation of violence in the Middle East. There should be no doubt that our security interests are best served by completely staying out of the internal strife now raging in Syria.

We are already too much involved in supporting the forces within Syria anxious to overthrow the current government. Without outside interference, the strife – now characterized as a civil war – would likely be non-existent.

Whether or not we attack yet another country, occupying it and setting up a new regime that we hope we can control poses a serious Constitutional question: From where does a president get such authority?

Since World War II the proper authority to go to war has been ignored. It has been replaced by international entities like the United Nations and NATO, or the President himself, while ignoring the Congress. And sadly, the people don’t object.

Our recent presidents explicitly maintain that the authority to go to war is not the U.S. Congress. This has been the case since 1950 when we were taken into war in Korea under UN Resolution and without Congressional approval.

And once again, we are about to engage in military action against Syria and at the same time irresponsibly reactivating the Cold War with Russia. We’re now engaged in a game of “chicken” with Russia which presents a much greater threat to our security than does Syria.

How would we tolerate Russia in Mexico demanding a humanitarian solution to the violence on the U.S.-Mexican border? We would consider that a legitimate concern for us. But, for us to be engaged in Syria, where the Russian have a legal naval base, is equivalent to the Russians being in our backyard in Mexico.

We are hypocritical when we condemn Russian for protecting their neighborhood interests for exactly what we have been doing ourselves, thousands of miles away from our shores. There’s no benefit for us to be picking sides, secretly providing assistance and encouraging civil strife in an effort to effect regime change in Syria.

Falsely charging the Russians with supplying military helicopters to Assad is an unnecessary provocation. Falsely blaming the Assad government for a so-called massacre perpetrated by a violent warring rebel faction is nothing more than war propaganda.

Most knowledgeable people now recognize that the planned war against Syria is merely the next step to take on the Iranian government, something the neo-cons openly admit.

Controlling Iranian oil, just as we have done in Saudi Arabia and are attempting to do in Iraq, is the real goal of the neo-conservatives who have been in charge of our foreign policy for the past couple of decades.

War is inevitable without a significant change in our foreign policy, and soon. Disagreements between our two political parties are minor. Both agree the sequestration of any war funds must be canceled. Neither side wants to abandon our aggressive and growing presence in the Middle East and South Asia.

This crisis building can easily get out of control and become a much bigger war than just another routine occupation and regime change that the American people have grown to accept or ignore.

It’s time the United States tried a policy of diplomacy, seeking peace, trade, and friendship. We must abandon our military effort to promote and secure an American empire.

Besides, we’re broke, we can’t afford it, and worst of all, we’re fulfilling the strategy laid out by Osama bin Laden whose goal had always been to bog us down in the Middle East and bring on our bankruptcy here at home.

It’s time to bring our troops home and establish a non-interventionist foreign policy, which is the only road to peace and prosperity.

This week I am introducing legislation to prohibit the Administration, absent a declaration of war by Congress, from supporting – directly or indirectly – any military or paramilitary operations in Syria. I hope my colleagues will join me in this effort.
- See more at:

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Recap Appeals Board August 28, 2013

Lisbon Appeals Board Chairman Morgan-Alexander


Tonight, I attended the Appeals Board meeting.  This was without doubt the most put-up job I have ever seen.  The entire meeting lasted fifteen (15) minutes.  Chairman Miriam Morgan-Alexander proved to be qualified to join the “Good Old Boys” club.   There was absolutely no need for a meeting, wasting everyone’s time because this was predetermined.

The purpose for the meeting was to review Case #13-1 pertaining to LaRochelle Properties, LLC request for a variance for front and side setback to allow for a commercial building to be constructed at 2 Canal Street.  Mr. LaRochelle presented his case for the variance and he was the only person allowed to speak.

Lisbon Appeals Board (l to r): Morgan-Alexander, Richard Long, and Bruce Marshall

This was advertised as a “Public Hearing” but apparently Chairman Morgan-Alexander did not get the memo (See Above)However, at no time did Chairman Morgan-Alexander allow any input from the audience.  The Public was never allowed to speak. This clearly demonstrated at what length Chairman Morgan-Alexander went to in order to ensure Mr. LaRochelle's variance was approved.  Has anyone ever heard of a Public Hearing where the Public is not allowed to speak?

This clearly was a put-up job!  The Board of Appeals did not take into consideration our own ordinances on Access Management and Land Management Use.  Approval of this variance is not in accordance with the Route 196 Master Plan.  I have no idea if construction of this building will create a safety hazard by limiting vision on the curve because I was not allowed to speak.  Do we have a safety issue here? 

Larry Fillmore

How Much More Screwed Up Can We Get? GOPDD: Nuts:Department of Justice Declares Atheism a “Religious Movement,” Qualify For Same Tax Exemptions Given To Clergy…

         Hope for the Best and Change the rest, Chicago Jesus himself
By: Amy
MADISON, Wis., Aug. 26 (UPI) — The U.S. Justice Department says in a legal filing leaders of an atheist group qualify for the same housing tax exemption priests receive.
The paradoxical position comes in response to a lawsuit by the Freedom from Religion Foundation in Madison, Wis., which seeks to end the parsonage tax break granted to priests, ministers, rabbis and other clergy by the U.S. government. The tax break allows them to claim part of their income as a tax-free housing allowance.
Annie Laurie Gaylor, who receives a $15,000 housing stipend from the Freedom from Religion Foundation, is suing the federal government because she has to pay taxes on that money while “ministers of the gospel,” as the law defines priests, do not.
In response, the federal government said rather than agree to end the parsonage exemption it could be extended to Gaylor because she is the leader of a religious movement — albeit one that does not believe in God.
Legal maneuvering aside, Gaylor told The (Nashville) Tennessean the government has missed the point of her lawsuit — not to mention the fundamental difference between her atheist group and a religious order.
“We are not ministers,” she said. “We are having to tell the government the obvious — we are not a church.

WND: Watch evolutionists stumble over theory's 'proof'; Evolution vs. God

Sizzling hot DVD reveals even the faithful can't document Darwin's ideas

Atheists, evolutionists actually in a panic
Is it possible the most brilliant minds who support the theory of evolution could have their world turned upside down in just minutes?

Absolutely. You've got to see what has the atheists and scientists of this world quaking in their boots ...

Last Night's Joint Workshop‏


                         LAST NIGHT’S JOINT WORKSHOP

Last night was the first time I can remember when the Town Council sat down with the Planning Board and more importantly the members of the School Committee and their Facilities people.  Originally, the purpose of this meeting was to brief the Route 196 draft plan.  However, this turned into much more.

Lisbon Planner Amanda Bunker

This was hosted by Amanda Bunker, Town Planner, and was excellently done.  Mrs. Bunker maintained control of the workshop and facilitated a profitable meeting for all.  This was the first workshop which took input from everyone there.  The members of the Public were allowed to add input into the dialogue.  There were few members of the residents but the information provided was very well received and added to the workshop.

The most critical benefit from this group was everyone had a different priority when it comes to our tax dollars.  The town is looking to improve the appearance of the town and the school is looking to get off probation.  The biggest obstacle was how to accomplish both with the tax dollars available.  The school people listed their priorities and explained how they are trying to get everything done without raising our taxes.  The town provided the same input it always has.

There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that we have to invest money into the town in order to save it from dying.  If we do not invest in our future, it will not be too long before we have nothing.  The number one priority has to be the item that the town can receive the most return on investment regardless of the cost.  I believe this is getting the school off probation.  Mr. Don Fellows shared a conversation with someone who was thinking about moving to Lisbon but chose to go elsewhere because the school was on probation.  No one in their right mind would move to a location where their kids would have to attend a school on probation.  Our School is not on probation for its academic’s but for the gym.  There are other factors which have been addressed but the gym is the critical one.  This must be corrected immediately in order to increase our tax base.  We cannot afford to lose more families.

The price tag on the gym is estimated at $ 6.2 million which is an extremely huge amount of money we do not have.  I am sure the school/town can find grant money to help offset this amount.  Both Chairman LaRochelle and Vice Chair Ward have stated the future is in our children and that the school is the gem of the community.  Vice Chair Ward also stated that the school is a magnet to draw people to the community.  Having said this, I am confused as to why the town council is pushing the Worumbo Mill instead of getting the school off probation.  Can anyone help me with this?

This was an excellent forum and I believe it should take place once a month or at least once a quarter.  Everyone in attendance learned quite a bit of new information.  I personally believe that forums like this one will bring more people to participate.  The Public has never been allowed to participate in such a forum before and once people understand their input is going to be heard and taken into consideration in the final decision; you will have more people in attendance.

Larry Fillmore

Natural Gas Questionnaire‏

Town of Lisbon
Natural Gas Questionnaire

Please take the time to participate in a short questionnaire on Natural Gas by Friday, September 27, 2013:
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Stephen Eldridge
Town Manager

Be certain to tell them where you found this survey.  Thanks.

CAFR1: Congress Should Veto Obama's War By Patrick J. Buchanan [CAFR1 Reply]‏


CAFR1 in reply to Dick Fojot


A slight bit more complicated than: "leading us to destroy another innocent country!"

Arrogance is the Achilles heal of all tyrants. The Syria staged event per poison gas is a calculated plan by the US to draw in Iran who has a mutual defense pact with Syria.

Russia has a quasi defense pact with Syria / Iran also.

The primary trap being set is not the US plan to hit Iran, but the real trap is to allow the US to again push its arrogance of its own choice per a staged massive attack on Syria, and if done so, to cut its hands off.

What will take place if the US cruise missile attack on Syria takes place on September 1st as scheduled:

1. Russia will move massive amounts of air defense weapons into Syria to reenforce what is already there. They will also move in 35,000 Russian troops who are on standby for deployment to Syria. Escalation of attacks on Syria would then be killing Russian troops which would be a direct attack on Russia and will be responded to accordingly.

2. Two Submarines and many mobile launch vehicles are in place to launch a full 150 round volley of Russian made cruise missiles designed to take out Naval ships that have high-tech defense systems. Naval losses over the first ten days would exceed 50%.

3. Israel would become the target of massive attack and would in instant response use several (18 to 24) of their 300 + nuclear warheads targeted at Iran and Syria. Consequences there may just get that WWIII event many have projected for the last thirty-years.

End result? The arrogance of the US is snipped in the butt. Initial loss of over 150 to 300 million lives across the globe and the disruption of the world as we know it for the next 250-years.

But then most in the US do not realize this being an entertainment society. It is but a TV series of soundbite conditioned fiction entertainment and not reality whereby the only concern in many is to keep the popcorn bowl full as the next episode is watched on TV and unfolds. That mind-set conditioning in the US is a very sad and dangerous circumstance in all respects. It is a naive attribute of consequential massive death and not life.

Walter Burien -


From: "Dick Fojut"
Subject: Congress Should Veto Obama's War By Patrick J. Buchanan
Date: Wed, August 28, 2013 7:30 am
To: "Rush Limbaugh", "Walter Burien"

2003 Lies from Bush, Cheney, Israel, McCain and our Media

about non-existant weapons led us to destroy and occupy innocent Iraq!

2013 Lies from Obama, Israel, McCain and our Media

about poison gas in Syria are leading us to destroy another innocent country!

Now read Pat Buchanan's opinion...


Congress Should Veto Obama's War

By Patrick J. Buchanan

Tuesday - August 27, 2013

"Congress doesn't have a whole lot of core responsibilities," said Barack Obama last week in an astonishing remark.

For in the Constitution, Congress appears as the first branch of government. And among its enumerated powers are the power to tax, coin money, create courts, provide for the common defense, raise and support an army, maintain a navy and declare war.

But, then, perhaps Obama's contempt is justified.

For consider Congress' broad assent to news that Obama has decided to attack Syria, a nation that has not attacked us and against which Congress has never authorized a war.

Why is Obama making plans to launch cruise missiles on Syria?

According to a "senior administration official ... who insisted on anonymity," President Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons on his own people last week in the two-year-old Syrian civil war.

But who deputized the United States to walk the streets of the world pistol-whipping bad actors. Where does our imperial president come off drawing "red lines" and ordering nations not to cross them?

Neither the Security Council nor Congress nor NATO nor the Arab League has authorized war on Syria.

Who made Barack Obama the Wyatt Earp of the Global Village?

Moreover, where is the evidence that WMDs were used and that it had to be Assad who ordered them? Such an attack makes no sense.

Firing a few shells of gas at Syrian civilians was not going to advance Assad's cause but, rather, was certain to bring universal condemnation on his regime and deal cards to the War Party which wants a U.S. war on Syria as the back door to war on Iran.

Why did the United States so swiftly dismiss Assad's offer to have U.N. inspectors -- already in Damascus investigating old charges he or the rebels used poison gas -- go to the site of the latest incident?

Do we not want to know the truth?

Are we fearful the facts may turn out, as did the facts on the ground in Iraq, to contradict our latest claims about WMDs? Are we afraid that it was rebel elements or rogue Syrian soldiers who fired the gas shells to stampede us into fighting this war?

With U.S. ships moving toward Syria's coast and the McCainiacs assuring us we can smash Syria from offshore without serious injury to ourselves, why has Congress not come back to debate war?

Lest we forget, Ronald Reagan was sold the same bill of goods the War Party is selling today -- that we can intervene decisively in a Mideast civil war at little or no cost to ourselves.

Reagan listened and ordered our Marines into the middle of Lebanon's civil war.

And he was there when they brought home the 241 dead from the Beirut barracks and our dead diplomats from the Beirut embassy.

The only thing we learn from history is that we do not learn from history. Congress should cut short its five-week vacation, come back, debate and decide by recorded vote whether Obama can take us into yet another Middle East war.

The questions to which Congress needs answers:

  • Do we have incontrovertible proof that Bashar Assad ordered chemical weapons be used on his own people? And if he did not, who did?
  • What kind of reprisals might we expect if we launch cruise missiles at Syria, which is allied with Hezbollah and Iran?
  • If we attack, and Syria or its allies attack U.S. military or diplomatic missions in the Middle East or here in the United States, are we prepared for the wider war we will have started?
  • Assuming Syria responds with a counterstrike, how far are we prepared to go up the escalator to regional war? If we intervene, are we prepared for the possible defeat of the side we have chosen, which would then be seen as a strategic defeat for the United States?
  • If stung and bleeding from retaliation, are we prepared to go all the way, boots on the ground, to bring down Assad? Are we prepared to occupy Syria to prevent its falling to the Al-Nusra Front, which it may if Assad falls and we do not intervene?

The basic question that needs to be asked about this horrific attack on civilians, which appears to be gas related, is: Cui bono?

To whose benefit would the use of nerve gas on Syrian women and children redound? Certainly not Assad's, as we can see from the furor and threats against him that the use of gas has produced.

The sole beneficiary of this apparent use of poison gas against civilians in rebel-held territory appears to be the rebels, who have long sought to have us come in and fight their war.

Perhaps Congress cannot defund Obamacare. But at least they can come back to Washington and tell Obama, sinking poll numbers aside, he has no authority to drag us into another war. His Libyan adventure, which gave us the Benghazi massacre and cover-up, was his last hurrah as war president.



Dear Lisa;
When I was walking to my car last night after the Route 196 Master Plan meeting,
you were with a group of people. I was not listening to the conversation, at my age,
my hearing is not the best.
The conversation must have been about tax increases because you said, "if, they,
(taxes) go up my rent goes up. If the water bill goes up, my rent goes up."
Lisa, if only it were that easy.
Consider a property owner, working, supporting a family. Before school starts,
buying new clothes, sneakers, for school. have you ever priced kids clothes, footwear?
Food prices have increased considerably, costs more to feed a family.
The oil tank is nearly empty, need to get oil before the heating season.
Maybe your apartment is heated, so not your worry.
I used to have the oil tank filled, now get oil 100 gallons at a time.
You, your spouse, partner gets sick, your medical deductable is high.
Do you pay medical bills, the deductable, or put food on the table?
You have a busy life, work, do not go to council meetings, do not
pay attention to town affairs, thinking those who are running my town
are working hard to keep taxes down.
Than you get your tax bill in the mail. surprise! ! ! !
Why did my taxes go up so much?
My house needs to be painted.
Maybe it needs to be re-roofed, but I cannot afford to do it.
I just replaced my furnace/hot water heater. 
I cannot even afford a $100 - $200 increase in my taxes! ! ! ! ! !
So you see, Lisa, at least I hope you do/can,
everything is not so black and white.
You are furtunate that you and your partner have good jobs,
Can pay a slight increase in your rent when your landlord's
real estate taxes go up.
You are one, but there are hundreds; senior citizens who
supported your election, on fixed incomes trying to stay
in their homes;
those with families, in low paying jobs, struggling to pay the
mortgage, higher utilitity bills, feed and cloth their families,
not so fortunate.
                  THINK ABOUT IT, LISA
Dot Fitzgerald
A Very Concerned Lisbon Citizen



In September of 2005, on the first day of school, Martha Cothren, a History teacher at Robinson High School in Little Rock, did something not to be forgotten.  On the    first day of school, with the permission of the school superintendent, the principal and the building supervisor, she removed all of the desks in her classroom. When the first period kids entered the room they discovered that there were no desks.  'Ms. Cothren, where are our desks?'

She replied, 'You can't have a desk until you tell me how you earn the right to sit at a desk.'

They thought, 'Well, maybe it's our grades.'  'No,' she said.

'Maybe it's our behavior.' She told them, 'No, it's not even your behavior.'

And so, they came and went, the first period, second period, third period. Still no desks in the classroom. Kids called their parents to tell them what was happening and by early afternoon television news crews had started gathering at the school to report about this crazy teacher who had taken all the desks out of her room.

The final period of the day came and as the puzzled students found seats on the floor of the desk-less classroom. Martha Cothren said, 'Throughout the day no one has been able to tell me just what he or she has done to earn the right to sit at the desks that are ordinarily found in this classroom. Now I am going to tell you.'

At this point, Martha Cothren went over to the door of her classroom and opened it. Twenty-seven (27) U.S. Veterans, all in uniform, walked into that classroom, each one carrying a school desk. The Vets began placing the school desks in rows, and then they would walk over and stand alongside the wall. By the time the last soldier had set the final desk in place those kids started to understand, perhaps for the first time in their lives, just how the right to sit at those desks had been earned.
Martha said, 'You didn't earn the right to sit at these desks. These heroes did it for you. They placed the desks here for you. They went halfway around the world, giving up their education and interrupting their careers and families so you could have the freedom you have.  Now, it's up to you to sit in them. It is your responsibility to learn, to be good students, to be good citizens. They paid the price so that you could have the freedom to get an education. Don't ever forget it.' 
By the way, this is a true story. And this teacher was awarded Veterans of Foreign Wars Teacher of the Year for the State of Arkansas in 2006. She is the daughter of a WWII POW.

Do you think this email is worth passing along so others won't forget either, that the freedoms we have in this great country were earned by our U.S. Veterans?

Let us always remember the men and women of our military and the rights they have won for us.
Submitted by: 